- Dahl, F. 1893
- Die Halobates-Ausbeute der Plankton-Expedition
- Dahlbom, A.G. 1851
- Anteckningar öfver Insekter, som blifvit observerade på Gottland och i en del af Calmare Län, under sommaren 1850
- Dahm, E. 1972
- Zur Biologie von Notonecta glauca (Insecta, Hemiptera) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der fischereilichen Schadwirkung
- Dallas, W.S. 1852a
- List of the specimens of hemipterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part II: 369-592
- Dallas, W.S. 1852c
- Description of a new hemipterous insect forming the type of a new genus
- Dallas, W.S. 1850a
- Notice of some Hemiptera from Boutan, in the Collection of the Hon. East India Company
- Dallas, W.S. 1851b
- Note on the British species belonging to the genus Acanthosoma, Curt
- Dallas, W.S. 1852b
- Descriptions of some new species of hemipterous insects belonging to the tribe Scutata
- Dallas, W.S. 1848
- Sketch of the genus Poecilocoris, belonging to the hemipterous family Scutelleridae
- Dallas, W.S. 1850b
- Description of a new hemipterous insect, from Boutan, East Indies, forming the type of a new genus
- Dallas, W.S. 1852a
- List of the specimens of hemipterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part II: 369-592, pls XII-XV
- Dallas, W.S. 1849
- Notice of some hemipterous insects from Boutan (East Indies), with descriptions of the new species
- Dallas, W.S. 1851a
- List of the specimens of hemipterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part I: 1-368, pls I-XI
- Dalman, J.W. 1823
- Analecta Entomologica: i-vii, 1-104
- Damgaard, J. 2008c
- Phylogeny of the semiaquatic bugs (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Gerromorpha)
- Damgaard, J. 1997
- De danske vandtægers udbredelse og status (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha & Nepomorpha)
- Damgaard, J. 2008a
- MtDNA diversity and phylogeography of five Palaearctic water striders (Hemiptera-Heteroptera: Gerridae)
- Damgaard, J. 2005
- Genetic diversity, taxonomy, and phylogeography of the western Palaearctic water strider Aquarius najas (DeGeer) (Heteroptera: Gerridae)
- Damgaard, J. 2008b
- MtDNA diversity and species phylogeny of western Palaearctic members of the Gerris lacustris group (Hemiptera-Heteroptera: Gerridae) with implications for “DNA barcoding” of water striders
- Damgaard, J. 2006
- Phylogeny and mtDNA phylogeography of two widespread European pond skater species (Hemiptera-Heteroptera: Gerridae: Gerris Fabricius)
- Damgaard, J. & A.I. Cognato 2006
- Phylogeny and reclassification of species groups in Aquarius Schellenberg, Limnoporus Stål and Gerris Fabricius (Insecta: Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Gerridae)
- Damgaard, J. & F.A.H. Sperling 2001
- Phylogeny of the water strider genus Gerris Fabricius (Heteroptera: Gerridae) based on COI mtDNA, EF-1[alpha] nuclear DNA and morphology
- Damgaard, J. & H. Zettel 2003
- Genetic diversity, species phylogeny and historical biogeography of the Aquarius paludum group (Heteroptera: Gerridae)
- Damgaard, J. & V. Mahler 1995
- To nye danske vandtæger (Heteroptera, Nepomorpha)
- Damgaard, J., F.F.F. Moreirab, T.A. Weir & H. Zettel 2014
- Molecular phylogeny of the pond skaters (Gerrinae), discussion of the fossil record and a checklist of subfamily (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerridae) species assigned to the
- Damgaard, J., F.M. Buzzetti, S.A. Mazzucconi, T.A Weir & H. Zettel 2010
- A molecular phylogeny of the pan-tropical pond skater genus Limnogonus Stål 1868 (Hemiptera-Heteroptera: Gerromorpha-Gerridae)
- Damgaard, J., N.M. Andersen & F.A.H. Sperling 2000a
- Phylogeny of the water strider genus Aquarius Schellenberg (Heteroptera: Gerridae) based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences and morphology
- Damgaard, J., N.M. Andersen, L. Cheng & F.A.H. Sperling 2000b
- Phylogeny of sea skaters, Halobates Eschscholtz (Hemiptera, Gerridae), based on mtDNA sequence and morphology
- Damgaard, J., P. Moulet, H. Ghahari & J.E. McPherson 2024
- Family Ceratocombidae. In: Ghahari, H., P. Moulet & J.E. McPherson (eds). True bugs (Heteroptera) of the Middle-East: 65-68. Springer.
- Dang, K., C.R. Li & Bu 2012
- Four new species of Penottus Distant (Hemiptera: Tingidae) from China
- Danilovitsh, L.P. 1975
- Distribution and geographical variability of Odontoscelis fuliginosa L. and O. byrrhus Seid. (Heteroptera, Scutelleridae)
- Das, S.S.M. & D.P. Ambrose 2008
- Redescription, biology and behaviour of a harpactorine assassin bug Vesbius sanguinosus Stal (Insecta, Hemiptera, Reduviidae)
- Daumal, J. 1968
- Méthode d'élevage de Cardiastethus nazarenus Reuter (Hemipt. Anthocoridae) aux dépens des oeufs d'Anagasta kuehniella Z. (Lepidopt. Pyralidae)
- Dauphin, P. 1988
- Observations sur Hyalochilus ovatulus Costa (Hét. Lygaeidae)
- Dauphin, P. 1986
- Sur la biologie et la répartition de Derephysia sinuatocollis Puton (Het. Tingidae)
- Dauphin, P. 1990
- Observations sur la biologie et les premiers états de Leptopus marmoratus Goeze (Hem. Leptopodidae)
- Dauphin, P. 1987
- Morphologie et biologie des derniers stades larvaires de Derephysia sinuatocollis Puton (Het. Tingidae)
- Dautbašić, M., K. Zahirović, O. Mujezinović & J. Margaletić 2018
- First record of Oak Lace Bug (Corythucha arcuata) in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Davideanu, A., B. Kis & G. Davideanu 2000
- Aquatic Heteroptera, new species for Romanian fauna
- Davideanu, A., G. Davideanu, D. Ilie & B. Kis 2004
- Family Gerridae Leach 1807 (Insecta, Heteroptera), in Romania
- Davidová-Vilímová, J. 1997
- First report of Metapterus linearis from Slovakia (Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Emesiinae)
- Davidová-Vilímová, J. 1992
- Ontogeny of three European Coptosoma species (Heteroptera: Plataspidae)
- Davidová-Vilímová, J. 2006
- Family Plataspidae Dallas, 1851. In: Aukema, B. & Chr. Rieger (eds). Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Volume 5. Pentatomomorpha II: 150-181
- Davidová-Vilímová, J. 1996
- Occurrence of Ancyrosoma leucogrammes (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Podopinae) in Slovakia
- Davidová-Vilímová, J. & P. Kment 2003
- Review of the distribution and habitat preference of the genus Metapterus (Heteroptera: Reduviidae)
- Davidová-Vilímová, J. & P. Štys 1982
- Bionomics of European Coptosoma species (Heteroptera, Plataspidae)
- Davidová-Vilímová, J. & P. Štys 1994
- Diversity and variation of trichobothrial patterns in adult Podopinae (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
- Davidová-Vilímová, J. & P. Štys 1980
- Taxonomy and phylogeny of West Palaearctic Plataspidae (Heteroptera)
- Davidová-Vilímová, J., M. Nejedlá & C.W. Schaefer 2000
- Dorso-abdominal scent glands and metathoracic evaporatoria in adults of central European Rhopalidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera), with a discussion of phylogeny and higher systematics
- Davis, N.T. 1969
- Contribution to the morphology and phylogeny of Reduvioidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). IV. The Harpactoroid complex
- Davis, N.T. & R.L. Usinger 1970
- The biology and relationship of the Joppeicidae (Heteroptera)
- Davletshina, A.G., G.A. Avanesova & A. Saparbekov 1984
- Entomological complexes of principal biocenoses of the Dzhizak steppe
- Davletshina, A.G., G.A. Avanesova & A.K. Mansurov 1979
- Entomofauna of the south-western Kyzylkum: 1-128
- Davranoglou L.-R., P. Baňař, C. M. Schlepütz, B. Mortimer & G.K. Taylor 2017
- The pregenital abdomen of Enicocephalomorpha and morphological evidence for different modes of communication at the dawn of heteropteran evolution
- Davranoglou, L.-R. & I. Karaouzas 2021
- Further distributional records of Lethocerus patruelis (Stål, 1854) (Heteroptera: Belostomatidae) in Greece
- Davranoglou, L.-R., N. Cheiladakis & C. Makris 2012
- First record of the broad-headed bug Nemausus sordidatus (Stål, 1858) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Alydidae) from Greece and Cyprus
- Davranoglou, L.-R., P. Baňař, D. Suárez, S. Martín & M. Naranjo 2022
- A new cavernicolous assassin bug from the Canary Islands (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Emesinae: Collartidini)
- Davranoglou, L.R. 2011
- First records of Metapterus caspicus from Greece (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Emesinae)
- Davranoglu, L.-R. & V. Koutsoukos 2018
- First record of the Nearctic sycamore seed bug Belonochilus numenius (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) from Greece
- De Carlo, J.A. 1938
- Los Belostómidos Americanos (Hemiptera)
- De Carlo, J.A. 1971
- Valor sistemático del estudio del aparato genital macho en los Hemipteros acuáticos y semiacuáticos. División de la familia Naucoridae en dos familias. Característica externa de la cápsula genital
- De Geer, C. 1773
- Mémoires pour servir a l'histoire des Insectes. III: i-viii, 1-696
- De Natale, G. 1850
- Descrizioni zoologiche d'una nuova specie di Ploiaria e di alcuni crostacei del porto di Messina [not paginated]
- De Silva, M.D. 1957
- A new species of Helopeltis (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Miridae) found in Ceylon
- Deckert, J. 1985
- Über Lygaeus simulans spec. nov. und L. equestris (Linnaeus, 1758), zwei nahe verwandte paläarktische Lygaeinae (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae)
- Deckert, J. 1995
- Die Arten der Lygaeinae-Gattung Apterola Mulsant & Rey (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae)
- Deckert, J. 1990
- Zum Bau von Parameren, Phallus und Pygophore der Lygaeinae und Bemerkungen zur Systematik der Unterfamilie (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae)
- Deckert, J. 2001
- Lebensdaten und Heteroptera-Sammlung des Felix von Baerensprung (1822-1864)
- Deckert, J. 2012
- An aposematic coloured Lygaeinae from Socotra (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae)
- Deckert, J. 1991
- Zur Morphologie und systematischen Stellung von Microcaenocoris nanus Breddin, 1900 (Heteroptera, Lygaeinae)
- Deckert, J. & A.C. Eyles 2002
- Notes on African Dieuches and related Rhyparochromini with description of one new species (Hemiptera, Lygaeoidea, Rhyparochromidae)
- Deckert, J. & U. Göllner-Scheiding 2006
- Lace bugs of Namibia (Heteroptera, Tingoidea, Tingidae)
- Décu, V., M. Gruia, S.L. Keffer & S.M. Sarbu 1994
- A stygiobiotic waterscorpion, Nepa anophthalma n. sp. (Heteroptera: Nepidae), from a sulfurous cave in Romania
- Deghiche-Diab, N., F. Porcelli & M. Belhamra 2015
- Entomofauna of Ziban Oasis, Biskra, Algeria
- Del Bene, G. & D. Pluot-Sigwalt 2005
- Stephanitis pyrioides (Scott) (Heteroptera Tingidae): a lace bug new to Italy
- Del Ponte, E. 1930
- Catálogo descriptivo de los géneros Triatoma Lap., Rhodnius Stål y Eratyrus Stål
- Delamare Deboutteville, C. & R. Paulian 1952
- III. Hémiptères
- Delattre, R. 1951
- Description de nouveaux Miridae africains (Hem. Heter.)
- Delcourt, A. 1909
- Recherches sur la variabilitié du genre "Notonecta"
- Demchenko, N.Yu. 2004
- Lygus adspersus (Schilling, 1837) is a synonym of L. gemellatus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Demetriou, J., C. Makris & L.R. Davranoglou 2023
- First record of Thaumastocoris peregrinus (Hemiptera, Thaumastocoridae) in Cyprus
- Den Doop, J.E.A. 1919
- Gallobelicus nicotianae Koningsberger
- Denton, J. 2018
- Oxycarenus modestus (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae) new to Britain from Middlesex
- Denton, J.S. 2001
- Notes on the ecology of Sigara venusta (Douglas & Scott) (Hem., Corixidae)
- Derksen, W. & U. Göllner-Scheiding 1968
- Index Litteraturae entomologicae. Serie II. Die Welt-Literatur über die gesamte Entomologie von 1864 bis 1900. 3: 1-528
- Derksen, W. & U. Göllner-Scheiding 1963
- Index Litteraturae entomologicae. Serie II. Die Welt-Literatur über die gesamte Entomologie von 1864 bis 1900. 1: i-xii, 1-697
- Derksen, W. & U. Göllner-Scheiding 1972
- Index Litteraturae entomologicae. Serie II. Die Welt-Literatur über die gesamte Entomologie von 1864 bis 1900. 4: 1-482
- Derksen, W. & U. Göllner-Scheiding 1965
- Index Litteraturae entomologicae. Serie II. Die Welt-Literatur über die gesamte Entomologie von 1864 bis 1900. 2: 1-678
- Derksen, W. & U. Göllner-Scheiding 1975
- Index Litteraturae entomologicae. Serie II. Die Welt-Literatur über die gesamte Entomologie von 1864 bis 1900. 5 (Index): 1-1979
- Derzhanskiy, V.V. 1987
- New and rare species of bugs (Heteroptera) in Moldavia
- Derzhanskiy, V.V. 1984
- The fauna of aquatic bugs (Heteroptera) of Moldavia
- Derzhanskiy, V.V. 1985a
- Shore bugs (Heteroptera, Saldidae) of the fauna of Moldavia
- Derzhansky [as Derjanschi], V.V. & J. Péricart 2005
- Hémiptères Pentatomoidea Euro-Méditerranéens. 1. Généralités. Systématique: première partie
- Derzhansky, V. 2010
- Additional data to the fauna of Heteroptera (Insecta: Hemiptera) from the Republic of Moldova
- Derzhansky, V. 2007
- Tigrul platanului Corythucha ciliata Say (Heteroptera, Tingidae) - specie nouă pentru fauna Republicii Moldova
- Derzhansky, V., J. Péricart & D. Pluot-Sigwalt 2007
- Notes on synonymy and distribution of some species of the genus Aelia (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
- Derzhansky, V.V. 1995a
- Completare la fauna heteropterelor (Hemiptera) din Republica Moldova
- Derzhansky, V.V. 1990
- Shield bugs of the genus Carpocoris Kol. (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) of the fauna of the USSR
- Derzhansky, V.V. 2000
- A review of shield bugs of the genus Podops Lap. (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) of Russia and neighbouring countries
- Derzhansky, V.V. 1995b
- Species of the genus Menaccarus in the fauna of the former USSR (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
- Derzhansky, V.V. 2003
- New synonyms of Neottiglossa leporina and Eysarcoris ventralis (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
- Derzhansky, V.V. 1994
- Shield bugs of the genus Sciocoris (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) in Russia and adjacent countries
- Derzhansky, V.V. 1997
- List of the Heteroptera of the Republic of Moldova: 1-23
- Derzhansky, V.V. 1985b
- True bugs (Heteroptera) of Moldavia: 1-21
- Derzhansky, V.V. & A. Matocq 2005
- Contribuţii la cunoaşterea faunei heteropterelor (Insecta, Hemiptera) din Republica Moldova
- Derzhansky, V.V. & D. Pluot-Sigwalt 2003
- Lectotype designations for some Palaearctic Aeliini (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
- Derzhansky, V.V. & D. Pluot-Sigwalt 2006
- Some new synonymies in the genus Aelia (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
- Derzhansky, V.V., I.M. Kerzhner & L.P. Danilovich 2002
- Holotypes and lectotypes of Palaearctic Pentatomoidea in the collection of the Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg (Heteroptera)
- Desjardins, J.F. 1837
- Note sur un Insecte nouveau faisant partie de la Faune de l'Ile Maurice
- Desmarest, E. 1849
- Zicrona
- Desmarest, E. 1844b
- Enoplops
- Desmarest, E. 1844c
- Diploxys
- Desmarest, E. 1844a
- Euagoras
- Dethier, M. 2001
- Présence de Sigara dorsalis (Leach, 1817) en Suisse (Heteroptera Corixidae)
- Dethier, M. 1973
- Les Hétéroptères aquatiques de la collection Cerutti
- Dethier, M. 1974
- Révision des Hétéroptères décrits par Cerutti
- Dethier, M. & F. Chérot 1997
- Nouvelles recherches sur les Hétéroptères de la Montagne St Pierre et note sur les Globiceps (Miridae)
- Dethier, M. & J. Péricart 1988
- Les Hétéroptères Nabidae de Suisse
- Dethier, M. & J. Péricart 1990
- Les Héteroptères Leptopodomorpha de Suisse
- Dethier, M. & R. Bosmans 1979
- Les Hétéroptères aquatiques de Belgique
- Dethier, M. & R. Delarze 1984
- Hétéroptères nouveaux ou intéressants pour la faune suisse
- Dethier, M. & R. Wahis 1997
- Hétéroptères récoltés au Maroc (Missions Calypso 1994 et 1995)
- Dethier, M. & W. Matthey 1977
- Contribution à la connaisance des Hétéroptères aquatiques de Suisse
- Dey, S.K. & T. Wangdi 1990
- Banding patterns of the holocentric chromosomes in some species of Heteroptera
- Dey, S.K. & T. Wangdi 1985
- Meiotic chromosomes and sex mechanism in males of 12 species of Heteroptera
- Dey, S.K. & T. Wangdi 1988
- Chromosomes number and sex chromosome system in fourty-four species of Heteroptera
- Dhiman, S.C. 1992
- Biology of Metacanthus pulchellus Dall. (Heteroptera: Berytidae) on bottle gourd
- Dhiman, S.C. & G.D. Garg 1983
- Effects of some climatic factors on the occurence of Metacanthus pulchellus Dall. (Heteroptera-Berytidae)
- Di Giulo, M., R. Heckmann & A. Schwab 2000
- The bug fauna (Heteroptera) of agricultural grasslands in the Schaffhauser Randen (SH) and Rottal (LU), Switzerland, with updated checklists of Heteroptera of the Cantons Luzern and Schaffhausen
- Ding, J.H. & G.Q. Liu 2005
- One newly recorded genus Heteroptera Stål (Hemiptera: Naucoridae) from China
- Dioli P. & F. Rodríguez Luque 2018
- Confermeta la presenza in Spagna di Ectomocoris chiragra (Fabricius, 1803) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae)
- Dioli, P. 1982
- Eterotteri del Friuli-Venezia Giulia. 2. Interessanti Emesini dei dintorni di Grado (Hemiptera Heteroptera)
- Dioli, P. 1993
- Spedizione alpinistico-scientifica "Progetto Alpi Albanesi 1993". I. Ischnonyctes barbarus (Lucas, 1849) nuovo per i Balcani (Insecta, Heteroptera, Reduviidae) e osservazioni sui Metapterini Stål, 1874 Europei
- Dioli, P. 2021a
- Phimodera flori Fieber, found in Greece on Mount Olympus, new to the Balkan Peninsula (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Scutelleridae)
- Dioli, P. 2014a
- Brachyarthrum limitatum Fieber (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) new to Southern Europe
- Dioli, P. 2015a
- Reduviidae nuovi per l'Italia nord-orientale nelle collezioni del Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale (Hexapoda: Heteroptera, Reduviida)
- Dioli, P. 2012
- Schidium (Jordischidium) ribesi, nuova specie di un nuovo sottogenere palearctico (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae)
- Dioli, P. 2014b
- Presenza in Italia di Nagusta goedelii (Kolenati, 1857) e note sulla sua biologia ed ecologia
- Dioli, P. 1989
- Schidium palinuri n. sp., eterottero reduvide appartenente ad un genere nuovo per la fauna Italiana (Heteroptera Reduviidae Emesinae)
- Dioli, P. 1994
- Notonecta lutea Müller, 1776, nuova per la fauna Italiana e osservazioni su N. reuteri Hungerford, 1928 e su N. pallidula Poisson, 1926 (Heteroptera Notonectidae)
- Dioli, P. 2013
- 133 – Zelus renardii (Kolenati, 1856) (Insecta Heteroptera Reduviidae
- Dioli, P. 1990
- Rhinocoris iracundus (Poda, 1761) e Rhinocoris rubricus (Germar, 1816) in Valtellina (Insecta, Heteroptera, Reduviidae)
- Dioli, P. & A. Girodo 2013
- Phimodera flori Fieber 1863 nelle Alpi tra Francia e Italia (Insecta, Heteroptera, Scutelleridae)
- Dioli, P. & F. Samaritakis 2021
- Camponotidea fieberi Reuter, 1879 (Hemiptera: Miridae), a genus and species new for the Island of Crete
- Dioli, P. & G. Lai 2018
- Prima segnalazione per la Sardegna di Pinalitus conspurcatus (Reuter, 1875) e note sulla sua distribuzione e biologia (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Dioli, P. & I. Ozgen 2018
- Rhyparochromus tisifone Linnavuori 1990, first record for Turkey (Heteroptera, Rhyparochromidae)
- Dioli, P. & I. Ozgen 2018
- A rare and less known Pentatomidae in Turkey: Tshigisella bella Kiritshenko, 1913
- Dioli, P. & J. Tomàs 2018
- New data about the distribution of Reduvius carinatus Reuter, 1892 (Heteroptera, Reduviidae) in Spain
- Dioli, P. & L. Vivas 2012
- Strongylocoris erythroleptus Costa, 1853, mírido nuevo para la fauna española (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Dioli, P. & M. Salveti 2012
- Aradus bimaculatus Reuter, 1872, nuovo in Italia (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Aradidae)
- Dioli, P. & M. Salvetti 2021
- Ligeidi nuovi per la Liguria e nuove segnalazioni in Italia e Portogallo (Madera) (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae)
- Dioli, P. & T. van der Heyden 2022
- Plant bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) new in Albania and Kosovo
- Dioli, P., B. Çerçi & F. Pititto 2020
- First record of Holotrichius spinicollis Reuter, 1891 in Italy (Heteroptera, Reduviidae)
- Dioli, P., E. Pascotto & M. Uliana 2021
- Amnestus pusillus Uhler, 1876 new to Europe found in Italy (Heteroptera: Cydnidae)
- Dioli, P., E.S. Mauri & M. Salvetti 2022
- Corythucha marmorata (Uhler, 1878), nuova specie aliena in Europa, trovata nel Nord-Italia (Hemiptera, Tingidae).
- Dioli, P., I. Kruys & M. Salvetti 2021
- Nariscus spinosus (Burmeister, 1835) an African squash bug new for Gran Canaria island, Spain (Heteroptera: Alydidae)
- Dioli, P., L. Lenzini & M. Salvetti 2021
- Sulla presenza in Italia, Spagna e Portogallo di Tempyra biguttula Stål, 1874 (Heteroptera, Rhyparochromidae)
- Dioli, P., P. Leo & L. Maistrello 2016
- Prime segnalazioni in Spagna e in Sardegna della specie aliena Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) e note sulla sua distribuzione in Europa (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae)
- Dioli, P., P. Moulet & H. Ghahari 2020
- New genus and species record of Sphedanolestes annulatus Linnavuori (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) for Iran and Jordan
- Dioli, P., R. Paolinelli & M. Salveti 2020
- Sphedanolestes cingulatus (Fieber, 1864), endemico dell’Italia peninsulare, trovato nel Parco del Ticino e nel Genovese (Hemiptera: Reduviidae)
- Dioli, P., S. Brizio & M. Salvetti 2019
- Spilostethus furcula (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1850) nuovo per l’Italia, su coltivazione di Pomodoro “Pollicino ibrido” (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae)
- Dioli, P., S. Gil & M. Salvetti 2021
- Prima segnalazione in Europa della specie aliena Nemausus inornatus (Stål, 1858) rinvenuta in Spagna sud-orientale (Hemiptera: Alydidae)
- Direction 1 1954
- Addition to the Official Lists and Official Indexes of certain scientific names and of the titles of certain books dealt with in Opinions 182 to 194
- Direction 109 1981
- Seven family-group names in Insecta Heteroptera placed on the Official List
- Direction 4 1954
- Addition to the "Official Lists" and "Official Indexes" of certain scientific names and of the title of certain books dealt with in "Opinions" 134-160, exclusive of "Opinion" 149
- Direction 63 1957
- Completion and in certain cases correction of entries relating to the name of genera belonging to the Class Insecta made in the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology in the period up to the end of 1936
- Dispons, P. 1971
- Etude sur les Reduviidae de l'Université Humboldt de Berlin
- Dispons, P. 1964d
- Les Holotrichius paléarctiques orientaux (Hemiptera Heteroptera Reduviidae)
- Dispons, P. 1969b
- Commentaires sur certains Emesinae de la tribu Metapterini Stål (Hem. Heter. Reduviidae)
- Dispons, P. 1958
- Deux espèces nouvelles du genre Empicoris Wolff (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Emesinae)
- Dispons, P. 1963d
- Notes sur les Coranus sahariens (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Reduviidae)
- Dispons, P. 1954a
- Observations sur les Emesinae d'Afrique du Nord (Ploearia et Ischnonyctes) (Hem. Reduviidae)
- Dispons, P. 1965b
- Description de Stenolemini d'Espagne et de France (Hemiptera Heteroptera Reduviidae Emesinae)
- Dispons, P. 1962b
- Déterminations commentées: Stenopodinae palestiniens (Hem. Heteroptera, Reduviidae)
- Dispons, P. 1960c
- L'oeuf de Rhinocoris cuspidatus Ribaut (Hemiptera Heteroptera Reduviidae)
- Dispons, P. 1963g
- Les Mictini Asiatiques (Hem., Het. Coreidae). La lignée Helcomeria (2ème partie)
- Dispons, P. 1955a
- Les Réduviides de l'Afrique nord-occidentale. Biologie et Biogeographie
- Dispons, P. 1966
- Holoptilinae nouveaux du genre Putoniola Bergroth (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Reduviidae)
- Dispons, P. 1963b
- La biologie du genre Empicoris Wolff. Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Reduviidae (Emesinae, Stenolaemini)
- Dispons, P. 1951b
- Révision du genre Amphibolus Klug (Hem. Reduviidae) en Afrique du Nord
- Dispons, P. 1964g
- Les Hétéroptères de Reggan (Hemiptera Heteroptera)
- Dispons, P. 1961b
- Etude critique d'Holotrichius luctuosus (Mulsant et Mayet). Synopsis des Holotrichius eurafricains (Hemiptera Heteroptera Reduviidae)
- Dispons, P. 1970a
- Essai sur la classification des Emesinae à l'état imaginal et à l'état larvaire (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Reduviidae)
- Dispons, P. 1964b
- Contribution à la connaissance de Ploearia putoni Noualhier (Het. Reduviidae Emesinae)
- Dispons, P. 1968c
- Commentaires sur les Harpactorinae de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique (Hemiptera-Heteroptera: Reduviidae)
- Dispons, P. 1965c
- Trois réduviides déserticoles nouveaux (Hemiptera Heteroptera)
- Dispons, P. 1962c
- Les Mictini Asiatiques (Hem., Het. Coreidae). La lignée Helcomeria
- Dispons, P. 1964e
- Les Oncocephalus du Baluchistan Iranien (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Reduviidae)
- Dispons, P. 1969c
- Les Piratinae de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Reduviidae)
- Dispons, P. 1960a
- Commentaires sur la famille des Reduviidae (Hemiptera Heteroptera)
- Dispons, P. 1963e
- Un Harpactoriné nouveau du Maroc: Coranus lindbergi (Heteroptera Reduviidae)
- Dispons, P. 1954b
- Les Coranus d'Europe et d'Afrique nord-occidentale (Hem. Reduviidae)
- Dispons, P. 1950
- Révision des Oncocephalus de l'Afrique du Nord (Hem., Reduviidae)
- Dispons, P. 1960d
- Une nouvelle espèce de Sphedanolestes et ses variétés (Het. Reduviidae)
- Dispons, P. 1963h
- Les Mictini Asiatiques (Hem., Het. Coreidae). La lignée Pterygomia
- Dispons, P. 1955b
- Observations sur la ponte de Rhinocoris erythropus (L.)
- Dispons, P. 1968a
- Sur quelques Oncocephalus Klug de l'Université Humboldt (Zoologisches Museum) de Berlin (Heteroptera Reduviidae Stenopodinae)
- Dispons, P. 1969a
- L'oeuf et la larve de Stenolemus novaki Horváth (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Reduviidae, Emesinae)
- Dispons, P. 1963c
- Reduvius ephebus nov. sp. (Hem. Heteroptera Reduviidae)
- Dispons, P. 1953
- Etude sur le genre Ischnonyctes Stål. Biologie d'Ischnonyctes barbarus (Lucas) (Hemiptera Emesinae)
- Dispons, P. 1965a
- Une nouvelle espèce de Neocentrocnemis Miller (Het. Reduviidae Centrocneminae)
- Dispons, P. 1962a
- Contribution à l'étude des Réduviidés (Hem.) du Proche-Orient
- Dispons, P. 1970b
- Contribution à l'étude de la faune de l'Irak. Reduviidae (Hem. Heteroptera)
- Dispons, P. 1964c
- Un Holoptiné [sic] iranien, Putoniola kermana nov. sp.. Notes de biologie et de biogéographie sur les Holoptilinés (Hem. Het., Reduviidae)
- Dispons, P. 1963f
- Un Lygaeidé Oxycareninae nouveau du Tibesti: Garamans miréi n.g., n.sp. (Heteroptera)
- Dispons, P. 1954c
- Coranus zibanicus nov. sp. (Hem. Reduviidae)
- Dispons, P. 1965d
- Remarques sur Oncocephalus acutangulus Reuter (Hemiptera Heteroptera Reduviidae)
- Dispons, P. 1963a
- Emesinae et Saicinae du Maroc (Hemiptera Heteroptera Reduviidae)
- Dispons, P. 1964f
- Notes sur des Rhinocoris paléarctiques orientaux (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Reduviidae)
- Dispons, P. 1960b
- Ploearia sudanica, nov. sp. (Hemiptera Heteroptera: Reduviidae Emesinae)
- Dispons, P. 1951a
- Un Ploearia nouveau de l'Afrique du Nord (Hemiptera, Reduviidae)
- Dispons, P. 1961a
- Notes d'entomologie saharienne (Hem. Heteroptera)
- Dispons, P. 1969d
- Note sur le genre Isyndus Stål (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Reduviidae, Harpactorinae)
- Dispons, P. 1964a
- Emesinae d'Israël (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Reduviidae)
- Dispons, P. 1968b
- Révision synonymique d'espèces paléarctiques de genre Oncocephalus Klug (Hemiptera Heteroptera Reduviidae Stenopodinae)
- Dispons, P. & A. Villiers 1967
- Contribution à la faune de l'Iran. 2. Hémiptères Reduviidae
- Dispons, P. & W. Stichel 1959
- Fam. Reduviidae Lt. In: W. Stichel. Illustrierte Bestimmungstabellen der Wanzen. II. Europa (Hemiptera-Heteroptera Europae) 3: 81-185
- Distant, W.L. 1918c
- The Heteroptera of Indo-China
- Distant, W.L. 1910b
- Rhynchota Philippinensia. Part I
- Distant, W.L. 1909i
- VIII. Descriptions of two new species of Rhynchota from Bengal
- Distant, W.L. 1883b
- Rhynchota Heteroptera. I: 225-264
- Distant, W.L. 1914b
- Report on the Rhynchota collected by the Wollaston Expedition in Dutch New Guinea
- Distant, W.L. 1893c
- Descriptions of four new species of Scutellerinae
- Distant, W.L. 1881a
- Notes on a small collection of Rhynchota from Tokei, Japan
- Distant, W.L. 1902e
- Descriptions of new species of South African Rhynchota
- Distant, W.L. 1900f
- Rhynchotal notes.- IV. Heteroptera: Pentatominae (part)
- Distant, W.L. 1904c
- On South African Tingitidae and other Heteropterous Rhynchota
- Distant, W.L. 1901k
- On a few undescribed Rhynchota. Fam. Pentatomidae
- Distant, W.L. 1909b
- Rhynchota (Heteroptera) from British India
- Distant, W.L. 1903f
- Rhynchotal notes. XVII. Heteroptera: Family Reduviidae (continued)
- Distant, W.L. 1911a
- The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Rhynchota. Vol. V. Heteroptera: Appendix (1910): i-xii, 1-362
- Distant, W.L. 1906c
- Oriental Heteroptera
- Distant, W.L. 1903a
- Contributions to a knowledge of the Rhynchota
- Distant, W.L. 1901b
- Rhynchotal notes.- XI. Heteroptera: Fam. Lygaeidae
- Distant, W.L. 1904f
- Rhynchotal notes.- XXI. Heteroptera. Fam. Capsidae (Part II)
- Distant, W.L. 1902c
- Rhynchotal notes. XV. Heteroptera: Family Reduviidae (continued), Piratinae and Ectrichodiinae
- Distant, W.L. 1909e
- Rhynchotal notes. LXV. Oriental Rhynchota Heteroptera
- Distant, W.L. 1904a
- The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Rhynchota. Vol. II. (Heteroptera) (2): x-xviii, 243-503
- Distant, W.L. 1921
- The Heteroptera of Indo-China
- Distant, W.L. 1911d
- Rhynchotal notes.- LIV. Pentatomidae from various regions
- Distant, W.L. 1892a
- Rhynchota
- Distant, W.L. 1879a
- Descriptions of new species of Hemiptera, collected by Dr. Stoliczka during the Forsyth Expedition to Kashgar in 1873-1874
- Distant, W.L. 1919b
- The Heteroptera of Indo-China, Family Reduviidae
- Distant, W.L. 1900a
- Rhynchotal notes.- VII. Heteroptera: Fam. Coreidae
- Distant, W.L. 1887
- Contributions to a knowledge of Oriental Rhynchota. Part 1. Fam. Pentatomidae
- Distant, W.L. 1901g
- Contributions to a knowledge of the Rhynchota
- Distant, W.L. 1893e
- On some allied Pentatomidae, with synonymical notes
- Distant, W.L. 1892d
- Notes on Ethiopian Rhynchota
- Distant, W.L. 1880b
- Notes on exotic Rhynchota, with descriptions of new species
- Distant, W.L. 1920a
- The Rhynchota Heteroptera (Notonectidae & Corixidae) of Seistan
- Distant, W.L. 1900d
- Rhynchotal notes.- IV. Heteroptera: Pentatominae (part) (Concluded)
- Distant, W.L. 1889b
- Order Rhynchota
- Distant, W.L. 1901j
- Revision of the Rhynchota belonging to the family Pentatomidae in the Hope collection at Oxford
- Distant, W.L. 1899b
- Rhynchotal notes.- III Heteroptera: Discocephalinae and Pentatominae (part)
- Distant, W.L. 1908b
- Descriptions of some Rhynchota from Ruwenzori
- Distant, W.L. 1903d
- Rhynchotal notes. XIX
- Distant, W.L. 1910e
- Rhynchotal notes.- LI. African Pentatomidae
- Distant, W.L. 1906a
- The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Rhynchota. Vol. III. (Heteroptera-Homoptera): i-xiv, 1-503
- Distant, W.L. 1918b
- Contribution to a further knowledge of the rhynchotal family Lygaeidae
- Distant, W.L. 1909h
- Rhynchotal notes. XLVIII [= XLVII]. Heteroptera. Fam. Lygaeidae. Oriental genera and species
- Distant, W.L. 1882b
- Description of a new species of Pentatomidae from Japan
- Distant, W.L. 1913b
- Contributions to a knowledge of Oriental Rhynchota
- Distant, W.L. 1911b
- Rhynchota Indica (Heteroptera)
- Distant, W.L. 1906d
- On some Ethiopian Rhynchota, and synonymical notes
- Distant, W.L. 1918d
- Descriptions of some Capsidae from the Belgian Congo
- Distant, W.L. 1910c
- Descriptions of Oriental Capsidae
- Distant, W.L. 1884a
- Rhynchota Heteroptera. I: 265-304
- Distant, W.L. 1901e
- Rhynchotal notes.- VIII. Heteroptera: Fam. Coreidae
- Distant, W.L. 1893c
- On some Coreidae of the order Rhynchota
- Distant, W.L. 1902f
- Rhynchotal notes.- XII. Heteroptera. Fam. Pyrrhocoridae
- Distant, W.L. 1900g
- Undescribed African Rhynchota
- Distant, W.L. 1904d
- Rhynchotal Notes. XXV. Heteroptera. Fam. Anthocoridae
- Distant, W.L. 1902a
- The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Rhynchota. Vol. I (Heteroptera): i-xxviii, 1-438
- Distant, W.L. 1909c
- New Oriental Tingididae
- Distant, W.L. 1903g
- On some undescribed Rhynchota
- Distant, W.L. 1901h
- Notes and descriptions relating to some Plataspinae and Graphosominae (Rhynchota)
- Distant, W.L. 1898
- Rhynchota from the Transvaal, Mashonaland, and British Nyasaland
- Distant, W.L. 1903b
- The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Rhynchota. Vol. II. (Heteroptera) (1): i-x, 1-242
- Distant, W.L. 1901c
- Rhynchotal notes.- IX. Heteroptera: Fam. Coreidae
- Distant, W.L. 1904g
- Rhynchotal notes.- XXII. Heteroptera from North Queensland
- Distant, W.L. 1902d
- Rhynchotal notes. XIV. Heteroptera: Families Hydrometridae, Henicocephalidae and Reduviidae (part.)
- Distant, W.L. 1915
- A few undescribed Rhynchota
- Distant, W.L. 1909f
- ‘Sealark' Rhynchota
- Distant, W.L. 1881b
- Additions to the rhynchotal fauna of the Ethiopian region
- Distant, W.L. 1912
- An examination of the Rhynchota collected during the expedition of the British Ornithologists' Union to central Dutch New Guinea
- Distant, W.L. 1892b
- A naturalist in the Transvaal: i-xvi, 1-277. Porter,
- Distant, W.L. 1879b
- Hemiptera from the north-eastern frontier of India
- Distant, W.L. 1919c
- A new Lygaeid bug found among stored rice in Java
- Distant, W.L. 1900b
- Rhynchotal notes.- VI. Heteroptera: Dinidorinae, Phyllocephalinae, Urolabidinae, and Acanthosominae
- Distant, W.L. 1888
- An enumeration of the Rhynchota received from Baron von Müller, and collected by Mr. Sayer in New Guinea during Mr. Cuthbertson's Expedition
- Distant, W.L. 1883a
- First report on the Rhynchota collected in Japan by Mr. George Lewis
- Distant, W.L. 1914a
- Rhynchota from New Caledonia and the surrounding islands
- Distant, W.L. 1893a
- Rhynchota Heteroptera. I: i-xx, 369-462
- Distant, W.L. 1880c
- Insecta. Rhynchota, Hemiptera-Heteroptera
- Distant, W.L. 1920b
- Rhynchota from New Caledonia. Part I. Heteroptera
- Distant, W.L. 1900e
- Undescribed genera and species belonging to the rhynchotal family Pentatomidae
- Distant, W.L. 1890
- Descriptions of some new species of Chinese Rhynchota
- Distant, W.L. 1904b
- New Rhynchota-Cryptocerata
- Distant, W.L. 1901j
- Revision of the Rhynchota belonging to the family Pentatomidae in the Hope collection at Oxford
- Distant, W.L. 1909a
- Oriental Rhynchota Heteroptera
- Distant, W.L. 1903e
- Rhynchotal notes. XVI. Heteroptera: Family Reduviidae
- Distant, W.L. 1910f
- Rhynchotal notes.- LII. Australasian Pentatomidae (continued)
- Distant, W.L. 1906b
- Oriental Reduviidae
- Distant, W.L. 1918f
- Contribution to a further knowledge of the rhynchotal family Lygaeidae
- Distant, W.L. 1910a
- Some undescribed Gerrinae
- Distant, W.L. 1902b
- Rhynchotal notes. XIII. Heteroptera: Families Tingididae, Phymatidae and Aradidae
- Distant, W.L. 1909d
- Rhynchota Malayana. Part II
- Distant, W.L. 1903h
- Report on the Rhynchota, Part I. Heteroptera
- Distant, W.L. 1911c
- Rhynchotal notes.- LV. Australasian Coreidae and Berytidae
- Distant, W.L. 1908a
- The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Rhynchota. Vol. IV. Homoptera and Appendix (Pt.).: i-xv, 265-501
- Distant, W.L. 1919a
- Descriptions of new species and genera of the Heteropterous family Reduviidae from British India
- Distant, W.L. 1899c
- Rhynchotal notes.- Heteroptera: Scutellerinae and Graphosominae
- Distant, W.L. 1884b
- On the Rhynchota collected by the late Mr. W.A. Forbes on the Lower Niger
- Distant, W.L. 1901f
- Enumeration of the Heteroptera (Rhynchota) collected by Signor Leonardo Fea in Burma and its vicinity. Part I. Family Pentatomidae
- Distant, W.L. 1893d
- On new and little known Tessaratominae of the order Rhynchota
- Distant, W.L. 1902g
- Rhynchotal miscellanea
- Distant, W.L. 1901a
- Rhynchotal notes.- X. Heteroptera: Fam. Lygaeidae
- Distant, W.L. 1904e
- Rhynchotal notes.- XX. Heteroptera. Fam. Capsidae (Part I)
- Distant, W.L. 1900c
- Rhynchotal notes.- V. Heteroptera: Asopinae and Tessaratominae
- Distant, W.L. 1889a
- Descriptions of new species of Coreidae
- Distant, W.L. 1901i
- On the Rhynchota of the Congo region (Part I)
- Distant, W.L. 1899a
- Rhynchotal notes.- Heteroptera: Plataspinae, Thyreocorinae and Cydninae
- Distant, W.L. 1903c
- Report on the Rhynchota. Part I. Heteroptera
- Distant, W.L. 1901d
- Revision of the Rhynchota belonging to the family Coreidae in the Hope Collection at Oxford
- Distant, W.L. 1910d
- Rhynchota Malayana. Part III
- Distant, W.L. 1904h
- Rhynchotal notes.- XXIII. Heteroptera from the Transvaal
- Distant, W.L. 1918a
- The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Rhynchota. Vol. VII. Homoptera: Appendix. Heteroptera: Addenda: i-vii, 1-210
- Distant, W.L. 1909g
- Descriptions of Oriental Capsidae
- Distant, W.L. 1882a
- Contributions to a knowledge of the rhynchotal fauna of Sumatra
- Distant, W.L. 1913a
- Rhynchota. Part I. Suborder Heteroptera
- Distant, W.L. 1892c
- Descriptions of four new species of Scutellerinae
- Distant, W.L. 1880a
- Notes on some exotic Hemiptera, with descriptions of new species
- Distant, W.L. 1919d
- Some new species of the homopterous [sic] family Pyrrhocoridae
- Dobbs, T.T. & D.W. Boyd, Jr. 2006
- Status and distribution of Montandoniola moraguesi (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) in the continental United States
- Dobreva, M., N. Simov, G. Georgiev, P. Mirchev & M. Georgieva 2013
- First Record of Corythucha arcuata (Say) (Heteroptera: Tingidae) on the Balkan Peninsula
- Dobšík, B. 1974
- Výsledky sběrů ploštic (Heteroptera, Geocorisae, Leston, Pendergrast, Southwood, 1954) dr. I. Okáliho ze Súľovských skal: 297-301
- Dobšík, B. 1988
- Suchozemské ploštice (Heteroptera, Cimicomorpha, Pentatomomorpha) Plešivecké planiny
- Dobšík, B. 1950
- Contribution à la connaissance des Hétéroptères de CSR (IV)
- Doesburg, P.H. & T. Ishikawa 2008
- A new species of Scotomedes from Taiwan (Insecta: Heteroptera: Velocipedidae)
- Doesburg, P.H. van 2004
- A taxonomic revision of the family Velocipedidae Bergroth, 1891 (Insecta: Heteroptera)
- Doesburg, P.H. van 1968
- A revision of the New World species of Dysdercus Guérin Méneville (Heteroptera, Pyrrhocoridae)
- Doesburg, P.H. van 1984
- A new orthotyline mirid (Heteroptera) from Syria
- Doğanlar, M., Y. Karsavuran & N. Demirel 2007
- Taxonomic studies on Coptosoma (Laporte, 1832) species (Heteroptera: Plataspidae) from Turkey
- Dohrn, A. 1863a
- Hemipterologische Miscellaneen III
- Dohrn, A. 1860a
- Zur Heteropteren-Fauna Ceylon's
- Dohrn, A. 1860d
- Berichtigung
- Dohrn, A. 1859a
- Catalogus Hemipterorum: i-vii, 1-112
- Dohrn, A. 1863b
- Beiträge zu einer monographischen Bearbeitung der Familie der Emesina (Zweites Stück)
- Dohrn, A. 1860b
- Hemipterologische Miscellaneen
- Dohrn, A. 1862
- Drei neue europäische Heteroptera
- Dohrn, A. 1859b
- Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Harpactoridae
- Dohrn, A. 1863c
- Beschreibungen einiger neuer ausgezeichneter Heteropteren-Arten
- Dohrn, A. 1858
- Synonymische Bemerkungen über Hemipteren und eine neue Art der Gattung Prostemma
- Dohrn, A. 1860c
- Beiträge zu einer monographischen Bearbeitung der Familie der Emesina
- Doi, H. 1932
- Miscellaneous notes on insects, I
- Doi, H. 1933
- Miscellaneous notes on insects, III
- Dolling, W.R. 1985
- Berytus Fabricius, 1803 (Insecta, Heteroptera, Berytidae): proposed designation of Cimex clavipes Fabricius, 1777 as type species
- Dolling, W.R. 1991a
- The Hemiptera: i-ix, 1-274
- Dolling, W.R. 2006c
- Family Alididae Amyot & Serville, 1843. In: Aukema, B. & Chr. Rieger (eds). Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Volume 5. Pentatomomorpha II: 28-42
- Dolling, W.R. 1978b
- A revision of the Oriental pod bugs of the tribe Clavigrallini (Hemiptera: Coreidae)
- Dolling, W.R. 2006
- Superfamily Coreoidea Leach, 1815. In: Aukema, B. & Chr. Rieger (eds). Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Volume 5. Pentatomomorpha II: 1-101.
- Dolling, W.R. 1979c
- A second species of Microtelocerus Reuter (Hem., Coreidae) with a redescription of the genus
- Dolling, W.R. 2006a
- Family Stenocephalidae Dallas, 1852. In: Aukema, B. & Chr. Rieger (eds). Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Volume 5. Pentatomomorpha II: 2-7
- Dolling, W.R. 1973
- The morphology and systematic position of Prionotylus Fieber and Centroplax Horváth (Heteroptera: Coreidae)
- Dolling, W.R. 1986
- The tribe Pseudophloeini (Hemiptera: Coreidae) in the Old World tropics with a discussion on the distribution of the Pseudophloeinae
- Dolling, W.R. 1991b
- Bibliographies of the works of W.L. Distant and G.W. Kirkaldy
- Dolling, W.R. 2006d
- Family Coreidae Leach, 1815. In: Aukema, B. & Chr. Rieger (eds). Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Volume 5. Pentatomomorpha II: 43-101
- Dolling, W.R. 1979a
- Systematic changes in the Coreidae (Hemiptera)
- Dolling, W.R. 1981
- A rationalized classification of the burrower bugs
- Dolling, W.R. 2006b
- Family Rhopalidae Amyot & Serville, 1843. In: Aukema, B. & Chr. Rieger (eds). Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Volume 5. Pentatomomorpha II: 8-27
- Dolling, W.R. 1978a
- Heteropteran type material of P. Rambur in the British Museum (Natural History) (Hem. Heteroptera)
- Dolling, W.R. 1987
- Obituary. Norman Cecil Egerton Miller (1893-1980)
- Dolling, W.R. 1979b
- A revision of the African pod bugs of the tribe Clavigrallini (Hemiptera: Coreidae) with a checklist of the world species
- Dolling, W.R. 1972
- A new species of Dicyphus Fieber (Hem., Miridae) from southern England
- Dolling, W.R. & J.M. Palmer 1991
- Pameridea (Hemiptera: Miridae): predaceous bugs specific to the highly viscid plant genus Roridula
- Dolling, W.R. & P. Moulet 1996
- Heegeria Reuter, 1881, rétabli en lieu et place de Sjoestedtina Schouteden, 1912 (Het., Alydidae)
- Dolling, W.R., D.A. Rider & L.H. Rolston 1999
- Catalog of the names of Cimex Linnaeus, with comments on early works concerning the Heteroptera: 1-154
- Dolmen, D. 2004
- Corixa panzeri (Fieber), a species new to Norway, and Paracorixa concinna (Fieber) (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Corixidae), in Gjerstadvannet, Arendal
- Dominiak, B.C., P.S. Gillespie, P. Worsley & H. Loecker 2008
- Survey for sycamore lace bug Corythucha ciliata (Say) (Hemiptera: Tingidae) in New South Wales during 2007
- Don, I., C.D. Don, L.R. Sasu, D. Vidrean & M.L. Brad 2016
- Insect pests on the trees and shrubs from the Macea Botanical Garden
- Dong, J.Z. & N. Lu 1999
- Hemiptera: Pyrrhocoridae
- Donovan, E. 1805
- An epitome of the natural history of the insects of Asia, New Holland, New Zealand, New Guinea, Otaheite, and other islands in the Indian, Southern, and Pacific Oceans: 1-41, 41 pls (not numbered)
- Donovan, E. 1794
- The natural history of British insects 3: 1-98, Indices
- Donovan, E. 1798
- The natural history of British insects 7: 1-96, Indices
- Dorn, K. 1936
- Verbreitung und Lebensweise von Mezira tremulae Germ. (Hem.-Heteropt.)
- Doronina, G.M. 1973
- Specific composition and distribution of Hemiptera in graminaceous associations of the Ural Region
- Dorow, W.H.O., K. Voigt &H. Böttge 2018
- Erstnachweis von Nagusta goedelii (Kolenati, 1857) für Deutschland (Heteroptera: Reduviidae)
- Douglas, J.W. 1875a
- Notes on some species of Corixidae
- Douglas, J.W. 1889
- A new species of Anthocoris
- Douglas, J.W. 1874a
- British Hemiptera-additional species
- Douglas, J.W. 1875b
- British Hemiptera. Additions and corrections
- Douglas, J.W. 1874b
- Note on Ceraleptus lividus, Stein
- Douglas, J.W. 1876
- Note on Corixa vernicosa, Wallengr., and C. Douglasi (Fieb.)
- Douglas, J.W. & J. Scott 1871
- British Hemiptera: additions and corrections
- Douglas, J.W. & J. Scott 1867
- British Hemiptera: additions and corrections
- Douglas, J.W. & J. Scott 1875b
- British Hemiptera - additions and corrections
- Douglas, J.W. & J. Scott 1869
- British Hemiptera: additions and corrections
- Douglas, J.W. & J. Scott 1866a
- Additions to the British fauna (Hemiptera)
- Douglas, J.W. & J. Scott 1868a
- British Hemiptera: additions and corrections
- Douglas, J.W. & J. Scott 1874
- British Hemiptera - additional species
- Douglas, J.W. & J. Scott 1863
- Descriptions of two new species: 143-146
- Douglas, J.W. & J. Scott 1876
- A catalogue of British Hemiptera; Heteroptera and Homoptera (Cicadaria and Phytophthires): i-viii, 1-99
- Douglas, J.W. & J. Scott 1870
- British Hemiptera: additions and corrections
- Douglas, J.W. & J. Scott 1866b
- Additions to the British fauna (Hemiptera)
- Douglas, J.W. & J. Scott 1875a
- Hemiptera: synonymic notes
- Douglas, J.W. & J. Scott 1868b
- List of captures of Hemiptera in Palestine and Syria; together with descriptions of several new species
- Douglas, J.W. & J. Scott 1865
- The British Hemiptera. I. Hemiptera-Heteroptera: i-xii, 1-628
- Dover, C. 1929
- IV. Papers on Malayan Aquatic Biology. viii. On Saldidae (Hemiptera) in the Malay Peninsula
- Doyère, L. 1837
- Plate 88
- Drake, C.J. 1942b
- New Australian Tingitidae (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. 1917b
- New and noteworthy Tingidae from the United States
- Drake, C.J. 1952a
- A new tropical hebrid (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. 1937b
- Some Tingitidae from China, East Indies and India
- Drake, C.J. 1957b
- Tingidae de Madagascar (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. 1927a
- Tingitidae from the Far East and Madagascar (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. 1948f
- New species of Stephanitis Stål including a list of species of the World (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. 1930a
- A new sugar-cane tingitid from Java and Sumatra (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. 1955c
- New Tingidae (Hemiptera) from the Belgian Congo
- Drake, C.J. 1948a
- New Tingidae from the Orient and other regions (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)
- Drake, C.J. 1954a
- New Saldidae (Hemiptera) from the Old World
- Drake, C.J. 1958
- Angolan Tingidae (Hemiptera) (2nd Contribution)
- Drake, C.J. 1948d
- Some Tingidae (Hemiptera) from China, Japan and India
- Drake, C.J. 1955a
- A new leptopodid from India (Hemiptera, Leptopodidae)
- Drake, C.J. 1920b
- Descriptions of new North American Tingidae
- Drake, C.J. 1941
- New American Tingitidae (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. 1951a
- New gerontogenous Hydrometridae (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. 1934
- An undescribed Acalypta from New York (Tingitidae: Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. 1956c
- Hemiptera (Heteroptera): Tingidae
- Drake, C.J. 1927b
- Tingitidae from the Far East (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. 1947a
- Tingidae (Hemiptera) from the Orient and South Pacific
- Drake, C.J. 1919
- On some North American Tingidae (Hemip.)
- Drake, C.J. 1966
- A new species of lacebug from China (Hemiptera: Tingidae)
- Drake, C.J. 1952b
- Alaskan Saldidae (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. 1957c
- Hemiptera: Tingidae
- Drake, C.J. 1938
- Chinese Tingitidae (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. 1950a
- Concerning North American Saldidae (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. 1930b
- Concerning some Tingitidae from the Philippines (Hemiptera), with new species
- Drake, C.J. 1956a
- Hemiptera (Heteroptera): Saldidae
- Drake, C.J. 1948b
- New genera and species of Tingidae (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. 1954b
- A miscellany of new Tingidae (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. 1961
- Hemiptera: Saldidae
- Drake, C.J. 1937a
- Tingitidae from South China (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. 1957a
- An undescribed shore-bug from Manitoba (Hemiptera, Saldidae)
- Drake, C.J. 1948e
- The genus Compseuta Stål (Hemiptera, Tingidae)
- Drake, C.J. 1923
- Some Tingitidae from Japan (Hemip.)
- Drake, C.J. 1942a
- New Tingitidae (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. 1917a
- A survey of the North American species of Merragata
- Drake, C.J. 1951b
- New genera and species of Tingidae (Hemiptera) in the Hungarian National Museum
- Drake, C.J. 1928
- A synopsis of the American species of Acalypta (Hemip.-Tingitidae)
- Drake, C.J. 1955b
- Some Tingidae from the French Cameroons (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. 1947b
- A new phymatid from China (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. 1953
- Synonymic data and description of new genera and species of Tingidae (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. 1957d
- The genus Belenus and its allies (Hemiptera: Tingidae)
- Drake, C.J. 1963
- New Lacebugs from the Eastern Hemisphere
- Drake, C.J. 1920a
- An undescribed water-strider from the Adirondacks
- Drake, C.J. 1939
- A new genus and species of tingitid (Hemiptera) from Formosa
- Drake, C.J. 1950b
- Concerning the Cantacaderinae of the World (Hemiptera: Tingidae)
- Drake, C.J. 1933
- On some Tingitidae from South India including two new species (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. 1956b
- Tingidae (Hemiptera Heteroptera)
- Drake, C.J. 1948c
- The genus Cochlochila Stål (Hemiptera: Tingidae)
- Drake, C.J. 1954c
- New and little-known Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Tingidae, from Ethiopia
- Drake, C.J. & B.G. Hill 1964
- Some Ethiopian lacebugs (Hemiptera: Tingidae)
- Drake, C.J. & F.A. Ruhoff 1961c
- New genera and new species of lacebugs from the Eastern Hemisphere (Hemiptera: Tingidae)
- Drake, C.J. & F.A. Ruhoff 1960a
- Lace-bugs Genera of the World (Hemiptera: Tingidae)
- Drake, C.J. & F.A. Ruhoff 1962c
- Taxonomic changes and descriptions of new Tingidae (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. & F.A. Ruhoff 1961a
- New species and taxonomic changes in the Tingidae (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. & F.A. Ruhoff 1962a
- The Tingidae of Amboina, Larat, and Kai Islands (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. & F.A. Ruhoff 1965
- Lacebugs of the world: a catalog (Hemiptera: Tingidae)
- Drake, C.J. & F.A. Ruhoff 1960b
- The identification of Acanthia humuli Fabricius and related species (Hemiptera: Tingidae)
- Drake, C.J. & F.A. Ruhoff 1961b
- Synonymic changes and four new species of Tingidae (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. & F.A. Ruhoff 1962b
- Synonymic notes and descriptions of new Tingidae (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. & F.A. Ruhoff 1960c
- Tingidae: new genera, species, homonyms, and synonyms (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. & F.C. Hottes 1925
- Five new species and a new variety of waterstriders from North America (Hemiptera-Gerridae)
- Drake, C.J. & F.C. Hottes 1951
- Two new species of Leptopodidae (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. & F.C. Hottes 1950a
- Saldidae of the Americas (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. & F.C. Hottes 1954
- Synonymic data and description of a new saldid (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. & F.C. Hottes 1950b
- Three new species of Saldidae (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. & F.C. Hottes 1955
- Concerning Saldidae (Hemiptera) of the Western Hemisphere
- Drake, C.J. & H.C. Chapman 1958
- New Neotropical Hebridae, including a catalogue of the American species (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. & H.M. Harris 1926
- Notes on American Anthocoridae with descriptions of new forms
- Drake, C.J. & J. Maldonado Capriles 1956
- Some pleids and water-striders from the Dominican Republic (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. & L. Hoberlandt 1952b
- Catalogue of genera and species of Saldidae (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. & L. Hoberlandt 1951
- New Leptopodidae (Hemiptera-Heteroptera) from Angola , Portuguese West Africa
- Drake, C.J. & L. Hoberlandt 1965
- A revision of the genus Potamometra (Hemiptera Gerridae)
- Drake, C.J. & L. Hoberlandt 1952a
- Check-list and distributional records of Leptopodidae (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. & M.A.H. Quadri 1964
- A new species of lacebug from Pakistan (Hemiptera: Tingidae)
- Drake, C.J. & M.E. Poor 1936c
- The genera and genotypes of Tingitoidea of the Western Hemisphere
- Drake, C.J. & M.E. Poor 1939
- Some Tingitidae (Hemiptera) from the Eastern Hemisphere
- Drake, C.J. & M.E. Poor 1936a
- Tingitidae from Hainan Island (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. & M.E. Poor 1937a
- Some Tingitidae (Hemiptera) from Oceania
- Drake, C.J. & M.E. Poor 1936b
- New Indian Tingitidae (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. & M.E. Poor 1937b
- Tingitidae from Malaysia and Madagascar (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. & N.T. Davis 1959
- A new subfamily, genus and species of Lygaeidae (Hemiptera-Heteroptera) from Australia
- Drake, C.J. & N.T. Davis 1960
- The morphology, phylogeny, and higher classification of the family Tingidae, including the description of a new genus and species of the subfamily Vianaidinae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)
- Drake, C.J. & N.T. Davis 1958
- The morphology and systematics of the Piesmatidae (Hemiptera), with keys to World genera and American species
- Drake, C.J. & R.F. Hussey 1955
- Concerning the genus Microvelia Westwood, with descriptions of two new species and a check-list of the American forms (Hemiptera: Veliidae)
- Drake, C.J. & R.H. Cobben 1960
- The Heteroptera of the Netherlands Antilles - II. Hebridae
- Drake, C.J. & T. Maa 1954a
- The Saldoidea of China (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. & T. Maa 1954b
- Chinese and other Oriental Tingoidea (Hemiptera). II
- Drake, C.J. & T. Maa 1953
- Chinese and other Oriental Tingoidea (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. & T. Maa 1955
- Chinese and other Oriental Tingoidea (Hemoptera). III
- Drake, C.J. & T.S. Hsiung 1936
- An undescribed tingitid from the Chinese Ash (Hemiptera)
- Drapolyuk, I.S. 2001
- New records of Orthotylinae and Phylinae from Caucasus (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Drapolyuk, I.S. 1989
- Species of the genus Myrmecophyes Fieb. (Heteroptera, Miridae) from the Caucasus
- Drapolyuk, I.S. 1993
- Review of the capsid bugs of the genus Lepidargyrus (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Drapolyuk, I.S. 1982b
- Review of capsid bugs of the subgenus Chlorotuponia (Heteroptera, Miridae) from the USSR and Mongolia
- Drapolyuk, I.S. 1990
- A new species of the genus Psallus (Heteroptera, Miridae) from Azerbaijan
- Drapolyuk, I.S. 1980
- Review of capsid bugs of the subgenus Tuponia s. str. (Heteroptera, Miridae) from the USSR and Mongolia
- Drapolyuk, I.S. 1999
- A new species of Globiceps from Armenia (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Drapolyuk, I.S. 1987
- Two new species of capsid bugs (Heteroptera, Miridae) from Talysh
- Drapolyuk, I.S. 1991
- New species of capsid bugs (Heteroptera, Miridae) from Azerbaijan
- Drapolyuk, I.S. 1982a
- A new species of the genus Blepharidopterus (Heteroptera, Miridae) from Transcaucasia
- Drapolyuk, I.S. & I.M. Kerzhner 1999
- Species of the genus Scirtetellus from Mongolia (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Drapolyuk, I.S. & I.M. Kerzhner 2000
- New species of Orthocephalus and Myrmecophyes from Kazakhstan, Usbekistan and Turkmenistan (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Drogvalenko, A.N. & S.V. Konovalov 2016
- New data on fauna of beetles and true bugs (Coleoptera, Heteroptera) of Ukraine
- Drury, D. 1770
- Illustrations of natural history 1: i-xxviii, 1-130
- Drury, D. 1773
- Illustrations of natural history 2: i-vii, 1-90
- Drury, D. 1782
- Illustrations of natural history 3: i-xxvi, 1-76, Index
- Duarte Rodrigues, P. 1977
- Nymphs of Urentius chobauti Horv., Tingis geniculata (Fieb.), Tingis liturata (Fieb.) and Dictyla variabilis Rodr. (Heteroptera, Tingidae)
- Duarte Rodrigues, P. 1982d
- African Tingidae, XXII: Lacebugs in the Plant Protection Research Institute (Pretoria) (Heteroptera)
- Duarte Rodrigues, P. 1982b
- Cochlochila Stål (Heteroptera): descriptions of a new subgenus and nine new species (African Tingidae XXVII)
- Duarte Rodrigues, P. 1970
- A new Tingidae from Portugal (Hemiptera)
- Duarte Rodrigues, P. 1978
- A new record and a new species of Tingis (Tropidocheila) Fieber from the Iberian Peninsula (Heteroptera: Tingidae)
- Duarte Rodrigues, P. 1982c
- African Tingidae, XXI: Lacebugs in the British Museum (Natural History) (Heteroptera)
- Duarte Rodrigues, P. 1976
- A new Dictyla from Portugal (Hem. Het. Tingidae)
- Duarte Rodrigues, P. 1987
- African Tingidae XLVI. A new species and new records on distribution (Heteroptera) (1)
- Duarte Rodrigues, P. 1982a
- Tingidae (Hemiptera, Heteroptera) from Gambia and Senegal (African Tingidae XIV). West African studies: Rpt. No. 7 from Zoological Museum, Lund University
- Ducamp, P., N. Romet, T. Dhellemmes, D. Sannier, A.Matocq & J.-Ph. Maurel 2024
- Contribution à la connaissance des hétéroptères d’Andalousie (Espagne)
- Duda, L. 1885
- Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Hemipteren-Fauna Böhmens
- Dudich, E. 1922
- Die Phymatiden des Ungarischen National-Museums
- Dufour, L. 1845b
- Nouvelle espèce d'Aradus
- Dufour, L. 1831
- Description et figure du Xylocoris rufipennis, Hémiptère nouveau
- Dufour, L. 1857
- Mélanges entomologiques. Suite (1)
- Dufour, L. 1834
- Description et figures de trois Hémiptères Européens nouveaux ou mal connus
- Dufour, L. 1851
- Description et figure d'une nouvelle espèce de Lygéites, le Rhyparochromus brachiidens
- Dufour, L. 1833a
- Recherches anatomiques et physiologiques sur les Hémiptères, accompagnées de considerations relatives à l'histoire naturelle et à la classification de ces insectes
- Dufour, L. 1845a
- Description de deux espèces nouvelles d'Aradus des Pyrénées et remarques sur les Hémiptères de ce genre
- Dufour, L. 1863
- Essai monographique sur les Bélostomides
- Dufour, L. 1855
- Sur une nouvelle espèce de Belostoma (B. algeriense) et reflexions sur ce genre d'Hémiptères aquatiques
- Dufour, L. 1833b
- Mémoire sur les genres Xylocoris, Leptopus et Velia
- Dulčić, J., B. Kokan & P. Kment 2015
- Additional records of Lethocerus patruelis (Stål, 1855) (Heteroptera: Belostomatidae) for Croatia
- Duméril, A.M.C. 1804
- Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles 1: 98-105
- Duméril, A.M.C. 1806
- Zoologie analytique, ou méthode naturelle de classification des animaux: 1-344
- Duméril, A.M.C. 1826
- Podicère, Podicerus
- Dunn, C.E. 1979
- A revision and phylogenetic study of the genus Hesperocorixa Kirkaldy (Hemiptera: Corixidae)
- Dunn, L.H. 1924
- Life history of the tropical bed bug, Cimex rotundatus, in Panama
- Dupuis, C. 1955
- Les génitalia des Hémiptères Hétéroptères (Génitalia externes de deux sexes; voies ectodermiques femelles). Revue de la morphologie. Lexique de la nomenclature. Index bibliographique analytique
- Dupuis, C. 1951
- Les espèces françaises du genre Eurydema Laporte (Hemiptera Pentatomoidea, subfam. Pentatominae) - Révision systématique avec une introduction à l'étude morphologique des organes génitaux externes des Pentatomoidea
- Dupuis, C. 1959
- Notes, remarques et observations diverses sur les Hémiptères. Quatrième série: Notes IX-XII
- Dupuis, C. 1952
- Priorité de quelques noms d'Hétéroptères de Guérin Méneville (1831)
- Dupuis, C. 1963
- Progrès récents de l'étude des génitalia des Hétéroptéres. (Étude bibliographique critique): 1-100
- Dupuis, C. 1949
- Les Asopinae de la faune Française (Hemiptera Pentatomidae). Essai sommaire de synthèse morphologique, systématique et biologique
- Durai, P.S.S 1987
- A revision of the Dinidoridae of the world (Heteroptera: Pentatomoidea)
- Durai, P.S.S. 1988
- The life history of Eumenotes obscura Westwood (Pentatomoidea: Dinidoridae)
- Durai, P.S.S. 1986
- Updating the taxonomy and distribution of the Malaysian Dinidoridae
- Dursun, A. 2011
- Additional records of Coreidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) from Turkey, with checklist
- Dursun, A. 2011
- A study on the Nepomorpha (Heteroptera) species of some provinces of Anatolia, Turkey, with new records of Anisops debilis perplexus Poisson, 1929 and Notonecta reuteri reuteri Hungerford, 1928
- Dursun, A. & M. Fent 2017
- Type Localities of Heteroptera (Insecta: Hemiptera) from Turkey
- Dursun, A. & M. Fent 2017
- Annotated Checklist of Tingidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) in Turkey with new records for the faunas of Europe and Turkish Thrace
- Dursun, A. & M. Fent 2013
- Overview of the subgenus Ventocoris s. str. (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) with new records and a revised key to the Ventocoris species of Turkey
- Dursun, A. & M. Fent 2010
- Systematische und faunistische Untersuchungen über die Überfamilie Pentatomoidea (Insecta, Heteroptera) aus dem Kelkit-Tal der Türkei
- Dursun, A. & V. Kartal 2006
- A study on the Scirtetellus vittatus Kiritshenko, 1951 (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Dursun, A., G. Kaçar & M. Rifat Ulosoy 2010
- The Alydidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreoidea) of Turkey: a key to the genera, new records and a species list
- Dusolier, F. & R. Lupoli 2006
- Synopsis des Pentatomoidea Leach, 1815 de France métropolitaine (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)
- Dusoulier , F. & R. Lupoli 2015
- Les Pentatomoidea de France: clarifications taxinomiques et mises à jour nomenclatures et biogéographiques (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)
- Dusoulier, F. 2020
- Hémiptères. In: La Planète Revisitée en Corse. Rapport d’exécution de la missionentomologique de juin 2020: 18-20. Paris.
- Dusoulier, F. & A. Matocq 2006
- Confirmation de la présence en France de Lamproplax picea (Flor, 1860) (Hem., Lygaeidae)
- Dusoulier, F. & Ph. Magnien 2006
- Contribution a la connaissance des Thyreocoris de France (Heteroptera: Thyreocoridae)
- Dusoulier, F. & R. Lupoli 2009
- Byrsinus albipennis (A. Costa, 1853): une nouvelle espèce de Pentatomoidea pour la France (Hemiptera Cydnidae)
- Dusoulier, F., R. Maillot & V. Derreumax 2013
- Belonochilus numenius (Say, 1832) : état de la progression de l’espèce et nouvelles localités dans le Sud de la France (Hemiptera Lygaeidae)
- Duviard, D. 1981
- Les Dysdercus du cotonnier en Afrique occidentale. Ecologie et migrations
- Duwal, R.K. & S. Lee 2011
- A new genus, three new species, and new records of plant bugs from Korea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae: Phylini)
- Duwal, R.K. & S.H. Lee 2015
- Additional descriptions of the plant bug genus Psallus from the Korean Peninsula (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae)
- Duwal, R.K., M.D. Schwartz & T. Yasunaga 2019
- A new species of the plant bug genus Rubrocuneocoris (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae) from Vietnam
- Duwal, R.K., S. Jung & S. Lee 2010a
- Revision of the plant bug tribe Phylini from Nepal (Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae)
- Duwal, R.K., S. Jung & S. Lee 2010b
- Review of the genus Plagiognathus Fieber (Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae) from Korea
- Duwal, R.K., S.H. Jung & S.H. Lee 2014c
- Taxonomic revision of the tribe Hallodapini Van Duzee (Hemiptera: Miridae: Phylinae) from Korea
- Duwal, R.K., S.H. Jung & S.H. Lee 2013a
- Resurrection of the genus Parapsallus Wagner (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae: Phylini)
- Duwal, R.K., S.H. Jung & S.H. Lee 2013b
- Taxonomic revision of the genus Campylomma Reuter (Hemiptera: Miridae: Phylinae: Phylini)
- Duwal, R.K., S.H. Jung & S.H. Lee 2014b
- A taxonomic review of the plant bug tribe Pilophorini (Hemiptera: Miridae: Phylinae) from the Korean Peninsula
- Duwal, R.K., S.H. Jung & S.H. Lee 2014a
- Review of Europiella Reuter (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae: Phylini) from Korea, with a description of a new genus
- Duwal, R.K., S.H. Jung, T. Yasunaga & S.H. Lee 2016
- Annotated Catalogue of the Phylinae (Heteroptera: Miridae) from the Korean Peninsula
- Duwal, R.K., T. Yasunaga, M. Tomokuni, Y. Nakatani & T. Hirowatara 2017a
- Further records on the plant bug tribe Hallodapini (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae) in Asia, with proposition of two new species and a new synonymy
- Duwal, R.K., T. Yasunaga, S.H. Jung & S.H. Lee 2012a
- The plant genus Psallus (Heteroptera) in the Korean Peninsula with descriptions of three new species
- Duwal, R.K., T. Yasunaga, Y. Nakatani & S. Lee 2015
- New distributional records for the plant bug genus, Cimidaeorus Hsiao and Ren (Hemiptera: Miridae: Deraeocorinae) from the Korean Peninsula
- Dzhal'menova, P. 1976
- On the specific composition of the heteropterous fauna of Karakalpakia