- Jabłońska, J. 1964
- Gatunki rodziny Cimicidae występujące w Polsce
- Jacobs, D. 1986
- Morphology and taxonomy of sub-saharan Aneurus species with notes on their phylogeny, biology and cytogenetics (Heteroptera: Aradidae: Aneurinae)
- Jacobs, D.H. 1989
- A new species of Thaumastella with notes on the morphology, biology and distribution of the two southern African species (Heteroptera: Thaumastellidae)
- Jacobs, D.H. & S. Neser 2005
- Thaumastocoris australicus Kirkaldy (Heteroptera: Thaumasto-coridae): a new insect arrival in South Africa, damaging to Eucalyptus trees
- Jaczewski, T. 1963b
- Two new species of Corixidae (Heteroptera) from the U.S.S.R
- Jaczewski, T. 1933a
- Scientific results of the Cambridge expedition to the East African lakes, 1930-1. - 12. Aquatic Heteroptera
- Jaczewski, T. 1961a
- Notes on the geographical distribution of the subgenus Halicorixa Walt. with description of a new subspecies (Heteroptera, Corixidae)
- Jaczewski, T. 1927a
- Zur Erforschung des Persischen Golfes. Aquatile Heteroptera
- Jaczewski, T. 1949
- Notes on Corixidae. XXIV-XXVIII
- Jaczewski, T. 1934a
- Notes on the Old World species of Ochteridae (Heteroptera)
- Jaczewski, T. 1962a
- Sigara atomaria Illiger, 1807 (Insecta, Heteroptera); proposed suppression under the plenary powers
- Jaczewski, T. 1929
- Further redescriptions of Palaearctic Corixidae
- Jaczewski, T. 1924a
- Revision of the Polish Corixidae
- Jaczewski, T. 1960b
- Corixidae (Heteroptera) from the Mongolian People's Republic and some adjacent regions
- Jaczewski, T. 1926a
- Notes on some West-African Heteroptera
- Jaczewski, T. 1968a
- Notes concerning the taxonomy and nomenclature of some Corixidae (Heteroptera)
- Jaczewski, T. 1936b
- Notes on Corixidae (Hem.). XII-XIV
- Jaczewski, T. 1962d
- Notes on some Corixidae (Heteroptera) from Viêt-Nam
- Jaczewski, T. 1958
- Notes on some species of the genus Notonecta L. (Heteroptera, Notonectidae)
- Jaczewski, T. 1963c
- Notes on some aquatic Heteroptera from North Korea
- Jaczewski, T. 1933b
- A new species of Corixidae from Italy
- Jaczewski, T. 1961b
- Further notes on Japanese Corixidae (Heteroptera)
- Jaczewski, T. 1927b
- Systematic and geographical notes on aquatic Heteroptera of the Ethiopian region
- Jaczewski, T. 1924b
- A new species of Corixidae from Mandshuria
- Jaczewski, T. 1934b
- Notes on some palaearctic aquatic and semi-aquatic Heteroptera, chiefly from South-Eastern Europe
- Jaczewski, T. 1962b
- Redescription of Corixa (Corixa) jakowleffi (Horv.) and its geographical distribution (Heteroptera, Corixidae)
- Jaczewski, T. 1932
- Notes on the aquatic Heteroptera of the Ethiopian region
- Jaczewski, T. 1960c
- Contributions to the knowledge of aquatic Heteroptera of the Asiatic territories of the USSR
- Jaczewski, T. 1926b
- Notes on Corixidae. I, II
- Jaczewski, T. 1968b
- Check-list of the aquatic and semiaquatic Heteroptera of the Holarctic: 1-55
- Jaczewski, T. 1939
- Notes on Corixidae. XV-XXIII
- Jaczewski, T. 1963a
- A new subspecies of Corixidae (Heteroptera) from Kirghizia and Kazakhstan
- Jaczewski, T. 1961c
- Naucoris Geoffroy, 1762 (Insecta, Hemiptera); proposed validation under the plenary powers
- Jaczewski, T. 1928
- Über drei Arten aquatiler Heteropteren aus China
- Jaczewski, T. 1960a
- On some Japanese Corixidae (Heteroptera)
- Jaczewski, T. 1933c
- On two species of Corixidae from the Himalayas
- Jaczewski, T. 1925
- Contributions to the knowledge of some West-European Heteroptera, chiefly Corixidae
- Jaczewski, T. 1964
- Notes on some aquatic and semi-aquatic Heteroptera from Iraq
- Jaczewski, T. 1936a
- Contributions to the knowledge of aquatic Heteroptera of Egypt
- Jaczewski, T. 1962c
- Pseudovermicorixa subg. n. in the genus Sigara Fabr. (Heteroptera, Corixidae)
- Jaczewski, T. & A. Wróblewski 1975
- Further notes on aquatic Heteroptera from Mongolia
- Jaeger, B. 1827
- Catalogus Insectorum quae itinere Petropoli in Chersoneso tauricum et Iberiam anno 1825 collegit
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1876d
- Bugs, Hemiptera Heteroptera, of the Russian fauna
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1882d
- Contributions to the fauna of Heteroptera of Russia and the neighbouring countries
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1874b
- Contributions to the entomological fauna of European Russia. IV
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1902d
- Un nouveau Coriomeris (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Coreidae) des Alpes de la Suisse
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1886
- Contribution to the fauna of the Heteropteran insects of Russia and the neighbouring countries. XV-XVIII
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1903i
- Review of species of the g. Neottiglossa Curt. (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) of the Palaearctic fauna
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1901b
- Description d'un nouveau genre de Reduviides (Hemiptera-Heteroptera)
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1906d
- Review of the species of the genus Byrsinus Fieb. (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) of the Russian-Asiatic fauna
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1903d
- Hémiptères-Hétéroptères nouveaux de la faune paléarctique. VI
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1905c
- On the knowledge of the genus Carpocoris Kolenati: subgenus Antheminia M.R. (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Pentatomidae)
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1904c
- Geocoris (Piocoris) chinensis, n. sp. and palaearctic species of the subgenus Piocoris Stål (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Lygaeidae)
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1902b
- Hémiptères-Hétéroptères nouveaux de la faune paléarctique. III
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1907c
- New species of the genus Ischnopeza Fieb. (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Lygaeidae) from Persia
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1903g
- Hémiptères-Hétéroptères nouveaux de la faune paléarctique. V
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1880d
- Contributions to the fauna of bugs of Russia and the neighbouring countries. IV
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1867
- Die Hemiptera der Wolga-Fauna
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1884a
- Neue Hemipteren der Russischen Fauna
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1878
- Description of new species of the family Aradides
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1893a
- Hemiptera Heteroptera des Gouvernements Irkutsk
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1883b
- Contributions to the fauna of bugs of Russia and the neighbouring countries. XII
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1902g
- Avis important
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1889b
- Insecta in itinere cl. N. Przewalskii in Asia centrali novissime lecta. XVI. Hemiptera Heteroptera
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1885a
- Hemiptera Heteroptera aus Achal-Tekke
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1880b
- Bugs (Hemiptera Heteroptera) of the fauna of Russia and neighbouring countries. I
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1900
- Notes hémiptérologiques. I-II
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1883e
- Neue Rhynchoten der Russischen Fauna
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1906b
- New species of Hemiptera-Heteroptera of the Crimean fauna
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1903b
- Hémiptères-Hétéroptères nouveaux de la faune paléarctique. IV
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1905a
- Hémiptères-Hétéroptères nouveaux de la faune paléarctique. XII
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1908c
- Note on Stibaropus henkei Jak. (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Pentatomidae)
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1876b
- New bugs, Hemiptera Heteroptera of the Russian fauna
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1882b
- New species of the fam. Capsides
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1873
- Contibutions to the entomological fauna of European Russia. I-III
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1905d
- On a new genus of the family Pentatomidae (Hemiptera-Heteroptera)
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1877a
- Bugs (Hemiptera Heteroptera) of northern Persia
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1890
- Insecta, a cl. G.N. Potanin in China et in Mongolia novissime lecta. XVII. Hemiptera-Heteroptera
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1882e
- Bugs (Hemiptera Heteroptera) of the Caucasian region. II
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1902e
- Peribalus (Muls. & Rey) of the Palaearctic fauna (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Pentatomidae)
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1887
- New Pentatomidae of the Russian-Asiatic fauna
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1904a
- Hémiptères-Hétéroptères nouveaux de la faune paléarctique. IX
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1901c
- New species of the genus Stenocephalus Latr. (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Coreidae)
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1907a
- Review of the species of the genus Ploeariola Reut. (Hemiptera-Homoptera [sic], Reduviidae) of the Russian fauna
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1903e
- Vachiria Stål (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Reduviidae) of the Central Asian fauna
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1902h
- New species of the genus Eusarcoris Hahn (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) from the Far East
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1889c
- Hemiptera Heteroptera Irkutensia nova
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1904d
- Hémiptères-Hétéroptères nouveaux de la faune paléarctique. XI
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1902c
- A new representative of the genus Engistus Fieb. (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Lygaeidae) in the Russian fauna
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1908a
- Hemiptera-Heteroptera of the Taurian Gouvernment. Third supplement
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1875
- Bugs, Hemiptera Heteroptera, of the Astrakhan' region
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1881
- Contributions to the fauna of bugs of Russia and the neighbouring countries. V-VIII
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1869
- Materialien zur entomologischen Fauna der Wolga-Gegend, I-II
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1884b
- Contributions to the fauna of Heteroptera of Russia and the neighbouring countries. XIII
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1879
- Bugs (Hemiptera Heteroptera) of the Caucasian region
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1893b
- Reduviidae palaearcticae novae
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1883c
- Pycnopterna suturalis, n. sp
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1882c
- Contributions to the fauna of bugs of Russia and the neighbouring countries. IX
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1874a
- Hemiptera Heteroptera of the Astrakhan' region
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1885b
- New species of the genus Jalla Hahn
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1880c
- Contributions to the fauna of Heteroptera of Russia and the neighbouring countries. I-III
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1903h
- New species of the genus Phimodera Germ. (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) of the Russian fauna
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1901a
- Hémiptères-Hétéroptères nouveaux de la faune paléarctique
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1906c
- Hemiptera Heteroptera of the Taurian Gouvernement
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1903c
- Hémiptères-Hétéroptères nouveaux de la faune paléarctique. VII
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1905b
- Hémiptères-Hétéroptères nouveaux de la faune paléarctique. XIII
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1908d
- Odontotarsus insignis, n. sp. (Hemiptera-Heteroptera)
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1876c
- Description of new bugs of the Russian fauna
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1907b
- Hemiptera-Heteroptera of the Taurian Gouvernement. Second Supplement
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1903f
- Hémiptères Hétéroptères nouveaux de la faune paléarctique. VII [= VIII]
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1906a
- Hémiptères Hétéroptères nouveaux de la faune paléarctique. XIV
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1865
- Hemiptera Heteroptera of the Volga region fauna
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1883f
- Contributions to the fauna of Heteroptera of Russia and the neighbouring countries. X
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1877b
- New bugs, Hemiptera Heteroptera, of the Astrakhan' fauna. Second supplement
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1892
- Peritrechus of the Russian fauna
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1883a
- Contributions to the fauna of the Heteropteran insects of Russia and the neighbouring countries. XI
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1902f
- Notes on the bugs (Hemiptera-Heteroptera) of the Russian fauna
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1889a
- Zur Hemipteren-Fauna Russlands und der angrenzenden Länder
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1904b
- Hémiptères-Hétéroptères nouveaux de la faune paléarctique. X
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1902a
- Hémiptères-Hétéroptères nouveaux de la faune paléarctique. II
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1894
- Hemiptera Heteroptera palaearctica nova
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1883d
- Synonymische Bemerkungen
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1903a
- Bugs (Hemiptera-Heteroptera) of the Irkutsk Province. II
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1889d
- Contributions to the fauna of the Heteropteran insects of Siberia (Hemiptera Heteroptera Sibirica). I
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1904e
- Palomena limbata, n. sp., and its Palaearctic relatives (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Pentatomidae)
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1908b
- Species of the genus Centrocoris Kolenati (Hemiptera-Heteroptera) of Eurasia
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1876a
- Descriptions of new species of Heteroptera of the Russian fauna
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1882a
- Bugs (Hemiptera Heteroptera) of the Caucasian region. II
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1871
- Contributions to the entomological fauna of the Volga region. III-V
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1884c
- Hemiptera Heteroptera des Astrachanischen Gebietes
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1880a
- New bugs (Hemiptera Heteroptera) of the Russian fauna
- Jande, S.S. 1959
- Chromosome number and sex mechanism in twenty-seven species of Indian Heteroptera
- Jansson, A. 1986c
- Micronecta griseola Horváth, 1899 (Insecta, Heteroptera, Corixidae): proposed conservation by the suppression of Sigara minuta Fabricius, 1794 and Sigara lemana Fieber, 1860
- Jansson, A. 1998
- Corisa propinqua Fieber, 1860 (currently Glaenocorisa propinqua; Insecta, Heteroptera): proposed conservation of the specific name
- Jansson, A. 1980
- Postglacial distributional history of the water boatman, Arctocorisa carinata (Heteroptera: Corixidae)
- Jansson, A. 1976
- Records on the distribution of Micronecta species (Het., Corixidae) in Finland
- Jansson, A. 1989
- Stridulation of Micronectinae (Heteroptera, Corixidae)
- Jansson, A. 1978a
- Characteristics of Arctocorisa carinata pyrenaica Poisson (Heteroptera, Corixidae) within the variation of the nominate form
- Jansson, A. 1987b
- Micronectinae (Heteroptera, Corixidae) as indicators of water quality in Lake Vesijärvi, Southern Finland, during the period of 1976-1986
- Jansson, A. 1987e
- Corisa distincta Fieber, 1848 (currently Sigara (Subsigara) distincta; Insecta, Hemiptera): proposed conservation of the specific name
- Jansson, A. 1973
- Stridulation and its significance in the genus Cenocorixa
- Jansson, A. 1986a
- The Corixidae (Heteroptera) of Europe and some adjacent regions
- Jansson, A. 1993
- Corisa sexlineata Reuter, 1882 (currently Sigara (Tropocorixa) sexlineata; Insecta, Heteroptera): proposed conservation of the specific name
- Jansson, A. 1979b
- Experimental hybridization of Sigara striata and S. dorsalis (Heteroptera, Corixidae)
- Jansson, A. 1977a
- Distribution of Micronectae (Heteroptera, Corixidae) in Lake Päijänne, central Finland: Correlation with eutrophication and pollution
- Jansson, A. 1986d
- Sigara (Subsigara) samani tigranes ssp. n. (Heteroptera, Corixidae) from SW Asia
- Jansson, A. 1969
- Identification of larval Corixidae (Heteroptera) of Northern Europe
- Jansson, A. 2000
- Interesting collection of Corixidae (Heteroptera) from a fish pond
- Jansson, A. 1981
- A new European species and notes on synonymy in the genus Corixa Geoffroy (Heteroptera, Corixidae)
- Jansson, A. 1992a
- Parasigara multilineata de Sallier Dupin, 1973, a synonym of Corixa monticola Linnavuori, 1971, and notes on distribution of African species of Corixa (Heteroptera, Corixidae)
- Jansson, A. 1978b
- Aberrant arrangement of male palar pegs in some Callicorixa species (Heteroptera, Corixidae)
- Jansson, A. 1987c
- Corisa germari Fieber, 1848 (currently Arctocorisa germari; Insecta, Hemiptera): proposed designation of a neotype
- Jansson, A. 1994
- Comments on the proposed conservation of the specific name of Notonecta obliqua Thunberg, 1787 (Insecta, Heteroptera)
- Jansson, A. 1979c
- Arctocorisa kurilensis sp. n. and A. carinata lansburyi ssp. n. (Heteroptera, Corixidae) from Asia
- Jansson, A. 1988
- Micronecta poweri castillensis Poisson (Heteroptera, Corixidae): subspecific rank to be restored
- Jansson, A. 1974
- Annual periodicity of male stridulation in the genus Cenocorixa (Hemiptera, Corixidae)
- Jansson, A. 1995
- Superfamily Corixoidea Leach - water boatman. In: In: Aukema, B. & Chr. Rieger (eds). Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Volume 1. Enicocephalomorpha, Dipsocoromorpha, Nepomorpha, Gerromorpha and Leptopodomorpha: 26-56.
- Jansson, A. 1986b
- Sigara scholtzi Fieber, [1860] (Insecta, Heteroptera): proposed conservation by the suppression of Sigara scholtzii Scholtz, 1846
- Jansson, A. 1977b
- Micronectae (Heteroptera, Corixidae) as indicators of water quality in two lakes in southern Finland
- Jansson, A. 1987a
- Lists of the insect types in the Zoological Museum, University of Helsinki. 1. Heteroptera: Nepomorpha
- Jansson, A. 2002
- New records of Corixidae (Heteroptera) from northeastern USA and eastern Canada, with one new synonymy
- Jansson, A. 1972
- Mechanism of sound production and morphology of the stridulatory apparatus in the genus Cenocorixa (Hemiptera, Corixidae)
- Jansson, A. 1983
- Three new palaearctic species of Sigara (Subsigara) (Heteroptera, Corixidae)
- Jansson, A. 1992b
- The identity of the Spinola Collection Corixidae (Heteroptera)
- Jansson, A. 1979a
- Reproductive isolation and experimental hybridization between Arctocorisa carinata and A. germari (Heteroptera, Corixidae)
- Jansson, A. 1987d
- Parasigara Poisson, 1957 (Insecta, Heteroptera): proposed confirmation of Corisa transversa Fieber, 1848 as type species
- Jansson, A. & A.G. Beu 1990
- Cymatiinae Iredale, 1913 (1854) (Mollusca, Gastropoda) and Cymatiinae Walton in Hutchinson, 1940 (Insecta, Heteroptera): proposal to remove the homonymy
- Jansson, A. & G.G.E. Scudder 1972
- Corixidae (Hemiptera) as predators: rearing on frozen brine shrimp
- Jansson, A. & G.G.E. Scudder 1974
- The life cycle and sexual development of Cenocorixa species (Hemiptera, Corixidae) in the Pacific Northwest of North America
- Jansson, A. & I.M. Kerzhner 1986
- Corixa albifrons Motschulsky, 1863 (Insecta, Heteroptera): proposed confirmation of neotype designation
- Jansson, A. & J.T. Polhemus 1993b
- Corisa nigrolineata Fieber, 1848 (currently Sigara (Pseudovermicorixa) nigrolineata; Insecta, Heteroptera): proposed conservation of the specific name
- Jansson, A. & J.T. Polhemus 1993a
- Notonecta obliqua Gallén in Thunberg, 1787 (Insecta, Heteroptera): proposed conservation of the specific name
- Jansson, A. & M. del C. Coscarón 1989
- Lists of the insect types in the Zoological Museum, University of Helsinki. 11. Heteroptera: Reduviidae
- Jansson, A. & V.B. Meyer-Rochow 1990
- Sound production in Synaptonecta issa (Heteroptera: Corixidae, Micronectinae) - An Asian bug that turned up in a New Zealand aquarium
- Jansson, A. & V.I. Pajunen 1978
- Morphometric comparison of geographically isolated populations of Arctocorisa carinata (C. Sahlberg) (Heteroptera, Corixidae)
- Jastrey, J.T. 1981
- Distribution and ecology of Norwegian waterbugs (Hem. Heteroptera)
- Jaus, I. 1934
- Zur Kenntnis von Pyrrhocoris apterus L
- Javahery, M. 1994
- Development of eggs in some true bugs (Hemiptera-Heteroptera): Part I. Pentatomoidea
- Javorek, V. 1978
- Kapesní atlas ploštic a křísů: 1-399
- Jawale, S.M. & D.R. Ranade 1988
- Observations on the parental care in Sphaerodema (= Diplonychus) rusticum Fabr.
- Jeannel, R. 1943
- Les Hénicocéphalides de Fernando-Po (Hem.)
- Jeannel, R. 1919
- Insectes Hémiptères. III. Henicocephalidae et Reduviidae
- Jeannel, R. 1913
- Pentatomidae
- Jeannel, R. 1942
- Les Hénicocéphalides. Monographie d'un groupe d'Hémiptères hématophages
- Jeannel, R. 1914
- Tableau des Rhaphidosoma africaines (Hem. Reduviidae)
- Jehamalar, E.E. & K. Chandra 2020
- A new species of Tenagogonus Stål (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerridae) and first records of eight species of aquatic and semi-aquatic Heteroptera from India
- Jensen-Haarup, A.C. 1931a
- Hemipterological notes and descriptions VI
- Jensen-Haarup, A.C. 1922
- Hemipterological notes and descriptions II
- Jensen-Haarup, A.C. 1931b
- New or little known Hemiptera Heteroptera I
- Jensen-Haarup, A.C. 1913
- Provisional description (with a figure) of a supposed new genus and species of the family Capsidae (Div. Laboparia Reut.?)
- Jensen-Haarup, A.C. 1928
- Hemipterological notes and descriptions V
- Jensen-Haarup, A.C. 1937
- Einige neue Pentatomidenarten aus der Sammlung des Zoologischen Museums in Hamburg (Hem. het.)
- Jensen-Haarup, A.C. 1920
- Hemipterological notes and descriptions I
- Jenyns, L. 1839
- On three undescribed species of the genus Cimex, closely allied to the common bed-bug
- Jerinić-Prodanović, D. & Lj. Protić 2011
- New data on true bug predators (Heteroptera: Miridae) of jumping plant-lice (Sternorrhyncha: Psylloidea) in Serbia
- Jessop, L. 1983
- A review of the genera of Plataspidae (Hemiptera) related to Libyaspis, with a revision of Cantharodes
- Jessop, L. 1984
- Drymus ryeii Douglas & Scott, 1865 (Hemiptera, Lygaeidae): proposed ratification of the status of a lectotype with a request to set the neotype aside
- Jiménez, P.J., E. Ribes, J. Ribes, J. Rofes & C. Solà 2003
- Dades preliminars sobre els hemípters terrestres de la Reserva Natural de Sebes i Meandre de Flix i el seu entorn, Ribera d'Ebre (Heteroptera)
- Jindra, Z. & J. Kabíček 2001
- Faunistic records from the Czech Republic - 130. Heteroptera: Anthocoridae
- Jindra, Z. & J. Kazda 2004
- Faunistic records from the Czech Republic - 173. Heteroptera: Lygaeidae: Geocorinae
- Jing, H.L. 1988a
- Hemiptera: Tingidae
- Jing, H.L. 1981a
- Tingidae. In: Hsiao, T.Y. et al. A handbook for the determination of the Chinese Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Volume II: 271-368
- Jing, H.L. 1988b
- Heteroptera: Tingidae
- Jing, H.L. 1981b
- Hemiptera: Tingidae
- Jing, H.L. 1989
- A new species of the genus Stephanitis (Heteroptera: Tingidae)
- Jing, H.L. 1980
- New species of Chinese Tingidae (Hemiptera, Heteroptera)
- Joakimov, D. 1909
- On the fauna of Hemiptera of Bulgaria
- Johansson, T., J. Hjältén, F. Stenbacka & M. Dynesius 2010
- Responses of eight boreal flat bug (Heteroptera: Aradidae) species to clear-cutting and forest fire
- John, E. & D. Kolokotronis 2023
- First record of Zelus renardii Kolenati, 1857 (Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Harpactorinae) for Cyprus
- Johnson, C.G. 1936
- The biology of Leptobyrsa rhododendri Horváth (Hemiptera, Tingitidae), the Rhododendron lacebug. I. Introduction, bionomics and life history
- Jordan, K. 1911
- Polyctenidae viviparous
- Jordan, K. 1912
- Contribution to our knowledge of the morphology and systematics of the Polyctenidae, a family of Rhynchota parasitic on bats
- Jordan, K. & N.C. Rothschild 1912
- Notes on Clinocoridae, a family of Rhynchota, with descriptions of a new genus and species
- Jordan, K.H.C. 1947b
- Sciocoris cursitans F. f. holopunctatus f. n
- Jordan, K.H.C. 1941
- Familie: Cryptostemmatidae
- Jordan, K.H.C. 1958b
- Lautäußerungen bei den Hemipteren-Familien der Cydnidae, Pentatomidae und Acanthosomidae
- Jordan, K.H.C. 1953
- Neue Funde und Beobachtungen zur Heteropterenfauna der Oberlausitz und Ostsachsen
- Jordan, K.H.C. 1928
- Zur Biologie der aquatilen Rhynchoten
- Jordan, K.H.C. 1944
- Oligocoris bidentata n. gen. et n. sp., eine Miride aus dem ostpreussischen Bernstein (Hemiptera-Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Jordan, K.H.C. 1935
- 24-33 Familie
- Jordan, K.H.C. 1957b
- Aradus brevicollis Fallén, ein interessantes Tier der deutschen Fauna nebst einigen Bemerkungen über das Integument der Aradiden (Heteroptera: Aradidae)
- Jordan, K.H.C. 1972
- 20. Ordnung Heteroptera (Wanzen)
- Jordan, K.H.C. 1950
- Wasserwanzen
- Jordan, K.H.C. 1943a
- Ceratocombus lusaticus, eine neue Cryptostemmatide Deutschlands (Hemiptera Heteroptera: Cryptostemmatidae)
- Jordan, K.H.C. 1933
- Beiträge zur Biologie heimischer Wanzen. (Heteropt.)
- Jordan, K.H.C. 1954
- Über einen neuen Naeogeus aus Südfrankreich (Heteroptera: Hebridae)
- Jordan, K.H.C. 1947a
- Lopus longirostris n. sp., a new Mirid from Germany
- Jordan, K.H.C. 1940
- Die Larve von Isometopus intrusus H. S. (Hemiptera-Heteroptera: Isometopidae)
- Jordan, K.H.C. 1958a
- Die Biologie von Elasmucha grisea L. (Heteroptera: Acanthosomidae)
- Jordan, K.H.C. 1943b
- Über Micronecta macrothoracica n. sp. und Micronecta perplexa Horv. (Hemiptera-Heteroptera: Corixidae)
- Jordan, K.H.C. 1951
- Bestimmungstabellen der Familien von Wanzenlarven
- Jordan, K.H.C. 1934
- Die Wanzen Mitteleuropas. Hemiptera Heteroptera Miteleuropas (J. Gulde, ed.). Literaturteil: 1-34
- Jordan, K.H.C. 1957a
- Neufunde nordischer Heteropteren in der Oberlausitz
- Jordan, K.H.C. & A. Wendt 1938
- Zur Biologie von Salda litoralis L. (Hem. Het.)
- Jorigtoo & B.Y. Qi 1996
- Study on the aquatic and semiaquatic bugs from Inner Mongolia, China (I) - Hydrometridae & Mesoveliidae
- Jorigtoo & Nonnaiazab 1996
- New recorded species of Corixidae (Hemiptera: Corixidae) from Helan Mountain, China
- Jorigtoo & Nonnaizab 1991
- A newly recorded genus of Miridae from Inner Mongolia, China
- Jorigtoo & Nonnaizab 1993
- New species and new records of Trigonotylus Fieber from China (Hemiptera: Miridae)
- Jorigtoo & Nonnaizab 1995
- A new species and four new records of Cydnidae from Inner Mongolia - Xinjiang Region China
- Jorigtoo, Nonnaizab & B.Y. Qi 1996
- New records of Corixidae from China (Hemiptera: Corixidae)
- Josifov, M. 1965d
- Zwei neue Emblethis-Arten (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae)
- Josifov, M. 1958d
- Eine neue Gampsocoris-Art aus Bulgarien: G. lilianae n. sp. (Hem. Het. Berytidae)
- Josifov, M. 1983a
- Beitrag zur Taxonomie der ostpaläarktischen Deraeocoris-Arten (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Josifov, M. 1970b
- Neue asiatische Derephysia-Arten (Heteroptera, Tingidae)
- Josifov, M. 1992d
- Eine neue Lygus-Art aus Tadshikistan (Insecta, Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Josifov, M. 1977
- Zur Systematik der Gattung Harpocera Curtis, 1838 (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Josifov, M. 1987b
- Über die Synonymie mancher Lygaeiden (Insecta, Heteroptera)
- Josifov, M. 1961a
- Die halobionten und halophilen Heteropteren an der Schwarzmeerküste
- Josifov, M. 1990b
- Eine neue Miridenart aus Bulgarien (Insecta, Heteroptera)
- Josifov, M. 1964b
- Artbestand und Verbreitung der Insekten von der Ordnung Heteroptera in Bulgarien, Teil II
- Josifov, M. 1968d
- Eine neue Chorosoma-Art aus Bulgarien (Heteroptera, Rhopalidae)
- Josifov, M. 1961d
- Was ist Megalonotus chiragra var. emarginatus (Rey) 1888 (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae)
- Josifov, M. 1974d
- Eine neue Psallus-Art aus Bulgarien und eine neue Orthotylus-Art aus Kirgisien (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Josifov, M. 1967a
- Zur Systematik der Gattung Cryptostemma H.-S. (Heteroptera)
- Josifov, M. 1985
- Lygocoris (Arbolygus) kerzhneri sp. n. - eine neue ostpaläarktische Miridenart (Heteroptera)
- Josifov, M. 1973a
- Eine neue Pilophorus-Art aus Portugal (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Josifov, M. 1993c
- Ein kleiner Beitrag zur Systematik der Miriden (Insecta: Heteroptera)
- Josifov, M. 1981b
- Der verkannte Dichrooscytus valesianus Fieber, 1861 und der übersehene Dichrooscytus gustavi sp. n. aus Mitteleuropa (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Josifov, M. 1976a
- Drei neue Orthotylus-Arten aus Korea (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Josifov, M. 1968b
- Eine Heteropterenausbeute von der Insel Kreta
- Josifov, M. 1986c
- Eine neue Aethus-Art von der Balkanhalbinsel (Heteroptera, Cydnidae)
- Josifov, M. 1959b
- Über zwei Miriden-Arten aus dem östlichen Mittelmeerraum
- Josifov, M. 1965b
- Zur Systematik der Gattung Melanocoryphus Stål (Hem. Het. Lygaeidae)
- Josifov, M. 1958b
- Heterocordylus cytisi n. sp. - eine neue Miriden-Art aus Bulgarien (Hem. Heteroptera)
- Josifov, M. 1969d
- Artenzusammensetzung und Verbreitung der Insekten von der Ordnung Heteroptera in Bulgarien. III
- Josifov, M. 1963
- Eine neue Rhyparochromus-Art von der Insel Kreta (Hem. Het. Lygaeidae)
- Josifov, M. 1961b
- Macrolophus nubilis geranii n. subsp. (Hem. Het. Miridae)
- Josifov, M. 1974b
- Neue südpaläarktische Miriden (Hemiptera, Heteroptera)
- Josifov, M. 1965e
- Zur Systematik der Gattung Gampsocoris Fuss, 1852 (Heteroptera, Berytidae)
- Josifov, M. 1983b
- Neue Psallus-Arten aus Nord-Korea (KDVR) (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Josifov, M. 1970c
- Über die Taxonomie von Ventocoris (Selenodera) falcatus (Cyrillus, 1787) (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae)
- Josifov, M. 1993a
- Beitrag zur Verbreitung der Heteropteren auf der Balkanhalbinsel samt Bemerkungen über die Synonymie mancher Miridenarten (Insecta, Heteroptera)
- Josifov, M. 1978
- Neue Miridenarten aus Nord-Korea (Heteroptera)
- Josifov, M. 1989
- Beitrag zur Taxonomie der europäischen Pilophorus-Arten (Insecta, Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Josifov, M. 1982
- Eine neue Uhlerites-Art aus Korea (Heteroptera, Tingidae)
- Josifov, M. 1958e
- Über Odontotarsus confraginosus Hoberlandt 1956 (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae)
- Josifov, M. 1964c
- Über die Gattung Orthonotus Stephens, 1829 (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Josifov, M. 1957
- Forma macroptera von Diomphalus hispidulus Fieb. (Hem. Het.)
- Josifov, M. 1969b
- Einige neue Miriden aus Bulgarien (Hemiptera, Heteroptera)
- Josifov, M. 1961e
- Eurydema eckerleini n. sp. - eine neue Pentatomidenart von der Insel Kreta (Hemiptera, Heteroptera)
- Josifov, M. 1974e
- Beitrag zur Systematik der paläarktischen Dichrooscytus-Arten (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Josifov, M. 1967b
- Eine neue Acalypta-Art aus Anatolien (Heteroptera, Tingidae)
- Josifov, M. 1986a
- Verzeichnis der von der Balkanhalbinsel bekannten Heteropterenarten (Insecta, Heteroptera)
- Josifov, M. 1973b
- Beitrag zur Taxonomie der Gattung Psallus Fieb., 1858 (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Josifov, M. 1970a
- Ergebnisse der Albanien-Expedition 1961 des Deutschen Entomologischen Institutes. 82. Beitrag. Heteroptera
- Josifov, M. 1964a
- Cryptostemma remanei n. sp., eine neue Heteropteren-Art aus Bulgarien
- Josifov, M. 1992c
- Zur Taxonomie der paläarktischen Macrolophus-Arten (Insecta, Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Josifov, M. 1976b
- Eine neue Lygaeidae-Art (Heteroptera) aus der Balkanhalbinsel
- Josifov, M. 1987a
- Einige neue Miriden aus Nordkorea (KDVR) (Heteroptera)
- Josifov, M. 1959c
- Gampsocoris eckerleini n. sp. - eine neue Heteropteren-Art aus Griechenland (Hem. Het. Neididae)
- Josifov, M. 1965c
- Eine neue Melanocoryphus-Art aus China (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae)
- Josifov, M. 1958c
- Eine neue Aradus-Art (Hem. Het.) aus Bulgarien
- Josifov, M. 1968c
- Ferganocoris kerzhneri n. gen. n. sp. - eine neue asiatische Phyline (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Josifov, M. 1961c
- Über drei in Bulgarien anzutreffende Miridenarten (Hemiptera, Heteroptera)
- Josifov, M. 1974c
- Neue südpaläarktische Phytocoris-Arten (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Josifov, M. 1966
- Zur Systematik der Gattung Maccevethus Dallas, 1852 (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Rhopalidae)
- Josifov, M. 1984
- Zur Taxonomie von Aelia klugi Hahn, 1831 und Aelia sibirica Reuter, 1884 (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae)
- Josifov, M. 1971
- Die Gattung Elasmucha Stål, 1864, im östlichen Mittelmeerraum (Heteroptera, Acanthosomatidae)
- Josifov, M. 1993b
- Eine neue mediterrane Isometopus-Art (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae: Isometopinae)
- Josifov, M. 1979
- Kerzhneriola gen. n., eine neue Phylinen-Gattung aus Asien (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Josifov, M. 1990a
- Über die Verbreitung mancher Heteropterenarten auf der Balkanhalbinsel. III (Insecta)
- Josifov, M. 1986b
- Über die Verbreitung mancher Heteropterenarten auf der Balkanhalbinsel und der Insel Zypern
- Josifov, M. 1974a
- Eine neue Phyline aus Bulgarien (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Josifov, M. 1959a
- Eine neue Dichrooscytus-Art aus Bulgarien (Hem. Het. Miridae)
- Josifov, M. 1965a
- Eine neue Paredrocoris-Art aus Bulgarien (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Josifov, M. 1958a
- Zwei neue Dicyphus (Brachyceraea)-Arten aus Bulgarien (Het.)
- Josifov, M. 1969c
- Eine neue Psallus-Art aus Bulgarien (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Josifov, M. 1962
- Eine neue Miridenart von der Insel Kreta (Hemiptera, Heteroptera)
- Josifov, M. 1975
- Eine neue Metatropis-Art aus Korea (Heteroptera, Berytidae)
- Josifov, M. 1968a
- Die paläarktischen Arten der Gattung Phumata [sic] Latreille, 1802 (Hem. Het. Reduviidae)
- Josifov, M. & E. Heiss 1989
- Eine neue Acrosternum-Art von der Insel Kreta (Heteropteren aus Kreta VII)
- Josifov, M. & I.M. Kerzhner 1978
- Heteroptera aus Korea. II. Teil (Aradidae, Berytidae, Lygaeidae, Pyrrhocoridae, Rhopalidae, Alydidae, Coreidae, Urostylidae, Acanthosomatidae, Scutelleridae, Pentatomidae, Cydnidae, Plataspidae)
- Josifov, M. & I.M. Kerzhner 1972
- Heteroptera aus Korea. I. Teil (Ochteridae, Gerridae, Saldidae, Nabidae, Anthocoridae, Miridae, Tingidae und Reduviidae)
- Josifov, M. & I.M. Kerzhner 1984
- Zur Systematik der Gattung Dryophilocoris Reuter, 1875 (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Josifov, M. & I.M. Kerzhner 1974
- Zur Systematik der ostpaläarktischen Mezira-Arten (Heteroptera, Aradidae)
- Josifov, M. & I.M. Kerzhner 1967
- Heteroptera von der Mongolischen Volksrepublik
- Josifov, M. & J.M. Štusák 1987
- A new genus and two new species of Afrotropical Metacanthinae (Heteroptera, Berytidae
- Josifov, M. & N. Simov 2008
- Contribution to the taxonomy of Dicyphus constrictus (Boheman, 1852) (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Josifov, M. & N. Simov 2004
- Heteroptera in Bulgarian side of Eastern Rhodopes (Insecta)
- Josifov, M. & N. Simov 2006
- Endemism among the Heteroptera on the Balkan Peninsula
- Josifov, M. & U. Göllner-Scheiding 1984
- Bibliographie der faunistischen Literatur über die Heteropteren der Balkanhalbinsel (Insecta)
- Josifov, M.V. 1992a
- Contributions to a knowledge of the family Miridae of North Korea (Heteroptera)
- Josifov, M.V. 1992b
- Neue Miriden aus Korea (Insecta, Heteroptera)
- Josifov, M.V. 1981a
- Heteroptera, Pentatomoidea
- Ju, R.T., Y.Z. Li, F. Wang & Y.Z. Du 2009
- Spread of and damage by an exotic lacebug, Corythuca ciliata (Say, 1832) (Hemiptera: Tingidae), in China
- Judd, S. 1994a
- The Nymphal Taxonomy and Systematics of Western Palaearctic Lygaeid Bugs (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Lygaeidae), with Special Reference to the British Fauna. Vol 1: 1-400. PhD Thesis Liverpool John Moores University
- Judd, S. 2008
- Oxycarenus lavaterae (Fab.) (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) a non-native seed bug established in a Liverpool glasshouse
- Judd, S. 1986
- Anthocoris nemoralis butleri Le Quesne (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) new to Ireland
- Judd, S. 1994b
- The Nymphal Taxonomy and Systematics of Western Palaearctic Lygaeid Bugs (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Lygaeidae), with Special Reference to the British Fauna. Vol 2 - Appendices: 1-178. PhD Thesis Liverpool John Moores University
- Judd, S. 2010
- Sphragisticus Stål (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) - a recently established British seed bug genus
- Julka, J.M. 1965
- Observations on the biology of aquatic bugs (Hemiptera) injurious to the pond fishes. I. Anisops bouvieri Kirkaldy
- Jung, M. 2009
- Xylocoris lativentris (J. Sahlberg, 1870) - nun sicher für Deutschland nachgewiesen (Heteroptera, Anthocoridae)
- Jung, S. & J. Kim 2015
- Insect fauna of Korea [Mirinae I]
- Jung, S. & S. Lee 2011
- Taxonomic review of the genus Amphiareus (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) in the Korean Peninsula
- Jung, S. & S. Lee 2007
- New record of the family Lasiochilidae Carayon, 1972 (Hemiptera: Cimicoidea) from the Korean Peninsula, with re-description of Lasiochilus (Dilasia) japonicus from Jeju Island
- Jung, S. & S. Lee 2012
- Molecular phylogeny of the plant bugs (Heteroptera: Miridae) and the evolution of feeding habits
- Jung, S., H. Kim, K. Yamada & S. Lee 2010a
- Molecular phylogeny and evolutionary habitat transition of the flower bugs (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae)
- Jung, S., I.M. Kerzhner & S. Lee 2011a
- A new record of the infraorder Dipsocoromorpha (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) from South Korea
- Jung, S., I.M. Kerzhner & S. Lee 2011b
- Species of the genus Eurydema (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in Far East Asia: an integrated approach using morphological, molecular, and data crossing analyses for taxonomy
- Jung, S., J. Kim & R.K. Duwal 2017
- An annotated catalogue of the subfamily Orthotylinae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) from the Korean Peninsula
- Jung, S., K. Yamada & S. Lee 2011c
- A new species of Scoloposcelis Fieber (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Anthocoridae: Scolopini) from the Korean Peninsula, with a key to the Palaearctic species
- Jung, S., R.K. Duwal, R.K. & S. Lee 2015
- A new record of the subfamily Isometopinae (Heteroptera: Miridae) from the Korean Peninsula
- Jung, S., R.K. Duwal, T. Yasunaga, E. Heiss & S. Lee 2010b
- A taxonomic review of the Genus Dryophilocoris (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae: Orthotylini) in the Fareast Asia with the description of a new species
- Jung, S., T. Yasunaga & S. Lee 2011d
- Taxonomic review of the genus Orius (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) in the Korean Peninsula
- Junqua, C. 1956
- Anatomie larvaire et imaginale du bélostome nordafricaine: Hydrocyrius columbiae Spin
- Jurc, M. & D. Jurc 2017
- The first record and the beginning of the spread of Oak Lace Bug, Corythucha arcuata (Say, 1832) (Heteroptera: Tingidae), in Slovenia