- Reuter, O.M. 1886b
- [Orthosteira acutispinis]
- Dolling, W.R. 1987
- Obituary. Norman Cecil Egerton Miller (1893-1980)
- Coombs, C.W. & D.G.H. Halstead 1976
- Obituary: Gerald Ernest Woodroffe
- Schaefer, C.W. & R.I. Sailer 1980
- Obituary: Hsiao Tsai-yu, July 25, 1903 - June 27, 1978
- Seabra, A.F. de 1925a
- Observações sôbre a classificação de algumas espécies de Hemípteros-Heterópteros de Portugal
- Seabra, A.F. de 1924
- Observaçôes sóbre algumas espécies raras ou pouco conhecidas de Hemípteros Heterópteros de Portugal
- Weber, F. 1801
- Observationes entomologicae, continentes novorum quae condidit generum characteres, et nuper detectarum specierum descriptiones: i-xii, 1-116
- Sahlberg, C.R. 1819
- Observationes quasdam historiam Notonectidum, imprimis Fennicarum, illustrantes:propositura 1-15
- Péricart, J. 1971
- Observations diverses et nouvelles synonymies concernant les Anthocoridae et Microphysidae paléarctiques (Heteroptera)
- Euverte, G. 1981
- Observations écologiques sur Corythucha ciliata Say (Heteroptera, Tingidae), ravageur du Platane
- Magnien, Ph. 2000a
- Observations et captures intéressantes d'Hémiptères - Espèces nouvelles pour la France et la Grèce (Heteroptera: Corixidae, Nabidae, Tingidae, Lygaeidae, Miridae, Cydnidae)
- Miller, N.C.E. 1932
- Observations on Melamphaus faber, F. (Hem. Pyrrhocoridae) and descriptions of early stages
- Uhler, P.R. 1887b
- Observations on North American Capsidae, with descriptions of new species (No. 3)
- Liquido, N.J. & T. Nishida 1985a
- Observations on some aspects of the biology of Cyrtorhinus lividipennis Reuter (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Uhler, P.R. 1887a
- Observations on some Capsidae with descriptions of a few new species (No. 2)
- Easton, E.R. & W.W. Pun 1997
- Observations on some Hemiptera/Heteroptera of Macau, Southeast Asia
- Uhler, P.R. 1891
- Observations on some remarkable forms of Capsidae
- Uhler, P.R. 1892
- Observations on some remarkable Heteroptera of North America
- Mathen, K. 1960
- Observations on Stephanitis typicus Distant, a pest of coconut palm. 1. Description and life-history
- Julka, J.M. 1965
- Observations on the biology of aquatic bugs (Hemiptera) injurious to the pond fishes. I. Anisops bouvieri Kirkaldy
- Usinger, R.L. 1960a
- Observations on the biology of Chiloxanthus stellatus (Curtis) and C. arcticus (Sahlberg) (Hemiptera: Saldidae)
- Rice, L.A. 1954
- Observations on the biology of ten notonectid species found in the Douglas Lake, Michigan region
- Nietner, J. 1861
- Observations on the enemies of the coffee-tree in Ceylon: 1-31
- Mehta, D.R. 1930
- Observations on the influence of temperature and humidity on the bionomics of Dysdercus cingulatus, Fabr
- Chauthani, A.R. & U.S. Misra 1966
- Observations on the life-history of Antilochus coqueberti, a predator of Dysdercus koenigi
- Takahashi, R. 1923
- Observations on the Ochteridae
- Takahashi, R. 1921
- Observations on the Ochteridae (Rhynchota)
- Jawale, S.M. & D.R. Ranade 1988
- Observations on the parental care in Sphaerodema (= Diplonychus) rusticum Fabr.
- Hartwig, E.K. & H.C. De Lange 1978
- Observations on three coreids, Carlisis wahlbergi Stål, Anoplocnemis curvipes (Fabr.) and Elasmopoda valga (L.)
- Puton, A. 1879e
- Observations sur divers Hémiptères
- Dauphin, P. 1988
- Observations sur Hyalochilus ovatulus Costa (Hét. Lygaeidae)
- Carayon, J. 1949b
- Observations sur la biologie des Hémiptères Microphysidés
- Dauphin, P. 1990
- Observations sur la biologie et les premiers états de Leptopus marmoratus Goeze (Hem. Leptopodidae)
- Seabra, A.F. de 1930a
- Observations sur la détermination de deux espèces du genre "Arocatus", "A. melanocephalus" et "Roeseli" (Schil.)
- Dispons, P. 1955b
- Observations sur la ponte de Rhinocoris erythropus (L.)
- Ramade, F. 1963
- Observations sur le genre Platyplax (Hétéroptères Lygaeidae)
- Signoret, V. 1849
- Observations sur le Phricodus hystrix. Hémiptère-Hétéroptère
- Carayon, J. & J.-R. Steffan 1959
- Observations sur le régime alimentaire des Orius et particulièrement d'Orius pallidicornis (Reuter) (Heteroptera Anthocoridae)
- Monod, Th. & J. Carayon 1958
- Observations sur les Copium (Hemipt. Tingidae) et leur action cécidogène sur les fleurs de Teucrium (Labiées)
- Dispons, P. 1954a
- Observations sur les Emesinae d'Afrique du Nord (Ploearia et Ischnonyctes) (Hem. Reduviidae)
- Rey, C. 1890
- Observations sur quelques Hémiptères et descriptions d'espèces nouvelles ou peu connues
- Seabra, A.F. de 1925b
- Observations sur quelques modalités particulières du "Carpocoris fuscispinus" (Boh.) du Portugal
- Carayon, J. 1953a
- Observations sur Scoloposcelis obscurella (Zett.) (Hemipt. Anthocoridae) espèce nordique, nouvelle pour la France, où elle est une relicte glaciaire
- Ollivier, M.-Th. 1980
- Observations sur trois Hétéroptères Lygaeidae des landes armoricaines: inféodation aux végétaux et localisation dans les strates au cours du cycle biologique
- Westwood, J.O. 1842b
- Observations upon the Hemipterous insects composing the genus Syrtis of Fabricius, or the family Phymatides of Laporte, with a monograph of the genus Macrocephalus
- Uhler, P.R. 1894b
- Observations upon the Heteropterous Hemiptera of Lower California, with descriptions of new species
- Mikołaiski, M. 1959
- Obserwacje nad Stenodema (Brachystira) trispinosum Reut. (Heteroptera, Miridae) w okolicach Olsztyna
- Tomokuni, M. 1986
- Occurence of an American Tingid, Corythucha cydoniae (Fitch) (Hemiptera, Tingidae) on Ishigaki Island, the Ryukyus, Japan. Entomological Papers presented to Yoshihiko Kurosawa on the occasion of his retirement: 66-68
- Chopra, N.C. & K.B. Rustagi 1982
- Occurence of Melanotelus villosulus Stal in India and Pakistan (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae: Lygaeinae)
- Cmoluchowa, A. 1968
- Occurence of Xylocoris (Stictosynechia) lativentris in Poland
- Hou, Q.C. & Y.Q. Yang 1999
- Occurrence characteristics of Urostylis yangi Maa and its control
- Davidová-Vilímová, J. 1996
- Occurrence of Ancyrosoma leucogrammes (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Podopinae) in Slovakia
- Li, S.Q., L.K. Dong, W.S. Xia & G.A. Zhang 2008
- Occurrence of Corythucha ciliata and its control
- Hjältén, J., O. Atlegrim, F. Sandström, R Pettersson & E.A. Rexstad 2006
- Occurrence of flat bugs (Heteroptera: Aradidae) in burned and unburned forests
- Usui, T., S. Miyamoto & S. Hayashi 1997
- Occurrence of Gerris (Gerris) lacustris (Heteroptera, Gerridae) in Hokkaido, Japan
- Hayashi, M. & S. Miyamoto 2001
- Occurrence of Glaenocorisa propinqua cavifrons in Japan and an additional record of Arctocorisa kurilensis from Honshu (Heteroptera, Corixidae)
- Hayashi, M. & S. Miyamoto 2007
- Occurrence of Saldula taiwanensis (Heteroptera, Saldidae) in Iriomote, S. Ryukyus
- Eger, J.E., L.M. Ames,. D.R. Suiter, T.M. Jenkins, D.A. Rider & S.E. Halbert 2010
- Occurrence of the Old World bug Megacopta cribraria (Fabricius) (Heteroptera: Plataspidae) in Georgia: a serious home invader and potential legume pest
- Chung, Y.J., T.S. Kwon, W.H. Yeo, B.K. Byun & C.H. Park 1996
- Occurrence of the sycamore lace bug, Corythucha ciliata (Say) (Hemiptera: Tingidae) in Korea
- Tokihiro, G., K. Tanaka & K. Kondo 2003
- Occurrence of the sycamore lace bug, Corythucha ciliata (Say) (Heteroptera: Tingidae) in Japan
- Wagner, E. 1940c
- Ochetostethus balcanicus n. sp. (Heter. Cydnidae) eine neue Ochetostethusart aus Südeuropa
- Ribes, J. 1978c
- Ocho Phylinae nuevos para Cataluña (Het. Miridae)
- Kormilev, N.A. 1971a
- Ochteridae from the Oriental and Australian regions (Hemiptera - Heteroptera)
- Kormilev, N.A. 1973
- Ochteridae from western and southern Africa (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)
- Palmén, J.A. 1915
- Odo Morannal Reuter som zoologisk forskare minnesord
- Wagner, E. 1957x
- Odontoscelis dubia nov. spec., eine neue Scutelleride aus dem Mittelmeergebiet (Hem. Het. Scutelleridae)
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1908d
- Odontotarsus insignis, n. sp. (Hemiptera-Heteroptera)
- Hemming, F. & D. Noakes 1958b
- Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Names in Zoology: i-xii, 1-132
- Hemming, F. & D. Noakes 1958a
- Official List of Generic Names in Zoology. First installment: Names 1-1274: i-xxxvi, 1-200
- Thomson, C.G. 1871d
- Öfversigt af de i Sverige funna arter af gruppen Capsina
- Thomson, C.G. 1870a
- Öfversigt af de i Sverige funna arter af slägtet Lygaeus Fallén
- Reuter, O.M. 1871d
- Öfversigt af sveriges Berytidae
- Thomson, C.G. 1869
- Öfversigt af Sveriges Coriser
- Thomson, C.G. 1871c
- Öfversigt af Sveriges Orthostira-arter
- Thomson, C.G. 1871b
- Öfversigt af Sveriges Salda-arter
- Göllner-Scheiding, U. 1984a
- Ökofaunistische Untersuchungen über die Heteropteren der NW-Mongolei
- Melber, A. & G.H. Schmidt 1975b
- Ökologische Bedeutung des Sozialverhaltens zweier Elasmucha- Arten (Heteroptera: Insecta)
- Krogerus, H. 1960
- Ökologische Studien über nordische Moorarthropoden
- Schuh, R.T. 1989
- Old World Pilophorini: descriptions of nine new species with additional synonymic and taxonomic changes (Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae)
- Jordan, K.H.C. 1944
- Oligocoris bidentata n. gen. et n. sp., eine Miride aus dem ostpreussischen Bernstein (Hemiptera-Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Bergroth, E. 1907b
- Om Aneurus tuberculatus Mjöb
- Stål, C. 1856b
- Om Cimex Stockerus och Cimex Augur (Thunb)
- Reuter, O.M. 1911b
- Om de palearktiska arterna af hemiptersläktet Notostira Fieb
- Sahlberg, J. 1871
- Om den s. k. dimorphismen hos vissa insekter
- Schiødte, J.C. 1848
- Om en gruppe af gravende Cimicies
- Schiødte, J.C. 1843b
- Om Slægten Cephaloctenus
- Stål, C. 1855c
- Om Thunbergska Hemipterarter
- Ossiannilsson, F. 1963b
- Om Zygimus nigriceps (Fallén) (Hem. Miridae)
- Scott, J. 1880
- On a collection of Hemiptera from Japan
- Scott, J. 1874a
- On a collection of Hemiptera Heteroptera from Japan. Descriptions of various new genera and species
- Sakenin, H., E. Jehamalar, N. Samin, H. Bolu & S. Kushwaha 2020
- On a collection of Heteroptera (Insecta:Hemiptera) from Iran
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1907d
- On a few Oriental Geocoridae (Hemiptera)
- Distant, W.L. 1901k
- On a few undescribed Rhynchota. Fam. Pentatomidae
- Takeya, C. 1930
- On a little-known tingitid, Monanthia salicorum (Baba) occuring in Japan (Hem. Heter.)
- Yang, W.I. 1938a
- On a new classification of urostylid insects
- Esaki, T. 1924b
- On a new genus and species of the Gerridae from Formosa
- Carvalho, J.C.M. 1956b
- On a new genus of mirid from the Biliran Island (Hemiptera)
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1905d
- On a new genus of the family Pentatomidae (Hemiptera-Heteroptera)
- Narayanan, E.S. & S. Chatterji 1953
- On a new macropterous species of Triphleps (Hem. Het. Anthocoridae) predaceous on storage pests in India
- Imms, A.D. 1936
- On a new species of Halobates, a genus of pelagic Hemiptera
- Ghauri, M.S.K. 1975a
- On a new subspecies of Aethus laticollis Wagner (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cydnidae) as a serious pest of Pennisetum typhoides (Burm.) in India
- Ribes, J., S. Pagola-Carte & E. Ribes 2006a
- On a new systematic character in genus Rhaphigaster Laporte, 1833 and an unnamed groove in Pentatomoidea
- Saitô, K. 1933
- On a new variety and unrecorded species of Tingitidae from Korea, with the food plants of Korean species
- Qi, B.Y. 1995
- On a replacement name for Psallus (Phylidea) kerzhneri
- Theodor, O. & A. Moscona 1954
- On bat parasites in Palestine. I. Nycterebiidae, Streblidae, Hemiptera, Siphonaptera
- Vernigor, S.F. 1926
- On biology of the beet bug, Poeciloscytus cognatus Fieb
- Lis, J.A. 1993b
- On Byrsinus Fieber and Microporus Uhler, two allied cydnid genera (Heteroptera: Cydnidae)
- Hutchinson, G.E. 1928b
- On certain palaearctic species of Notonecta Linn
- Leston, D. 1952a
- On certain subgenera of Lygus Hahn 1833 (Hem., Miridae), with a review of the British species
- Zheng, L.Y. & C. Chen 1991
- On Chinese species of Eurystylus Stål and Eurystylopsis Poppius (Hemiptera: Miridae)
- Lindskog, P. & B. Viklund 2000
- On Deraeocoris lutescens (Schilliong) and Pinalitus atomarius (Meyer-Dür) in Sweden (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Putshkov, V.G. 1976d
- On ecology and distribution of certain little known and new species of Miridae (Heteroptera) in the Turkmen SSR
- Putshkov, V.G. 1975d
- On ecology and distribution of certain little-known species of Heteroptera in the Turkmenian SSR
- Putshkov, V.G. & P.V. Putshkov 1979
- On ecology and distribution of certain new and little known species of Heteroptera from the south of the USSR
- Kupec, M. & T. Kizek 2019
- On ecology Phyllomorpha laciniata (Villers, 1789)
- Kerzhner, I.M. & K. Voigt 2001
- On Ectatops ophthalmicus (Burm.) and E. imitator (Walk.) (Heteroptera, Pyrrhocoridae)
- Ossiannilsson, F. 1960
- On Glaenocorisa cavifrons Thoms. (Hem., Heteropt., Corix.)
- Munakata, T. 1909
- On Heterocordylus flavipes
- Furukawa, H. 1930
- On Heteroptera in Korea
- Oshanin, B. 1871
- On heteropterous insects of the Zaravshan Valley
- Kerzhner, I.M. & H. Brailovsky 2003
- On Hygia opaca (Uhler), H. lativentris (Motschulsky) and H. obscura (Dallas) (Heteroptera: Coreoidea)
- Ribes, J. & E. Heiss 2001
- On Ibero-Canarian Phytocoris subgen. Compsocerocoris with description of a new species from Canary Islands (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Kormilev, N.A. & E. Heiss 1976b
- On new and little known species of Aradidae, I. (Hemiptera, Heteroptera)
- Distant, W.L. 1893d
- On new and little known Tessaratominae of the order Rhynchota
- Hutchinson, G.E. 1928a
- On Notonectidae from Central Africa
- Štusák, J.M. 1977b
- On nymphs of some Javanese Tingidae (Heteroptera)
- Zheng, L.Y. & N. Lu 2002
- On Orthops Fieber and some new species of Mirinae from China (Hemiptera: Miridae)
- Pagola-Carte, S. & Chr. Rieger 2008
- On Phytocoris (Exophytocoris) brunneicollis Wagner, 1961, and minor Kirschbaum, 1856 (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Vinokurov, N.N. & Z.H. Luo 2014
- On plant bugs of conifers in Xinjiang (Western China) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Vinokurov, N.N. 2019
- On rear [sic!] true bugs (Heteroptera) of Siberia and the south of Russia Far East
- Gorczyca, J. 1996
- On Rhinophrus Hsiao, 1944, bona genus, with the description of a new species (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Scudder, G.G.E. 1958a
- On Salda morio Zett. & S. muelleri (Gmel.) (Hem. Saldidae) in Britain
- Edwards, J. 1889b
- On Scolopostethus adjunctus, D. & S
- Distant, W.L. 1893e
- On some allied Pentatomidae, with synonymical notes
- Kormilev, N.A. 1985
- On some aradid bugs described by Francis Walker (Insecta: Hemiptera)
- Kormilev, N.A. & E. Heiss 1973
- On some Aradidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) from Nepal and Thailand
- Kormilev, N.A. 1978a
- On some Aradidae from the Oriental and Australian Regions (Hemiptera)
- Mifsud, D., A. Falzon, C. Malumphy, E. de Lillo, N. Vovlas & F. Porcelli 2012
- On some arthropods associated with Ficus species (Moraceae) in the Maltese Islands
- Distant, W.L. 1893c
- On some Coreidae of the order Rhynchota
- Wygodzinsky, P. 1954
- On some Emesinae from Equatorial Africa (Reduviidae, Hemiptera)
- Wygodzinsky, P. 1952a
- On some Emesinae from South Africa (Reduviidae, Hemiptera)
- Distant, W.L. 1906d
- On some Ethiopian Rhynchota, and synonymical notes
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1907b
- On some Hawaiian Hemiptera-Heteroptera
- Parshley, H.M. 1919
- On some Hemiptera from western Canada
- Hoberlandt, L. 1953a
- On some Hemiptera-Heteroptera of Cyprus
- Hoberlandt, L. 1968a
- On some Heteroptera collected in Mongolia
- Faraci, F. & I.M. Kerzhner 1997
- On some Italian Miridae described by E. Wagner (Heteroptera)
- Jaczewski, T. 1960a
- On some Japanese Corixidae (Heteroptera)
- Kerzhner, I.M. & N.N. Muminov 1964
- On some little-known capsid bugs (Heteroptera, Miridae) from Middle Asia
- Kerzhner, I.M. & A. Matocq 1997
- On some Mediterrenean Miridae (Heteroptera)
- Popov, Y.A. & I.D. Pinto 2000
- On some Mesozoic burrower bugs (Heteroptera: Cydnidae)
- Bergroth, E. 1922a
- On some neotropical Tingidae (Hem.)
- Linnavuori, R. 1968a
- On some new or interesting Hemiptera
- Linnavuori, R. 1951d
- On some new or lesser known Heteroptera
- Linnavuori, R. 1971c
- On some new or little known Miridae species
- Drake, C.J. 1919
- On some North American Tingidae (Hemip.)
- Carapezza, A. 2009
- On some Old World Scutelleridae (Heteroptera)
- Bergroth, E. 1921b
- On some Opisthoplatyinae (Hem. Reduviidae)
- Pagola-Carte, S. & J. Ribes 2007b
- On some Orthotylus s. str. Fieber, 1858, from the Basque Country (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Ribes, J., S. Pagola-Carte & I. Zabalegui 2008b
- On some Palaearctic Carpocorini (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatomini)
- Linnavuori, R. 1952b
- On some Palearctic Hemiptera
- Linnavuori, R. 1970a
- On some Palearctic Hemiptera
- Giglioli, H. 1864
- On some parasitical insects from China
- Pluot-Sigwalt, D. & A. Matocq 2006
- On some particular sclerotized structures associated with the vulvar area and the vestibulum in Orthotylinae and Phylinae (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Kormilev, N.A. 1966
- On some Phymatidae from the Old and New Worlds (Hem. Heteroptera)
- Kormilev, N.A. 1988
- On some Phymatidae of the Natural History Museum Basel (Hemiptera)
- Heiss, E. & C.E. Lee 1983
- On some Piesma from Korea (Heteroptera)
- Kerzhner, I.M. & F.V. Konstantinov 1997
- On some poorly known Palaearctic Miridae (Heteroptera)
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1910a
- On some preoccupied generic names in insects
- Bergroth, E. 1911a
- On some recently described Hemiptera, chiefly from India
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1901c
- On some Rhynchota, principally from New Guinea (Amphibicorisae and Notonectidae)
- Ribes, J., D. Gapon & S. Pagola-Carte 2007
- On some species of Carpocoris Kolenati, 1846: new synonymies (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae)
- Hoberlandt, L. 1967a
- On some species of Heteroptera collected in the Madeiran Islands
- Cobben, R.H. 1980
- On some species of Pentacora, with the description of a new species from Australia (Heteroptera, Saldidae)
- Hoberlandt, L. 1967b
- On some species of the genus Paranysius Horváth (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae)
- Benedek, P. & V.E. Jászai 1968
- On some species of the genus Tuponia Reuter, 1875 (Heteroptera: Miridae, Phylinae)
- Carvalho, J.C.M. 1985
- On some species of the tribe Deraeocorini Douglas & Scott from Papua New Guinea (Hemiptera, Miridae)
- Parshley, H.M. 1916
- On some Tingidae from New England
- Drake, C.J. 1933
- On some Tingitidae from South India including two new species (Hemiptera)
- Distant, W.L. 1903g
- On some undescribed Rhynchota
- Distant, W.L. 1904c
- On South African Tingitidae and other Heteropterous Rhynchota
- Muminov, N.N. 1987
- On species of the genera Adelphocoris Reut. and Calocoris Fieb. (Heteroptera, Miridae) from Middle Asia
- Vinokurov, N.N. & P. Kment 2021
- On species of the genus Macrosaldula (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Saldidae) of the Palaearctic Region, with description of M. graziae sp. nov.
- Putshkov, P.V. 1987b
- On systematic position of some representatives of the genus Empicoris (Heteroptera, Reduviidae) of the European fauna
- Kerzhner, I.M. 1968b
- On taxonomic position of Lygus calocoroides Lindb. (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Stehlík, J.L. & I.M. Kerzhner 1999
- On taxonomy and distribution of some Palaearctic and Oriental Largidae and Pyrrhocoridae (Heteroptera)
- Yang, W.I. 1938d
- On the abdominal segments of urostylides
- Gapon, D.A. & F.V. Konstantinov 2006b
- On the aedeagal structure of the shield bugs (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae). II. The subfamily Podopinae
- Gapon, D.A. & F.V. Konstantinov 2006a
- On the aedeagus structure in the Pentatomidae (Heteroptera). III. The subfamily Asopinae
- Konstantinov, F.V. & D.A. Gapon 2005
- On the aedeagus structure of the shield bugs (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae). I. Discocephalinae and Phyllocephalinae
- Waterhouse, C.O. 1879
- On the affinity of the genus Polyctenes Giglioli, with a description of a new species
- Nieswander, C.R. 1925
- On the anatomy of the head and thorax of Ranatra (Heteroptera)
- Heiss, E. & F. Önder 1991
- On the Aradidae fauna of Turkey (Heteroptera)
- Heiss, E. 1990b
- On the Aradidae-fauna of Greece (Heteroptera)
- Gross, G.F. 1959
- On the Australian species of cotton bugs (Oxycarenus Fieber, Heteroptera-Lygaeidae)
- Kerzhner, I.M. 2001b
- On the authorship of Xylocorini (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae)
- Bose, M. 1951
- On the biology of an assassin bug, Coranus spiniscutis Reut
- Vlasov, J.P. 1935a
- On the biology of an assassin-bug Holotrichius bergrothi
- Rao, T.K.R. 1962
- On the biology of Ranatra elongata Fabr. (Heteroptera: Nepidae) and Sphaerodema annulatum Fabr. (Heteroptera: Belostomatidae)
- Vlasov, J.P. 1933
- On the biology of Reduvius christophi Jak. and certain other species of the Hemiptera
- Vlasov, J.P. 1935b
- On the biology of Reduvius fedtschenkianus Osh. (Hemiptera-Heteroptera)
- Chu, Y.I. 1969
- On the bionomics of Lyctocoris beneficus (Hiura) and Xylocoris galactinus (Fieber) (Anthocoridae, Heteroptera)
- Papáček, M. 1991
- On the bionomy of the backswimmers (Heteroptera, Notonectidae) from south and west Bohemia
- Okamoto, H. 1942
- On the breeding and observations of Dinorhynchus dybowskyi Jakovlev
- Edwards, J. 1918
- On the British species of Notonecta
- Kerzhner, I.M. 1982
- On the bugs of the Lygaeus teraphoides group (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae)
- Putshkov, P.V. 1983a
- On the change of the taxonomic status of Parthocoris Miller, 1950 and Pseudoreduvius Villiers, 1948 (Heteroptera, Reduviidae)
- Hsiao, T.Y. & L.Y. Zheng [as L.I. Cheng] 1964
- On the Chinese species of Cletus Stål (Hemiptera: Coreidae)
- Liu, G.Q. & L.Y. Zheng 2000b
- On the Chinese species of Cyllecoris Hahn (Hemiptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae)
- Liu, Q.A. & L.Y. Zheng 1994b
- On the Chinese species of Plautia Stål (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)
- Leach, W.E. 1817
- On the classification of the natural tribe of insects Notonectides, with descriptions of the British species
- Westwood, J.O. 1833
- On the connecting links between the Geocorisae and Hydrocorisae of Latreille, or the land and water bug tribes
- Esaki, T. 1924a
- On the curious halophilous water strider, Halovelia maritima Bergroth (Hemiptera: Gerridae)
- Kerzhner, I.M. 1974b
- On the dates of publication of A. Costa's work "Cimicum regni Neapolitani centuriae" and the family-group names placed in this work (Heteroptera)
- Gusev, R.V. & D.P. Tatarnikov 1991
- On the distinguishing characters and distribution of the bugs Lygaeus simulans Deckert and L. equestris (Linnaeus) (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae)
- Golub, V.B. & N.N. Vinokurov 2009
- On the distribution and biology of the bugs Ceratocombidae and Dipsocoridae (Hemiptera, Heteroptera) of the fauna of Siberia and Far East of Russia
- Kment, P., P. Kapitola & K. Hradil 2006a
- On the distribution and ecology of Alloeonotus egregius Fieber 1864 and A. fulvipes (Scopoli 1763) (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Simov, N. 2005
- On the distribution of Aradus species associated with conifers in Bulgaria (Heteroptera: Aradidae)
- Kerzhner, I.M. 2001a
- On the distribution of Ceraleptus lugens Horváth, 1898 (Heteroptera: Coreidae)
- Kerzhner, I.M. 1964d
- On the distribution of Elasmostethus brevis Lindb. (Heteroptera, Acanthosomatidae)
- Kanyukova, E.V. 1973c
- On the distribution of Hydrometridae (Heteroptera) of the fauna of the USSR
- Kment, P. 2006c
- On the distribution of Micronecta carpathica Wróblewski, 1958 (Heteroptera: Corixidae)
- Belousova, E.N. 1992
- On the distribution of Pentatoma parametallifera Zheng & Li (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
- Kerzhner, I.M. 1994c
- On the distribution of Rhyparochromus phoeniceus Rossi and Rh. sanguineus Douglas & Scott (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae)
- Tshernova, G.P. 1977
- On the distribution of the bug Spathocera tuberculata Horv. (Heteroptera, Coreidae) and allied species in the USSR
- Tshernova, G.P. 1996
- On the East Palaearctic species of Dicranocephalus (Heteroptera: Stenocephalidae)
- Putshkov, V.G. 1967a
- On the ecology of scantily studied species of Heteroptera of the European part of the USSR. Communication III
- Putshkov, V.G. 1960b
- On the ecology of some little-known species of Heteroptera (I)
- Putshkov, V.G. 1971
- On the ecology of some little-known species of Heteroptera of the European part of the USSR. Communication IV. Miridae
- Linnavuori, R. 1973c
- On the Elasmopoda-Hoplopterna complex (Het. Coreidae)
- Kiritshenko, A.N. 1910b
- On the entomofauna of West Siberia: Hemiptera-Heteroptera from the Altai and the Tomsk Province
- Gorczyca, J. 1999
- On the Euchilofulvius-complex (Heteroptera, Miridae, Cylapinae
- Benedek, P. 1968c
- On the Eurydema species in Hungary VIII. The eggs of Eurydemae [sic] (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae)
- Linnavuori, R. 1971b
- On the family Miridae (Het.)
- Kanyukova, E.V. 1973b
- On the fauna and biology of water bugs (Heteroptera) of Western Siberia
- Muminov, N.N. 1975
- On the fauna of bugs (Heteroptera) of Afghanistan
- Kerzhner, I.M. 1973b
- On the fauna of bugs (Heteroptera) of the Tuva ASSR
- Muminov, N.N. 1989b
- On the fauna of capsid bugs of the genus Phytocoris Fall. (Heteroptera, Miridae) of Kazakhstan and Middle Asia
- Muminov, N.N. 1989d
- On the fauna of capsid bugs [of the genus Phytocoris Fall.] (Heteroptera, Miridae) of Middle Asia and Kazakhstan
- Joakimov, D. 1909
- On the fauna of Hemiptera of Bulgaria
- Boldarueva, L.V. 1977
- On the fauna of mirid bugs (Hemiptera, Miridae) of south-western Transbaikalia
- Esenbekova, P.A. 2008
- On the fauna of plant bugs (Heteroptera: Miridae) of Mangistau province (west Kazakhstan)
- Vilbaste, J. 1955
- On the fauna of Rhynchota of low-lying marshes in the Estonian SSR
- Lukashuk, A.O. 1989
- On the fauna of shieldbugs (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) of Byelorussia
- Pazhitnova, Z.A. 1952
- On the fauna of the true bugs (Hemiptera-Heteroptera) of the Guralash Nature Reserve
- Alimdzhanov, R.A. 1960a
- On the fauna of true bugs of Uzbekistan
- Kerzhner, I.M. 2002a
- On the female genitalia of Nabis potanini Bianchi and N. semiferus Hsiao (Heteroptera: Nabidae)
- Matsumura, S. 1926a
- On the five species of Dendrolimus, injurious to conifers in Japan, with their parasitic and predaceous insects
- Putshkov, V.G. 1970c
- On the genus Asciodema Reuter, 1878 (Heteroptera, Miridae) and description of two new species of Miridae from the Stavropol Region
- Linnavuori, R. 1971f
- On the genus Atomophora Rt. (Het. Miridae)
- Slater, J.A. & P.D. Ashlock 1980
- On the genus Camptocoris Puton with descriptions of two new species from South Africa (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae)
- Linnavuori, R.E. & R. Hosseini 1999
- On the genus Dicyphus (Heteroptera: Miridae, Dicyphinae) in Iran
- Woodward, T.E. 1954
- On the genus Felisacus Distant (Heteroptera; Miridae; Bryocorinae)
- Esaki, T. 1924c
- On the genus Halobates from Japanese and Formosan coasts (Hemiptera: Gerridae)
- Kerzhner, I.M. 1998b
- On the genus Maccevethus Dallas (Heteroptera: Rhopalidae)
- Liu, G.Q. & Q. Liu 1998
- On the genus Megalotomus Fieber from China (Heteroptera: Alydidae)
- Linnavuori, R.E. 1999c
- On the genus Nasocoris Reuter (Heteroptera: Miridae, Phylinae) in the Middle East
- Linnavuori, R. 1968b
- On the genus Nasocoris Rt. (Het., Miridae)
- Linnavuori, R.E. 1999a
- On the genus Phytocoris Fallén (Heteroptera: Miridae, Mirinae) in Iran with remarks on species of the adjacent countries. Part I
- Linnavuori, R.E. 2000a
- On the genus Phytocoris Fallén (Heteroptera: Miridae, Mirinae) in Iran with remarks on species of the adjacent countries. Part II
- Linnavuori, R.E. 2000b
- On the genus Phytocoris Fallén (Heteroptera: Miridae, Mirinae) in Iran with remarks on species of the adjacent countries. Part III
- Wagner, E. 1951r
- On the genus Poeciloscytus Fieb. (Hem. Het., Miridae)
- Xue, H.J. & G.Q. Liu 2002a
- On the genus Ponsilasia Heinze (Hemiptera: Plataspidae)
- Štys, P. 1978b
- On the genus Sphedanolestes Stål from the Sudan (Heteroptera: Reduviidae)
- Wagner, E. 1956n
- On the genus Strongylocoris Blanchard, 1840 (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Nau, B.S. 1979
- On the habitat and distribution of Conostethus brevis Reuter and C. griseus D. and S. (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Charbonnier, H.J. 1903
- On the habits of Ploiaria culiciformis (DeG)
- Rawat, B.L. 1939b
- On the habits, metamorphosis and reproductive organs of Naucoris cimicoides L. (Hemiptera-Heteroptera)
- Kelton, L.A. 1968
- On the Heteroptera in the Provancher collection (Hemiptera)
- Zheng, L.Y. 1983a
- On the identification of some pentatomid bugs
- China, W.E. 1952
- On the identity of Physatocheila quadrimaculata Wolff (Heteroptera, Tingidae)
- Lindskog, P. 1981
- On the identity of Saldula laticollis (Reuter) (Heteroptera: Saldidae)
- Woodroffe, G.E. 1957a
- On the identity of the British Macrolophus Fieber (Hem. Miridae), with a key to the European species
- Taylor, T.H.C. 1947
- On the identity of the cotton capsid of Uganda
- Lindberg, H. 1948
- On the insect fauna of Cyprus. Results of the Expedition of 1939 by Harald, Håkan and P.H. Lindberg, I-II
- Wagner, E. 1953e
- On the insect fauna of Cyprus. Results of the expedition of 1939 by Harald, Håkan and P.H. Lindberg. X. Nachtrag zur Heteropterenfauna von Zypern
- Bergroth, E. 1924b
- On the Isometopidae (Hem. Het.) of North America
- Linnavuori, R.E., M.A. Sarafrazi & R. Hosyni 1998
- On the Isometopus species of Iran (Heteroptera: Miridae, Isometopinae)
- Carapezza, A. & I.M. Kerzhner 1996
- On the Italian species of the genus Dionconotus Reuter (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1905c
- On the knowledge of the genus Carpocoris Kolenati: subgenus Antheminia M.R. (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Pentatomidae)
- Qi, B.Y. 1996
- On the lace-bugs of the genus Agramma Stephens (Heteroptera: Tingidae) from China
- Hufnagel, L. & T. Vásárhelyi 2000
- On the larvae of Cymatia rogenhoferi (Fieber, 1864) and Gerris asper (Fieber, 1860) (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha, Gerromorpha)
- Vásárhelyi, T. 1982a
- On the larval development of Aradus krueperi Reuter (Heteroptera: Aradidae)
- Lis, J.A. 1991f
- On the last instar larvae of some Dinidoridae species (Heteroptera, Pentatomoidea)
- Lis, B. 1998
- On the last instar larvae of two allied Palaearctic species, Lygaeus equestris and L. simulans (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae)
- Ossiannilsson, F. 1967
- On the lectotypes of Psallus lapponicus Reuter and Psallus piceae Reuter (Hem., Heteropt.)
- Čapek, M. & J. Davidová-Vilímová 1978
- On the life history of Aridelus egregius (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) a parasite of European Coptosoma (Heteroptera, Plataspidae)
- Burrell, J. 1807
- On the Lygaeus micropterus
- Carvalho, J.C.M. 1952d
- On the major classification of the Miridae (Hemiptera Heteroptera)
- Carvalho, J.C.M. 1952a
- On the major classification of the Miridae (Hemiptera) (With keys to subfamilies and tribes and a catalogue of the world genera)
- Yasunaga, T. 1990b
- On the male of Pantilius hayashii (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Kershaw, I.C.W. 1909
- On the metamorphoses and anatomy of the reduviid bug Sycanus croceovittatus Dohrn
- Yamada, Y. 1915
- On the metamorphosis of Urostylis striicornis Scott
- Linnavuori, R.E. 1994e
- On the Miridae fauna of Greece
- Linnavuori, R.E. 1995b
- On the Miridae fauna of the Middle East (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Knight, H.H. 1927b
- On the Miridae in Blatchley's "Heteroptera of Eastern North America"
- Livingstone, D. 1968
- On the morphology and bionomics of Tingis buddleiae Drake (Heteroptera: Tingidae). Part 1: Bionomics
- Štys, P. 1970d
- On the morphology and classification of the family Dipsocoridae s. lat., with particular reference to the genus Hypsipteryx Drake (Heteroptera)
- Quadri, M.A.H. 1949
- On the morphology and post-embryonic development of the male genitalia and their ducts in Hemiptera (Insecta)
- Gapon, D.A. 2023
- On the morphology and taxonomy of the genera Halys and Neohalys (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Halyini)
- Kaushik, S.C. 1972
- On the morphology of the giant water bug Belostoma indicum Lep. & Serv. Part. IX. Functional morphology of the abdomen, male and female genitalia
- Miyamoto, S. 1971a
- On the names of Oncocephalus common in Japan
- Miyamoto, S. 1964b
- On the names of two species of Anisops from the Ryukyus, with the designation of lectotype of A. kuroiwai Matsumura
- Nawa, Y. 1910
- On the new predator of a Tingis pyrioides Scott
- Putshkov, V.G. 1985
- On the nomenclature of assassin bugs (Heteroptera, Reduviidae)
- Putshkov, V.G. & I.M. Kerzhner 1983
- On the nomenclature of bugs of the family Rhopalidae (Heteroptera) of the USSR
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1898a
- On the nomenclature of the European subgenera of Corixa, Geoffr. (Rhynchota.)
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1900d
- On the nomenclature of the genera of the Rhynchota, Heteroptera and Auchenorrhynchous Homoptera
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1901h
- On the nomenclature of the genera of the Rhynchota, Heteroptera and Auchenorrhynchous Homoptera
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1903d
- On the nomenclature of the genera of the Rhynchota; Heteroptera and Auchenorrhynchous Homoptera
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1899g
- On the nomenclature of the Rhynchota. Part 1
- Faraci, F. 2000
- On the nomenclature of two species of Heteroptera described by Schilling (1829): Spathocera dalmanii and Arenocoris fallenii (Heteroptera)
- Esaki, T. 1915
- On the Notonectidae of Japan, Loochoo (Okinawa), and Formosa
- Štusák, J.M. 1984a
- On the nymphs of some lace bugs from the Mongolian People's Republic, with a key to the last instar (Heteroptera, Tingidae)
- Woodroffe, G.E. 1953
- On the occurrence at Hounslow, Middlesex, of Metopoplax ditomoides Costa (Hem., Lygaeidae) new to Britain
- Hemala, V., J. Cunev & V. Franc 2014
- On the occurrence of the stink bug Eysarcoris ventralis (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in Slovakia, with notes on its distribution in neighbouring countries
- Linnavuori, R. 1976
- On the Pakesia group of the family Reduviidae (Heteroptera)
- Yasunaga, T. 1992f
- On the Palearctic genus Pantilius Curtis (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Grozeva, S.M. & I.M. Kerzhner 1992
- On the phylogeny of Aradid subfamilies (Heteroptera, Aradidae)
- Linnavuori, R.E. & R. Hosseini 2000b
- On the Polymerus subgenus Poeciloscytus (Heteroptera: Miridae, Mirinae) in Iran
- Miguélez, D., A. Villastrigo & L.F. Valladares 2020
- On the presence of Aphelocheirus aestivalis (Fabricius, 1794) in the Iberian Peninsula: new records with morphological and molecular data records with morphological and molecular data (Hemiptera: Aphelocheiridae)
- Heyden, T. van der 2023e
- On the presence of Zelus renardii Kolenati, 1857 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae) in Algeria
- Heyden, T. van der 2023g
- On the presence of Zelus renardii Kolenati, 1857 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae) in Germany
- Heyden, T. van der & E.I. Faúndez 2023
- On the presence of Zelus renardii Kolenati, 1857 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae) in Jamaica
- Heyden, T. van der 2021b
- On the recent Northern European dispersion of Zelus renardii Kolenati (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae)
- Vásárhelyi, T. 1987
- On the relationship of the eight Aradid subfamilies (Heteroptera)
- Distant, W.L. 1884b
- On the Rhynchota collected by the late Mr. W.A. Forbes on the Lower Niger
- Distant, W.L. 1901i
- On the Rhynchota of the Congo region (Part I)
- Kerzhner, I.M. 1977a
- On the scientific name of the common Palaearctic species of the genus Plea Leach (Hetroptera, Pleidae)
- Miyamoto, S. 1977b
- On the scientific names concerning Japanese Heteroptera (2)
- Miyamoto, S. 1977c
- On the scientific names concerning Japanese Heteroptera (3)
- Miyamoto, S. 1976a
- On the scientific names concerning Japanese Heteroptera. 1
- Dzhal'menova, P. 1976
- On the specific composition of the heteropterous fauna of Karakalpakia
- Putshkov, P.V. 1983b
- On the status and distribution of Rhynocoris rubricus Germar (Heteroptera, Reduviidae)
- Nau, B.S. 2000
- On the status of Monosynamma bohemanni (Fallén) and M. sabulicola (Wagner) (Hem., Miridae)
- Putshkov, P.V. 1987c
- On the status of some Palearctic assassin bugs (Heteroptera, Reduviidae)
- Golub, V.B. 2002
- On the status, synonymy and distribution of Stephanitis oschanini Vasiliev with correct data on the distribution of S. pyri (Heteroptera: Tingidae)
- Gapon, D.A. & M. Baena 2005
- On the status, synonymy and tribal position of Phaeocoris Jakovlev, 1887 (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
- Sharp, D. 1890
- On the structure of the terminal segment in some male Hemiptera
- Putshkov, P.V. 1981d
- On the study of the form building in Elasmucha grisea L. (Heteroptera, Acanthosomatidae)
- Carapezza, A., I.M. Kerzhner & Chr. Rieger 1999
- On the subspecies of Scantius aegyptius (Linnaeus) (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae)
- Kerzhner, I.M. & P.V. Putshkov 1979
- On the synonymy and distribution in USSR of the assassin-bug Epidaus tuberosus Yang (Heteroptera, Reduviidae)
- Kanyukova, E.V. & I.M. Kerzhner 1980
- On the synonymy and distribution of Lethocerus Mayr (Heteroptera, Belostomatidae) in the Old World
- Neimorovets, V.V. 2006b
- On the synonymy and distribution of the bugs Trapezonotus dispar Stål and T. desertus Seidenstücker (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae)
- Kerzhner, I.M. 1998a
- On the synonymy of Deraeocoris brachialis Stål with D. olivaceus F. (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Putshkov, V.G. 1967b
- On the synonymy of Pentatomidae of Middle Asia
- Golub, V.B. 1994
- On the synonymy of some Palaearctic Miridae and Tingidae (Heteroptera)
- Southwood, T.R.E. & G.E. Woodroffe 1957
- On the systematic position of Cyllecoris dispar Boheman (Hemiptera: Miridae)
- Gorczyca, J. 1994
- On the systematic position of Rhinophrus borneensis Hsiao, 1944 (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Blöte, H.C. 1945c
- On the systematic position of Scotomedes (Heteroptera, Nabidae)
- Kerzhner, I.M. & Y.J. Kwon 1996
- On the systematic position of Staccia plebeja Stål (Heteroptera: Reduviidae)
- Bergroth, E. 1923
- On the systematic position of the genera Dismegistus Am. S. and Parastrachia Dist
- Esaki, T. 1930e
- On the systematic position of the pentatomid genera Parastrachia Distant, and Eumenotes Westwood
- Vinokurov, N.N. 1977
- On the systematics and intraspecific variability of capsid bugs of the genus Capsus F. (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Kerzhner, I.M. 1962d
- On the systematics and intraspecific variability of the genus Corizus Fall. (Heteroptera Coreidae)
- Zaitzeva, I.F. 1966
- On the systematics of the genus Psallus Fieb. (Hemiptera-Heteroptera) of Georgia
- Belousova, E.N. 2003
- On the systematics of the shield-bug genus Ochyrotylus Jakovlev, 1885 (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae)
- Aglyamzyanov, R.S. 2006
- On the taxonomic status of Lygus israelensis Linnavuori, 1962 (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Kment, P. & P. Baňař 2010
- On the taxonomy and distribution of the genus Maccevethus (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Rhopalidae)
- Linnavuori, R. 1972e
- On the taxonomy of the genus Geocoris Fn. (Het., Lygaeidae)
- Golub, V.B. 1973
- On the taxonomy of the Palaearctic lacebugs of the genus Acalypta Westw. (Heteroptera, Tingidae)
- Matsumura, S. 1926b
- On the three species of Dendrolimus (Lepidoptera), which attack spruce- and fir-trees in Japan, with their parasites and predaceous insects
- Muraleedharan, N. & T.N. Ananthakrishnan 1978a
- On the tribes Cardiastethini and Almeidini from South India (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae)
- Opinion 187 1945
- On the type of the genus Hypselopus Burmeister, 1835 (Class Insecta, Order Hemiptera)
- Putshkov, P.V. 1998
- On the type specimens of some Miridae described by V.G. Putshkov
- Sehnal, Chr. & I.M. Kerzhner 1999
- On the type specimens of some Pyrrhocoridae in the Natural History Museum of Vienna (Heteroptera)
- Bergroth, E. 1921a
- On the types of the exotic Hemiptera Heteroptera described by V. Motschulsky
- Memon, N., R. Meier, A. Manan & K.F.-Y. Su 2006
- On the use of DNA sequences for determining the species limits of a polymorphic new species in the stink bug genus Halys (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) from Pakistan
- Yasunaga, T. 1994b
- On the variation of Deraeocoris olivaceus (Fabricius) (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Carvalho, J.C.M. 1981c
- On three new genera and four new species of Miridae from India and Oceania (Hemiptera)
- Gross, G.F. 1951
- On three new genera and species of Schizopterinae (Heteroptera - Cryptostemmatidae) from Australia
- Jenyns, L. 1839
- On three undescribed species of the genus Cimex, closely allied to the common bed-bug
- Štusák, J.M. & J.L. Stehlík 1979
- On Tingidae from Afghanistan
- Bergroth, E. 1893b
- On two halophilous Hemiptera
- Bianchi, V. 1896a
- On two new forms of the Heteropterous family Gerridae
- Ashmead, W.H. 1886
- On two new Hemiptera-Heteroptera
- Jaczewski, T. 1933c
- On two species of Corixidae from the Himalayas
- Aukema, B. 1998
- On type specimens of Palaearctic Miridae kept in the Leiden Museum (Heteroptera)
- Kerzhner, I.M. 1996d
- On type specimens of some Palaearctic Miridae in the Hungarian Museum of Natural History (Heteroptera)
- Aukema, B. 1999
- On type specimens of some Palaearctic Miridae:1-32
- Huldén, L., P. Lindskog & I.M. Kerzhner 1996
- On type specimens of some species of Miridae described by H. Lindberg (Heteroptera)
- Yamada, Y. 1914
- On Urostylis westwoodi Scott
- Wagner, E. 1961e
- Oncocephalus maroccanus nov. spec. (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Reduviidae)
- Whitehead, P.F. 2006
- Oncocephalus pilicornis Reuter, 1882 (Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Stenopodainae) new to the British fauna with comments on British primary S26 plant communities
- Whitehead, P.F. 2006
- Oncocephalus pilicornisReuter, 1882 (Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Stenopodainae)new to the British fauna with comments on British primary S26 plant communities
- Moulet, P. 2011
- Oncocephalus ribesi nov. sp., a new Stenopodainae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae) from Iran
- Moulet, P. 2008b
- Oncocephalus stysi, a new species of Stenopodainae (Hemiptera: Heteropter: Reduviidae) from Israel
- Leston, D. 1952b
- Oncotylus viridiflavus Goeze (Hem., Miridae) and its food-plant, knapweed
- Wagner, E. 1954v
- Oncotylus viridiflavus longipes nov. subspec. (Hem. Heteropt. Miridae)
- Lu, N. & L.Y. Zheng 1997b
- One new species of the subgenus Lygocorides Yasunaga of genus Lygocoris Reuter from China (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Ding, J.H. & G.Q. Liu 2005
- One newly recorded genus Heteroptera Stål (Hemiptera: Naucoridae) from China
- Chen, Z.Y. 1988
- One species of Pentatomidae - new to China
- Davidová-Vilímová, J. 1992
- Ontogeny of three European Coptosoma species (Heteroptera: Plataspidae)
- Ishikawa, T. 2000
- Onychomesa gokani, a new emesine assassin bug (Insecta: Heteroptera: Reduviidae) from Japan
- Ribes, J. & E. Ribes 1998
- Onychomiris victoriae genre nouveau et espèce nouvelle d'Espagne (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Kaplin, V.G. 1993
- Openly living arthropods of vascular plants in Garagums: 1-444
- Kis, B. 1976
- Ord. Heteroptera
- Blanchard, E. 1852
- Orden VII. Hemípteros
- Spinola, M. 1852
- Orden VII. Hemipteros
- Hua, L.Z. 2000
- Order Hemiptera
- Rozhkov, A.S. & V.V. Volkova 1966
- Order Hemiptera
- Yonke, Th.R. 1991
- Order Hemiptera
- Kerzhner, I.M. & T.L. Jaczewski 1964
- Order Hemiptera (Heteroptera)
- Putshkov, V.G. 1972
- Order Hemiptera (Heteroptera)
- Chelpakova, Zh.M., V.A. Gorbatyuk & D.A. Mil'ko 1996
- Order Hemiptera (Heteroptera) - bugs
- Linnavuori, R., A. Carapezza & P.Kment 2014a
- Order Hemiptera, suborder Heteroptera Infraorder Cimicomorpha, Family Miridae
- Linnavuori, R., P. Kment & A. Carapezza 2014b
- Order Hemiptera, suborder Heteroptera Infraorder Pentatomomorpha, superfamily Lygaeoidea
- Linnavuori, R.E., P. Kment & A. Carapezza 2011
- Order Hemiptera, suborder Heteroptera, infraorders Nepomorpha, Gerromorpha, and Leptopodomorpha
- Carapezza, A., R. Linnavuori & P. Kment 2014
- Order Hemiptera, suborder Heteroptera. Infraorder Cimicomorpha, families Tingidae, Nabidae and Anthocoridae
- Carapezza, A., P. Kment & R. Linnavuori 2017
- Order Hemiptera, suborder Heteroptera. Infraorder Pentatomomorpha, superfamilies Pyrrhocoroidea and Coreoidea
- Luchenok, O.M. 1989
- Order Heteroptera
- Puntsagdulam, Zh. 1988
- Order Heteroptera
- Vinokurov, N.N., V.B. Golub, E.V. Kanyukova, I.M. Kerzhner & G.A. Chernova 1988
- Order Heteroptera
- Distant, W.L. 1889b
- Order Rhynchota
- Horváth, G. 1897d
- Ordo Hemiptera. In: A Magyar birodalom állatvilága. A Magyar Birodalomból eddig ismert állatok rendszeres lajstroma (J. Paszlavszky, ed.). Fauna Regni Hungariae. Animalium Hungariae hucusque cognitorum enumeratio systematica: 1-72
- Reiche, L. & L. Fairmaire 1848
- Ordre des Hémiptères
- Fairmaire, L. & V. Signoret 1858
- Ordre Hémiptères. Premiere Partie
- Carayon, J. 1953b
- Organe de Ribaga et fécondation hémocoelienne chez les Xylocoris du groupe galactinus (Hemipt. Anthocoridae)
- Carayon, J. 1954a
- Organes assumant les fonctions de la spermathèque chez divers Hétéroptères
- Kerzhner, I.M. & N.G. Strommer 1990
- Oriental and Australian species of the genus Prostemma Laporte (Heteroptera: Nabidae)
- Distant, W.L. 1906c
- Oriental Heteroptera
- Distant, W.L. 1906b
- Oriental Reduviidae
- Distant, W.L. 1909a
- Oriental Rhynchota Heteroptera
- Lehman, H. 1923b
- Orientalische Pentatomidae (Hemipt.-Heteropt.) der Sammlung von. Prof. C.F. Baker (Los Baños)
- Popov, Y.A. 1971b
- Origin and main evolutionary trends of Nepomorpha bugs
- Postle, A.C., M.Y. Steiner & S. Goodwin 2001
- Oriini (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) new to Australia
- Lewis, T. & J.D. Lattin 2010
- Orius (Heterorius) vicinus (Ribaut) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) in western North America, a correction of the past
- Bantock, T. 2015a
- Orius horvathi (Reuter, 1884) (Anthocoridae) new to Britain
- Rabitsch, W. & N. Szucsich 2021
- Orsillus maculatus (Fieber, 1861), erstmals in Österreich festgestellt (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeidae)
- Henry, T.J. & L.A. Kelton 1986
- Orthocephalus saltator Hahn (Heteroptera: Miridae): corrections of misidentifications and the first authentic report for North America
- Streito, J.-C. & A. Matocq 2006
- Orthopidea fusciceps Reuter, 1899, genre et espèce nouveaux por la faune de France et notes sur deux rares Hétéroptères récoltés dans l'Hérault (Hemiptera Heteroptera)
- Štys, P. 1970e
- Orthops coccineus (Horv.), stat. n. - an unrecognized species of the European Miridae (Heteroptera)
- Stål, C. 1858a
- Orthoptera och Hemiptera från södra Africa
- Linnavuori, R.E. 1994c
- Orthotylinae of West, Central and Norh-East Africa (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Heckmann, R. 2000
- Orthotylus (Melanotrichus) riegeri n.sp., a new plant bug from Switzerland (Heteroptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae)
- Lock, K. 2018a
- Orthotylus (Melanotrichus) rubidus (Puton, 1874) new to Belgium (Hemiptera: Miridae)
- Pagola-Carte, S. & I. Zabalegui 2006
- Orthotylus (Pachylops) jordii sp. Nov. (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) from the Basque Country, northern Iberian Peninsula
- Matocq, A. & D. Pluot-Sigwalt 2014
- Orthotylus (Pachylops) neoriegeri sp. n., a new plant bug from Morroco (Heteroptera, Miridae, Orthotylina)
- Goula, M. & L. Mata 2011
- Orthotylus (Parapachylops) caprai Wagner, 1955, new record for Iberian Peninsula (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Gessé, F. & M. Goula 2003
- Orthotylus (Pinocapsus) gemmae n.sp., nueva especie de la fauna ibérica (Heteroptera, Miridae, Orthotylinae)
- Pagola-Carte, S. & A. Matocq 2018b
- Orthotylus (s. str.) flavoniger, correct name for Orthotylus (s. str.) flavonigrum Pagola-Carte & Matocq (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Pagola-Carte, S. & A. Matocq 2018a
- Orthotylus (s. str.) flavonigrum n. sp. from the Island of Cyprus (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Morkel, C. & D. Wyniger 2009
- Orthotylus attali sp.nov. - a new plant bug from Turkey (Heteroptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae: Orthotylini)
- Wagner, E. 1942f
- Orthotylus beieri n. sp., eine neue deutsche Miridenart (Hemipt. Heteropt.)
- Ryan, R.P. 2008
- Orthotylus caprai Wagner (Hem., Miridae) new to Britain
- Rizzotti Vlach, M. 1998b
- Orthotylus cupressi Reuter, 1883 in Italia: note morfologiche, ecologiche e corologiche
- Streito, J.-C. & A. Matocq 2007
- Orthotylus digitus et Globiceps weberi nouveaux pour la France et le Maroc (Heteroptera Miridae Orthotylinae)
- Wagner, E. 1959i
- Orthotylus josifovi nov. spec. (Hem. Het. Miridae)
- Wagner, E. 1954k
- Orthotylus sicilianus n. sp. (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Wagner, E. 1964g
- Orthotylus siuranus nov. spec., eine neue Miriden-Art aus Spanien
- Kiyak, S. 1999
- Osmania nom. nov. A replacement name in the family Cydnidae (Insecta: Hemiptera)
- Liotta, G. & E. Emma 1995
- Osservazioni bioetologiche su Solenosthedium bilunatum (Lefebvre) (Rhyn., Het.: Scutelleridae) in Sicilia
- Tamanini, L. 1956b
- Osservazioni biologiche e morfologiche sugli Aradus betulinus Fall. A. corticalis L. A. pictus Bär. (Hemiptera Heteroptera Aradidae)
- Viggiani, G. 1971
- Osservazioni biologiche sul miride predatore Deraeocoris ruber (L.) (Rhynchota, Heteroptera)
- Faraci, F. & M. Rizzotti Vlach 1994b
- Osservazioni corologiche e sistematiche sul genere Coranus in Italia (Heteroptera, Reduviidae)
- Rossi, P. 1788
- Osservazioni insectologiche
- Chiappini, E. & M.C. Reguzzi 1994
- Osservazioni su Nabis punctatus Costa (Rhynchota Nabidae)
- Tamanini, L. 1972c
- Osservazioni sugli Aradus krueperi Rt., bureschi Jos., ribauti Wagn. e longirostris Gyll
- Tamanini, L. 1975a
- Osservazioni sui maschi del Dimorphocoris pericarti Tam., 1972 e descrizione delle femmine (Hemiptera Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Tamanini, L. 1962b
- Osservazioni sul valore specifico e sulla distribuzione dell'Heterotoma meriopterum (Scopoli) e dell'H. planicornis (Pallas) (Hemiptera Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Tamanini, L. 1970
- Osservazioni sulla geonemia delle Velia orientali e descrizione di una nuova specie. XX Contributo allo studio del genere Velia Latr. (Heteroptera, Veliidae)
- Mazza, M. 1968
- Osservazioni sulla variabilità del numero dei prolungamenti respiratori nelle uova di Nepa rubra (Rincote Eterottero)
- Tamanini, L. 1971a
- Osservazioni sulle Velia serbica Tam., V. hoberlandti Tam., V. eckerleini Tam. e descrizione di una nuova specie. XXI Contributo allo studio del genere Velia Latr. (Heteroptera, Veliidae)
- Wagner, E. 1968v
- Österreichische entomologische Expeditionen nach Persien und Afghanistan. Phytocoris (Soosocapsus) biseriatus nov. spec. (Hem. Het. Miridae)
- Van Duzee, E.P. 1928b
- Our first Rhyparochromus (Hemip. Lygaeidae)
- Halstead, A.J. & C.P. Malumphy 2003
- Outbreak in Britain of Stephanitis takeyai Drake & Mao [sic] (Hemiptera: Tingidae), a pest of Pieris japonica
- Dursun, A. & M. Fent 2013
- Overview of the subgenus Ventocoris s. str. (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) with new records and a revised key to the Ventocoris species of Turkey
- Kiritani, K. 1963
- Oviposition habitat and effect of parental age upon the post-embryonic development in the southern green stink bug
- Judd, S. 2008
- Oxycarenus lavaterae (Fab.) (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) a non-native seed bug established in a Liverpool glasshouse
- Bianchi, Z. & J.L. Stehlík 1999
- Oxycarenus lavaterae (Fabricius, 1787) in Slovakia (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae)
- Kment, P. 2009
- Oxycarenus lavaterae, an expansive species new to Romania (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Oxycarenidae)
- Denton, J. 2018
- Oxycarenus modestus (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae) new to Britain from Middlesex