- Wagner, E. 1957g
- Macrolophus brevicornis nov. spec. (Hem. Het. Miridae)
- Woodroffe, G.E. 1956
- Macrolophus costalis Fieber (Hem. Miridae), a hitherto unrecognised British species
- Josifov, M. 1961b
- Macrolophus nubilis geranii n. subsp. (Hem. Het. Miridae)
- Heiss, E. & J. Ribes 1998
- Macrolophus pericarti sp. n., a peculiar new species from Canary Islands (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Ichita, T. 1995
- Macropterous forms of four Japanese species of Nabidae
- Kerzhner, I.M. 2003c
- Macrosaldula: authorship and date of publication (Heteroptera: Saldidae)
- Isakov, Y.M. 2006
- Macroscytus brunneus (Fabricius, 1803) (Heteroptera, Cydnidae) v Sredney Azii
- Günther, H. 2018a
- Macrotylus (Alloeonycha) xantii nov. spec., eine neue Miridenart (Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae) aus Südspanien
- Matocq, A. 1995b
- Macrotylus (Macrotylus) bernadettae n. sp. décrite de Grèce (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Rieger, Chr. 1984b
- Macrotylus (Macrotylus) phlomidis n. sp. aus Griechenland (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Seidenstücker, G. 1968c
- Macrotylus galatinus n. sp. (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Seidenstücker, G. 1963c
- Macrotylus hamatus n. sp. (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Wagner, E. 1951i
- Macrotylus interpositus nom. nov
- Streito, J.-C. 2011
- Macrotylus jordii sp. nov. (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) from Morocco
- Wagner, E. 1958h
- Macrotylus nigricornis Fieber 1864 und lutescens Fieber 1870 (Hem. Het. Miridae)
- Wagner, E. 1954u
- Macrotylus seidenstückeri nov. spec. (Hem. Heteropt. Miridae)
- Wagner, E. 1963e
- Macrotylus syriacus nov. spec., eine neue Miriden-Art (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Wagner, E. 1966l
- Macrotypus [sic] gravesteini nov. spec. (Hem. Het. Miridae)
- Günther, H. 1998
- Magmara almeriense n. sp., eine neue Gitterwanze aus Südspanien (Heteroptera: Tingidae)
- Halászfy, É. 1954a
- Magyarország és a környezö területek Brachyplatida és Cydnida fajainak ökológiája és elterjedése
- Halászfy, É. 1954b
- Magyarország és a környező területek Heteropteráinak határozója. II. rész. 3. Scutelleridae (Scutellerinae)
- Goula, M. & F.N. Ribeiro 1995
- Malacocoris chlorizans (Panzer, 1794), nueva especie para Portugal (Insecta, Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Wagner, E. 1962d
- Malacotes lindbergi nov. spec. (Hem. Het. Miridae)
- Zhao, P., J.L. Yuan & W.Z. Cai 2006
- Maldonadocoris annulipes, a new genus and new species of Harpactorinae (Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Harpactorinae) from China
- Venkatesan, P. 1983
- Male brooding behaviour of Diplonychus indicus Venk. & Rao (Hemiptera: Belostomatidae)
- Kelton, L.A. 1959
- Male genitalia as taxonomic characters in the Miridae (Hemiptera)
- Konstantinov, F.V. 2003
- Male genitalia in Miridae (Heteroptera) and their significance for suprageneric classification of the family. Part I: general review, Isometopinae and Psallopinae
- Konstantinov, F.V. 2007
- Male genitalia in Miridae: structure, terminology and application to phylogenetic inference. Critical comments on Cheng-Shing Lin & Chung-Tu Yang´s ideas (Heteroptera)
- Vepsäläinen, K. & M. Nummelin 1985b
- Male territoriality in the waterstrider Limnoporus rufoscutellatus
- Chang, T.P. & P.S. Yang 2003
- Males of the genus Timasius Distant (Hemiptera: Hebridae) of Taiwan
- Müller, O.F. 1766
- Manipulus insectorum Taurinensium
- Rossi, P. 1794
- Mantissa insectorum exhibens species nuper in Etruria collectas 2: 1-154
- Fabricius, J.C. 1787
- Mantissa insectorum sistens species nuper detectas adiectis synonymis, observationibus, descriptionibus, emendationibus 2: 1-382
- Linnaeus, C. 1771
- Mantissa plantarum altera generum editionis VI. et specierum editionis II. (Mantissa prioris additamenta). Regni Animalis appendix. Appendix - Index observationum. Index alter. Genera nova, addenda Generibus Plantarum editionis sextae (1764): i-vi, 143-587
- Boitard, P. 1828
- Manuel d'entomologie ou histoire naturelle des insectes 2: 1-417
- Tshernova, G.P. 1982a
- Map 128
- Tshernova, G.P. 1982b
- Map 129
- Tshernova, G.P. 1982c
- Map 130
- Tshernova, G.P. 1980a
- Map 30
- Tshernova, G.P. 1980b
- Map 31
- Tshernova, G.P. 1978a
- Map 5
- Lammes, T. & V. Rinne 1990
- Maps of the provincial distribution of Finnish Heteroptera
- Polhemus, J.T. & M. del R. Manzano 1992
- Marine Heteroptera of the eastern tropical Pacific (Gelastocoridae, Gerridae, Mesoveliidae, Saldidae, Veliidae)
- Cheng, L. & D.S. Hill 1980
- Marine Insects of Hong Kong
- Andersen, N.M. 1991
- Marine insects: genital morphology, phylogeny and evolution of sea skaters, genus Halobates (Hemiptera, Gerridae)
- Schmidt, H.E. & R. Müller 1973
- Marine water striders of the genus Halobates (Hemiptera: Gerridae) from the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden
- Esaki, T. 1930c
- Marine water-striders from the Corean coast (Hemiptera, Gerridae)
- Wagner, E. 1958w
- Marmottania priesneri nov. spec. (Hemiptera-Heteroptera: Lygaeidae)
- Wagner, E. 1958e
- Marokkanische Tuponia-Arten (Hem. Het. Miridae)
- Bygebjerg, R. 2005
- Masketaegen Dictyonota fuliginosa Costa, 1853 - ny for Danmark (Heteroptera: Tingidae)
- Uiterdijk, M., F. Vaal & L. Blommers 1997
- Mass rearing mullein bug Campylomma verbasci (Hemiptera: Miridae)
- Rider, D.A. 2008
- Massocephalus stysi, a new species of Pentatomidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) from the Philippines
- Arnqvist, G. 1988
- Mate guarding and sperm displacement in the water strider Gerris lateralis Schumm. (Heteroptera: Gerridae)
- Smreczynski, S. 1954
- Materia y do fauny pluskwiaków (Hemiptera) Polski
- Breddin, G. 1900d
- Materiae ad cognitionem subfamiliae Pachycephalini (Lybantini olim) ex Hemipteris-Heteropteris, Fam. Coreidae
- Göllner-Scheiding, U. 1992
- Material of the rhopalid genera Leptocoris Hahn, 1833, and Boisea Kirkaldy, 1910 (Heteroptera) from the collection of the Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum at Leiden, The Netherlands
- Ferrari, P.M. 1884
- Materiali per lo studio della Fauna Tunisina raccolti da G. e L. Doria - V. Rincoti
- Mancini, C. 1952a
- Materiali per una fauna dell'Archipelago Toscano. XXII. Emitteri dell'Isola del Giglio
- Riggio, G. 1885
- Materiali per una Fauna Entomologica dell'isola d'Ustica. Prima Contribuzione (cont.)
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1869
- Materialien zur entomologischen Fauna der Wolga-Gegend, I-II
- Kanyukova, E.V. & N.N. Vinokurov 2010
- Materials for the fauna of true bugs of Asian part of Russia (Heteroptera: Reduviidae, Aradidae, Lygaeidae, Cydnidae
- Zheng, L.Y. 1980b
- Materials of Chinese Asopinae (Heteropt.: Pentatomidae)
- Petrova, V.P. 1969
- Materials of the fauna of the Heteropterans (Hemiptera) of the low basin of the Mana river (East Sajans)
- Vinokurov, N.N. 1981b
- Materials on fauna of the bug family Saldidae (Heteroptera) of Sakhalin
- Vinokurov, N.N. & V.B. Golub 2009
- Materials on Heteroptera of the fauna of Siberia and the Russian Far East
- Kerzhner, I.M. 1964c
- Materials on the synonymy of shieldbugs (Heteroptera Pentatomoidea) in the fauna of the USSR and adjacent countries
- Kerzhner, I.M. 1962b
- Materials on the taxonomy of capsid bugs (Hemiptera, Miridae) in the fauna of the USSR
- Shernin, A.J. 1934
- Materials to the fauna of bugs (Hemiptera) of the Northeast of Gorkiy Province
- Golub, V.B. 1990
- Materials to the taxonomy of the lace-bugs of the genus Agramma Steph. (Heteroptera, Tingidae) of the fauna of the USSR and Mongolia
- Horváth, G. 1888a
- Matériaux pour servir à l'étude des Hémiptères de la faune paléarctique
- Solsky, S. 1867
- Matériaux pour servir à l'étude des insectes de la Russie II-III
- Ogłaza , B., G. Gierlasiński & A. Taszakowski 2020
- Materiały do znajomości wysysowatych Polski (Hemiptera: Heteroptera, Rhopalidae)
- Gogala, M., H.-S. Yong & C. Brühl 1998
- Maternal care in Pygoplatys bugs (Heteroptera: Tessaratomidae)
- Eguagie, W.E. 1973
- Mating and oviposition of Tingis ampliata H.S. (Het. Tingidae)
- Ambrose, D.P. & D. Livingstone 1984
- Mating behaviour of two assassin bugs - Rhinocoris marginatus Fabr. (Harpactorinae) and Catamiarus brevipennis Serv. (Piratinae) (Heteroptera: Reduviidae)
- Tsukamoto, L., K. Kuki & S. Tojo 1994
- Mating tactics and constrains in the gregarious insect Parastrachia japonensis (Hemiptera: Cydnidae)
- Jansson, A. 1972
- Mechanism of sound production and morphology of the stridulatory apparatus in the genus Cenocorixa (Hemiptera, Corixidae)
- Bantock, T. 2016a
- Mecidea lindbergi Wagner, 1954 (Pentatomidae) new to Britain
- Önder, F. 1979
- Mecomma lodosi n. sp. from Turkey (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Wagner, E. 1965e
- Megacoelum angustum nov. spec., eine neue Miridenart von der Insel Zypern (Hemiptera, Heteroptera)
- Slater, J.A. 1956a
- Megaloceraea recticornis (Geoffr.), a mirid new to the Eastern United States, with the description of a new genus of Stenodemini
- Wagner, E. 1958f
- Megalocoleus confusus nov. spec. (Hem. Het. Miridae)
- Wagner, E. 1944
- Megalocoleus hungaricus n. sp., eine neue Miridenart aus Ungarn (Het.)
- Rabitsch, W. & A. Matocq 2005
- Megalocoleus naso (Reuter, 1879) (Heteroptera: Miridae), new to Austria
- Wagner, E. 1955x
- Megalonotus praetextatus ibericus nov. subsp., une nouvelle sous-espèce du sud de l'Europe (Hem. Het. Lygaeidae)
- Southwood, T.R.E. 1963
- Megalonotus sabulicola (Thomson, 1870) (Hem., Lygaeidae) in Britain
- Roubal, J. 1961c
- Megalonotus subtilissimus spec. nova (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae)
- Blöte, H.C. 1926
- Meijendel-onderzoek. Wantsen, Cicaden en Bladvlooien
- Dey, S.K. & T. Wangdi 1985
- Meiotic chromosomes and sex mechanism in males of 12 species of Heteroptera
- Kiritshenko, A.N. 1963b
- Melamphaus komodoensis - species nova Pyrrhocoridarum (Hemiptera - Heteroptera) ex insula Komodo
- Dufour, L. 1857
- Mélanges entomologiques. Suite (1)
- Péricart, J. 1997b
- Mélanges lygéiens: synonymies et observations diverses (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae)
- Franzen, A. & H. Günther 2018
- Melanocoryphus albomaculatus (Goeze, 1778) (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) – neue Nachweise in Rheinland-Pfalz und Bestandsentwicklung der Art, Erstnachweis der Art für das Großherzogtum Luxemburg
- Kolenati, F.A. 1845
- Meletemata Entomologica II. Hemiptera Caucasi Tesseratomidae monographice dispositae: 1-132
- Kolenati, F.A. 1846a
- Meletemata Entomologica V. Insecta Caucasi. Coleoptera, Dermaptera, Lepidoptera, Neuroptera, Mutillidae, Aphaniptera, Anoplura: i-iii, 1-170
- Kolenati, F.A. 1846b
- Meletemata Entomologica. IV. Hemiptera Caucasi Pentatomidae monographic dispositae: 1-72
- Kolenati, F.A. 1857
- Meletemata entomologica. VI. Hemipterorum Heteropterorum Caucasi. Harpagocorisiae, monographice dispositae
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1908f
- Memoir on a few Heteropterous Hemiptera from eastern Australia
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1905b
- Memoir on the Rhynchota collected by Dr Arthur Willey, F.R.S., chiefly in Birara (New Britain) and Lifu
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1902d
- Memoir upon the Rhynchotal family Capsidae auctt
- Costa, A. 1842b
- Mémoire pour servir à l'histoire des Hémiptères-Hétéroptères des Deux-Siciles
- Burmeister, H. 1834b
- Mémoire sur la division naturelle des punaises terrestres (Geocores), considérées surtout relativement à la structure des antennes
- Westwood, J.O. 1834
- Mémoire sur les genres Xylocoris, Hylophila, Microphysa, Leptopus, Velia, Microvelia et Hebrus; avec quelques observations sur les Amphibicorisiae de M. Dufour et sur l'état imparfait, mais identique de certaines espèces
- Dufour, L. 1833b
- Mémoire sur les genres Xylocoris, Leptopus et Velia
- De Geer, C. 1773
- Mémoires pour servir a l'histoire des Insectes. III: i-viii, 1-696
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1902c
- Memoirs on Oriental Rhynchota
- Gao, C.Q. & M.B. Malipatil 2019
- Meschia zoui sp. nov., first representative of the family Meschiidae from China (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeoidea)
- Malipatil, M.B. 2014
- Meschiidae, a new family of Lygaeoidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) from India and Australia, with descriptions of a new genus and two new species
- Kis, B. 1999
- Mesovelia thermalis, a new semiaquatic bug in the Hungarian fauna (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha)
- Kment, P. 2001
- Mesovelia vittigera Horváth and Microvelia pygmaea (Dufour) (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha) in Croatia
- Horváth, G. 1929a
- Mesoveliidae
- Andersen, N.M. & T.A. Weir 2004
- Mesoveliidae, Hebridae, and Hydrometridae of Australia (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerromorpha), with a reanalysis of the phylogeny of semiaquatic bugs
- Schwartz, M.D. 1995
- Metasequoiamiris carvalhoi, a new genus and species of conifer-inhabiting Mirini from China (Heteroptera: Miridae: Mirinae)
- Lis, J.A. & J. Heyna 2001a
- Metathoracic wings venation in Cydnidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) and its bearing on the classification of the family
- Wagner, E. 1950i
- Metatropis rufescens linneae nov. subsp. (Hem. Het. Berytidae)
- Daumal, J. 1968
- Méthode d'élevage de Cardiastethus nazarenus Reuter (Hemipt. Anthocoridae) aux dépens des oeufs d'Anagasta kuehniella Z. (Lepidopt. Pyralidae)
- Kiritshenko, A.N. 1957
- Methods of collecting true bugs and investigation of local faunas: 1-123
- Opinion 2433 2019
- Metochus abbreviatus Scott, 1874 (Insecta, Heteroptera): conditional precedence given over Rhyparochromus erosus Walker, 1872 (currently Metochus erosus)
- Lattin, J.D. & K. Wetherill 2002
- Metopoplax ditomoides (Costa), a species of Oxycarenidae new to North America (Lygaeoidea: Hemiptera: Heteroptera)
- Vásárhelyi, T. 1978c
- Mezira caucasica sp. n. from the Caucasus (Heteroptera, Aradidae)
- Schumacher, F. 1919
- Mezira tremulae (Germar), ein Naturdenkmal aus dem Urwalde von Bialowies in Polen
- Eckelt, A. & E. Heiss 2017
- Mezira tremulae tremulae (Germar, 1822) (Heteroptera: Aradidae), Erstnachweis für Österreich
- Kormilev, N.A. 1971d
- Mezirinae of the Oriental Region and South Pacific (Hemiptera-Heteroptera: Aradidae)
- Kormilev, N.A. 1972b
- Mezirinae of the Oriental Region and South Pacific, Supplement (Hemiptera-Heteroptera: Aradidae)
- Günther, H. & G. Strauß 2006
- Micracanthia fennica (Reuter 1848) (Heteroptera, Saldidae), ein Eiszeitrelikt in Mitteleuropa
- Weber, H.H. 1937
- Micracanthia marginalis Fall. in Schleswig-Holstein (Hem. Heteropt.)
- Vásárhelyi, T. 1989
- Microhabitat preference of the pondweed bug Mesovelia furcata (Heteroptera: Mesoveliidae)
- Wagner, E. 1952b
- Micronecta cornuta nov. spec., eine neue deutsche Corixiden-Art (Hem. Heteropt.)
- Brooke, S.E. & B.S. Nau 2003
- Micronecta griseola Horváth new to Britain and further records of Micronecta minutissima (L.) (Hem., Corixidae)
- Opinion 1491 1988
- Micronecta griseola Horváth, 1899 (Insecta, Heteroptera): specific name conserved
- Jansson, A. 1986c
- Micronecta griseola Horváth, 1899 (Insecta, Heteroptera, Corixidae): proposed conservation by the suppression of Sigara minuta Fabricius, 1794 and Sigara lemana Fieber, 1860
- Cuppen, J.G.M. & B. Nelson 2007
- Micronecta griseola Horváth, a new water boatman for Ireland (Heteroptera: Corixidae)
- Aukema, B., B. van Maanen, D.J. Hermes & Ph.J. Zeinstra 2000
- Micronecta griseola nieuw voor de Nederlandse fauna (Heteroptera: Corixidae)
- Baena, M. & J. Susin 1984
- Micronecta minuscula Poisson 1929 (Heteroptera, Corixidae), nueva para la fauna ibérica y descripción de su forma macróptera
- Wróblewski, A. 1962d
- Micronecta minutissima (L.) (Heteroptera, Corixidae) a new species for Hungary
- Jansson, A. 1988
- Micronecta poweri castillensis Poisson (Heteroptera, Corixidae): subspecific rank to be restored
- Horváth, G. 1901a
- Micronecta rugicollis sp. n. from Finland
- Gerend, R. 2006
- Micronecta scholtzi (Fieber, 1860) new to Luxembourg. With new records of three other rare aquatic heteropteran species (Insecta, Heteroptera)
- Kaiser, E.W. 1966
- Micronecta-arterne i Danmark (Hemiptera, Corixidae)
- Jansson, A. 1977b
- Micronectae (Heteroptera, Corixidae) as indicators of water quality in two lakes in southern Finland
- Horváth, G. 1916a
- Micronectae duae novae ex Hungaria
- Poisson, R. 1929a
- Micronectes de l'Afrique du nord (Hémipt. Micronectidae) (2eme Note). Micronecta minuscula n. sp
- Wróblewski, A. 1960b
- Micronectinae (Hemiptera, Corixidae) of Hungary and some adjacent countries
- Jansson, A. 1987b
- Micronectinae (Heteroptera, Corixidae) as indicators of water quality in Lake Vesijärvi, Southern Finland, during the period of 1976-1986
- Vinokurov, N.N., W.Z. Cai & Z.H. Luo 2010a
- Microphysidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) newly found from China
- Kuschakewitsch, A. 1861
- Micropus signoreti, A. Kusch
- Walton, G.A. 1981
- Microvelia pygmaea (Dufour, 1833) (Hemiptera: Veliidae), a flightless water bug new to Ireland
- Kanyukova, E.V. 1986
- Microvelia umbricola Wrobl. - synonym of M. buenoi Drake (Heteroptera, Veliidae)
- Muminov, N.N. 1985
- Middle-Asian species of the genus Deraeocoris Kbm. (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Muminov, N.N. 1978
- Middle-Asian species of the genus Dicyphus (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Rabitsch, W. & E. Heiss 2008
- Mimocoris rugicollis (A. Costa, 1853) (Heteroptera, Miridae), neu für Österreich
- Knight, H.H. 1972
- Mineocapsus minimus new genus and new species; with a length of one millimeter this insect is a candidate for the smallest species in family Miridae (Hemiptera)
- Golub, V.B. 1978b
- Mirid bugs of the genus Notostira (Heteroptera, Miridae) in the fauna of the USSR
- Zheng, L.Y. & L.J. Liang 1991
- Mirid bugs preying on persimmon leafhoppers from China (Hemiptera: Miridae)
- Herczek, A. & J. Lukáš 1997
- Mirid fauna (Heteroptera, Miridae) of the State Nature Reserve Devinska Kobyla (Slovakia)
- Pagola-Carte, S., I. Zabalegui & J. Ribes 2006
- Miridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) de los Parques Naturales de Aralar e Izki (País Vasco, norte de la Península Ibérica)
- Pagola-Carte, S., I. Zabalegui & J. Ribes 2005
- Miridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) del Parque Naturel de Aiako Harria (Gipuzkoa, País Vasco, norte de la Península Ibérica)
- Schwartz, M.D. & G.G.E. Scudder 2001
- Miridae (Heteroptera) new to Canada, with some taxonomic changes
- Herczek, A. & J. Halgoš 1991
- Miridae (Heteroptera) of the Šúr natural reserve near Bratislava
- Qi, B.Y., C.W. Schaefer, N. Bai & Z.M. Zheng 2003
- Miridae (Heteroptera) recorded from China since the 1995 world catalog by R.T. Schuh
- Knight, H.H. 1935
- Miridae and Anthocoridae
- Carapezza, A. 2002c
- Miridae from Andalucia: new taxa and new Spanish records (Hemiptera Heteroptera)
- Opinion 898 1970
- Miridae Hahn, 1833 (Hemiptera) and Mirini Ashmead, 1900 (Hymenoptera): removal of homonymy under the plenary powers
- Kerzhner, I.M. & M. Josifov 1999
- Miridae Hahn, 1883. In: Aukema, B. & Chr. Rieger (eds). Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Volume 3. Cimicomorpha II: 1-576
- Linnavuori, R.E. 1996
- Miridae of West and Central Africa (Hemiptera, Heteroptera)
- Horváth, G. 1923b
- Miridarum genus novum palaearcticum
- Lindberg, H. 1933
- Miriden aus dem Zoologischen Museum zu Hamburg
- Carvalho, J.C.M. & D.L. Carpintero 1986
- Mirídeos Neotropicais, CCLXXIII. Descrições de um novo genero e treze espécies novas da República Argentina (Hemiptera)
- Carvalho, J.C.M. & A.F. Rosas 1962
- Mirídeos Neotropicais, XCI: Uma tribo e dois gêneros novos (Hemiptera)
- Carvalho, J.C.M. & A.F. Rosas 1966
- Mirídeos neotropicais, XCVI: nôvo gênero e espécies da fauna Chilena (Hemiptera)
- Carvalho, J.C.M. 1945
- Mirídeos neotropicais: XIX. Gênero "Macrolophus" Fieber, com descrição de duas espécies novas e "Solanocoris" n. g. (Hemiptera)
- Carvalho, J.C.M. 1948
- Mirídeos neotropicais: XXXIV. Descrição de uma espécie nova de "Falconia" Distant e algumas correções sinonímicas (Hemiptera)
- Tamanini, L. 1977
- Miridi nuovi o interessanti per la fauna italiana (Hemiptera Heteroptera Miridae)
- Carapezza, A. 1984a
- Miridi nuovi o poco noti di Grecia e Creta (Heteroptera)
- Goula, M. & O. Alomar 1994
- Míridos (Heteroptera Miridae) de interés en el control integrado de plagas en el tomate. Guía para su identificación
- Ribes, J. & E. Ribes 2002b
- Míridos del Principado de Andorra no citados en el "Catalogue of Palaearctic Heteroptera"
- Ribes, J. 1978d
- Miridos interesantes de la provincia de Soria (Castilla) (Insecta Heteroptera)
- Carvalho, J.C.M. & D.L. Carpintero 1992
- Miridos Neotropicales, CCCLVIII. Observacíón de los tipos de Miridae descritos por C. Berg (1878-93) con notas y correciones taxonómicas (Hemiptera)
- Carvalho, J.C.M. & D.L. Carpintero 1991
- Miridos Neotropicales, CCCXLVI. Descripción de un género y siete especies nuevas de la subfamilia Orthotylinae, con notas y correciones taxonómicas (Hemiptera)
- Ribes, J. 1993
- Mírids interessants de Catalunya i Aragó (Heteroptera Miridae)
- Mancini, C. 1952b
- Miscellanea emitterologia italiana. I
- Mancini, C. 1959
- Miscellanea emitterologica
- Costa, A. 1887
- Miscellanea entomologica. Memoria prima
- Reuter, O.M. 1902a
- Miscellanea Hemipterologica
- Stål, C. 1861b
- Miscellanea hemipterologica
- Horváth, G. 1911b
- Miscellanea hemipterologica I-V
- Reuter, O.M. 1901b
- Miscellanea Hemipterologica. Hemipterologische Mitteilungen
- Horváth, G. 1911f
- Miscellanea hemipterologica. VI-VII
- Horváth, G. 1912a
- Miscellanea hemipterologica. VIII-XII
- Horváth, G. 1914a
- Miscellanea hemipterologica. XIII-XVII
- Schwartz, M.D. & F. Chérot 2005
- Miscellanea Miridologica (Insecta: Heteroptera)
- Strand, E. 1928
- Miscellanea nomenclatorica zoologica et palaeontologica
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1901a
- Miscellanea Rhynchotalia
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1902b
- Miscellanea Rhynchotalia. - No. 3
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1902e
- Miscellanea Rhynchotalia. - No. 5
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1903c
- Miscellanea Rhynchotalia. - No. 6
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1903b
- Miscellanea Rhynchotalia. - No. 7
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1902c
- Miscellanea Rhynchotalia. No. 5
- Doi, H. 1932
- Miscellaneous notes on insects, I
- Doi, H. 1933
- Miscellaneous notes on insects, III
- Miyamoto, S. 1974
- Miscellaneous notes on mirid-bugs (3)
- Miyamoto, S. 1975a
- Miscellaneous notes on mirid-bugs (4)
- Miyamoto, S. 1979
- Miscellaneous notes on mirid-bugs (6)
- Miyamoto, S. 1987b
- Miscellaneous notes on some lygaeoid-bugs
- Fernando, C.H. & C.Y. Leong 1964
- Miscellaneous notes on the biology of Malayan Corixidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) and a study of the life histories of two species, Micronecta quadristrigata Bredd. and Agraptacorixa hyalinipennis (F.).
- Usinger, R.L. 1932
- Miscellaneous studies in the Henicocephalidae (Hemiptera)
- Polhemus, J.T. 1990b
- Miscellaneous studies on the genus Rhagovelia Mayr (Heteroptera: Veliidae) in Southeast Asia and the Seychelles Islands, with keys and descriptions of new species
- Ribes, J. 1990a
- Miscellània hemipterològica ibèrica (Heteroptera)
- Matocq, A. 2011
- Mise au point sur Psallus vicinus Reuter, 1899, une espèce peu connue (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Ahmed, I. & S.S. Quadri 2000
- Misidentification of Dysdercus cingulatus (F.) for cotton stainer's species Dysdercus koenigii (F.) and viceversa (Hemipetrea [sic!]: Pyrrhocoridae), its description and phylogenetic relationships
- Breddin, G. 1903c
- Missdeutete und neue Hemipteren-Arten der indo-australischen Fauna
- Villiers, A. 1952b
- Mission A. Villiers au Togo et au Dahomey (1950). XXI. Hémiptères
- Bergevin, E. de 1936
- Mission au Tibesti II. Hémiptères, avec les descriptions d'un genre nouveau, de deux espèces et d'une variété nouvelle
- Poisson, R.A. 1963
- Mission de M.H. Bertrand (1958-1959-1960) en Afrique éthiopienne et à Madagascar. Hydrocorises
- Bergevin, E. de 1934a
- Mission Saharienne Augiéras-Draper 1927-1928. Hémiptères
- Poisson, R. 1953a
- Mission scientifique au Tassili des Ajjer (1949). I. Recherches zoologiques et medicales. Les Hydrocorises du Tassili des Ajjer (Sahara Central)
- Poisson, R. 1936a
- Mission scientifique de l'Omo. Tome III, Fascicule 26. Hemiptera I. Aquatica
- Bergroth, E. 1893c
- Mission scientifique de M. Ch. Alluaud aux îles Séchelles (mars, avril, mai 1892). Hétéroptères
- Bergevin, E. de 1934b
- Mission transsaharienne de S.A.R. le Prince Sixte de Bourbon-Parme (1932)
- Stehlík, J.L. 1965b
- Mission Zoologique de l'IRSAC en Afrique orientale (P. Basilewsky - N. Leleup, 1957). Pyrrhocoridae (Het.)
- Mancini, C. 1964
- Missione 1957 del Prof. Giuseppe Scortecci in Migiurtinia (Somali sett.). Hemiptera Heteroptera
- Mancini, C. 1953
- Missione biologica Sagan-Omo diretta dal Prof. Edoardo Zavattari (1939). Hemiptera-Heteroptera
- Mancini, C. 1935a
- Missioni scientifiche del Prof. E. Zavattari nel Sahara italiano. Hemiptera Heteroptera
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1899c
- Missions de M. Ch. Alluaud aux îles de la région malgache. Hémiptères (Gerridae, Corixidae, Notonectidae)
- Andersen, N.M., L. Cheng, J. Damgaard & F.A.H. Sperling 2000
- Mitochondrial DNA sequence variation and phylogeography of oceanic insects (Hemiptera: Gerridae: Halobates spp.)
- Reuter, O.M. 1910b
- Mitteilungen über einige Hemipteren des Russischen Reiches
- Aljaryian, R., L. Kumar & S. Taylor 2016
- Modelling the current and potential future distributions of the sunn pest Eurygaster integriceps (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) using CLIMEX
- Wagner, E. 1971j
- Moissonia punctata (Fieber, 1861) (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Balvín, O., S. Roth & J. Vilímová 2015
- Molecular evidence places the swallow bug genus Oeciacus Stål within the bat and bed bug genus Cimex Linnaeus (Heteroptera: Cimicidae)
- Berchi, G.M., D. Copilaş-Ciocanu, P. Kment, F.M. Buzzetti, A. Petrusek, L. Rákosy, F, Cianferoni & J. Damgaard 2018b
- Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of the West-Palaearctic Velia (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha: Veliidae)
- Berchi, G.M., D. Copilas-Ciocianu, P. Kment, F.M. Buzetti, A. Petrusek, L. Rákosy, F. Cianferoni & J. Damgaard 2017
- Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of the West-Palaearctic Velia (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha: Veliidae)
- Jung, S., H. Kim, K. Yamada & S. Lee 2010a
- Molecular phylogeny and evolutionary habitat transition of the flower bugs (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae)
- Kim, J.G., M. Roca-Cusachs & S.H. Jung 2021
- Molecular Phylogeny of Nabidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cimicomorpha): insight into relationships and reclassification with the proposal of the new tribe Stenonabini
- Weirauch, Ch. & J.B. Munro 2009
- Molecular phylogeny of the assassin bugs (Hemiptera: Reduviidae), based on mitochondrial and nuclear ribosomal genes
- Damgaard, J., F.F.F. Moreirab, T.A. Weir & H. Zettel 2014
- Molecular phylogeny of the pond skaters (Gerrinae), discussion of the fossil record and a checklist of subfamily (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerridae) species assigned to the
- Muraji, M. 2001
- Molecular, morphological, and behavioral analyses of Japanese Gerris (Macrogerris) water striders (Heteroptera: Gerridae): Evidence for a new species
- Schouteden, H. 1953b
- Monanthia nouveaux du Congo Belge et du Ruanda
- Seidenstücker, G. 1954a
- Monanthia triconula n. sp. und einige Tingiden aus der südlichen Türkei
- Giacalone, I., P. Dioli & N. Patocchi 2002
- Monitoraggi faunistici alle Bolle di Magadino (Svizzera meridionale) eterotteri acquatici e terrestri (Insecta, Heteroptera: Gerromorpha, Nepomorpha e Geocorisae)
- Osuna, E. 1984
- Monografía de la tribu Anisoscelidini (Hemiptera, Heteroptera Coreidae). I. Revisión genérica
- Costa, O.G. 1839
- Monografia degl'insetti ospitanti sull'Ulivo, e nelle olive
- Usinger, R.L. 1966
- Monograph of Cimicidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)
- Štys, P. 1967
- Monograph of Malcinae, with reconsideration of morphology and phylogeny of related groups (Heteroptera, Malcidae)
- Van Duzee, E.P. 1910
- Monograph of the genus Crophius Stål
- Eyles, A.C. 1973
- Monograph of the genus Dieuches Dohrn (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae): 1-465
- Knight, H.H. 1921
- Monograph of the North American species of Deraeocoris - Heteroptera Miridae
- Henry, T.J. 1997c
- Monograph of the stilt bugs, or Berytidae (Heteroptera), of the Western Hemisphere
- Reuter, O.M. 1884c
- Monographia Anthocoridarum Orbis terrestris: 1-204
- Reuter, O.M. 1891a
- Monographia Ceratocombidarum orbis terrestris
- Fallén, C.F. 1807
- Monographia Cimicum Sveciae: 1-123
- Horváth, G. 1904c
- Monographia Colobathristinarum
- Horváth, G. 1899b
- Monographia generis Aphelocheirus
- Horváth, G. 1906g
- Monographia generis Hemipterorum Odontotarsus Lap
- Reuter, O.M. 1906d
- Monographia generis heteropterorum Phimodera Germ
- Reuter, O.M. 1891e
- Monographia generis Holotrichius Burm
- Reuter, O.M. 1882d
- Monographia generis Oncocephalus Klug proximeque affinium: 1-86
- Reuter, O.M. 1892a
- Monographia generis Reduvius Fabr., Lam
- Reuter, O.M. 1901e
- Monographia generis Tarisa Am. et Serv
- Sahlberg, R.F. 1848
- Monographia Geocorisarum Fenniae: i-xl, 1-155
- Horváth, G. 1875b
- Monographia Lygaeidarum Hungariae: i-vi, 1-109
- Reuter, O.M. & B. Poppius 1909
- Monographia Nabidarum orbis terrestris. I
- Horváth, G. 1936
- Monographia Pentatomidarum generis Bagrada
- Stål, C. 1859d
- Monographie der Gattung Conorhinus und Verwandten
- Handlirsch, A. 1897a
- Monographie der Phymatiden
- Schmitz, G. 1968
- Monographie des espèces africaines du genre Helopeltis Signoret (Heteroptera, Miridae) avec un exposé des problèmes relatifs aux structures génitales
- Safavi, M. 1959
- Monographie des Hémiptères Hétéroptères de l'Iran
- Horváth, G. 1915a
- Monographie des Mésovéliides
- Schouteden, H. 1905b
- Monographie du genre Coleotichus
- Signoret, V. 1859b
- Monographie du genre Corizus
- Wagner, E. 1974a
- Monosteira (Phaenotropis) eckerleini n.sp. (Heteroptera, Tingidae)
- Günther, H. 2014
- Monosteira minutula Montandon, 1897, a lacebug (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Tingidae) new for Europe
- Abbasi, Q.A 1986
- Morpho-taxonomic studies of the family Pentatomidae Leach, 1815 (Heteroptera: Pentatomorpha) of South Asia (Pakistan, Azad Kashmir and Bangladesh) with reference to the phylogeny of the group
- Kumar, R. 1962
- Morpho-taxonomical studies on the genitalia and salivary glands of some Cimicomorpha (Rhynchota, Hemiptera)
- Ekblom, T. 1926
- Morphological and biological studies of the Swedish families of Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Part I. The families Saldidae, Nabidae, Lygaeidae, Hydrometridae, Veliidae, and Gerridae
- Yanai, T. 1952
- Morphological and histological studies of the mid-intestine of Heteropterans with special reference to binucleated epithelial cells
- Lee, C.E. 1969
- Morphological and phylogenetic studies on the larvae and male genitalia of the East Asiatic Tingidae (Heteroptera)
- Lee, C.E. 1991
- Morphological and phylogenetic studies on the true waterbugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)
- Štys, P. 1974
- Morphological and taxonomic notes on the Aneurinae, with descriptions of Aneurus (Iralunelus subgen. n.) gallicus sp. n. from France, and a world list of species (Heteroptera, Aradidae)
- Batzakis, B.D. 1972
- Morphological characters of the Greek species of Eurygaster Laporte, 1832 (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
- Fent, M., H. Bolu & S Kıyak 2023
- Morphological diagnosis information about some rare Heteroptera (Hemiptera) species in Türkiye
- Hoffmann, W.E. 1934d
- Morphological notes on Megarrhamphus truncatus (Westw.): Hemiptera, Pentatomidae
- Lee, C.E. & S.O. Park 1971
- Morphological studies on the eggs and larvae of two species of Piesmatidae (Hemiptera)
- Kim, H.R. & C.E. Lee 1994
- Morphological studies on the spermathecae of Korean Podopinae and Asopinae
- Safwat, R.H., A.H. Omar, K.M.A. Rahman & A.A. Elmeguid 2022
- Morphological study of eggs of Spilostethus pandurus (Scopoli) (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae)
- Pluot-Sigwalt, D. & P.Moulet 2020
- Morphological types of spermatheca in Coreidae: bearing on intra-familial classification and tribal-groupings (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)
- Lupoli, R., F. Dusoulier, A. Cruaud, S. Cros-Arteil & J.-C. Streito 2013
- Morphological, biogeographical and molecular evidence of Carpocoris mediterraneus as a valid species (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)
- Cachan, P. 1965
- Morphologie et biologie de Afrius purpureus Westwood, 1837, Asopinae prédateur, dans la région de Dakar (Hétéropteres, Pentatomidae)
- Dauphin, P. 1987
- Morphologie et biologie des derniers stades larvaires de Derephysia sinuatocollis Puton (Het. Tingidae)
- Villiers, A. 1943b
- Morphologie et systématique des Tribelocephalitae africains (Hemiptera, Reduviidae)
- Kopelke, J.-P. 1978
- Morphologische Charakteristika der Imagines von Hydrocyrius columbiae columbiae Spinola
- Kopelke, J.-P. 1980
- Morphologische Charakteristika der Larven von Hydrocyrius columbiae columbiae Spinola und Sphaerodema grassei ghesquerei Poisson
- Thiéry, A., C. Martin, C. Malosse & D. Thiéry 1999
- Morphology and chemical characterization of the egg chorion in tingids: a case study of the plane tree Corythucha ciliata (Hemiptera: Tingidae)
- Guilbert, E. 2005
- Morphology and evolution of larval outgrowths of Tingidae (Insecta, Heteroptera), with description of new larvae
- Matsuda, R. 1976
- Morphology and evolution of the insect abdomen. With special reference to development patterns and their bearings upon systematics: i-viii, 1-534
- Matsuda, R. 1965
- Morphology and evolution of the insect head
- Matsuda, R. 1970
- Morphology and evolution of the insect thorax
- Keffer, S.L. 2004
- Morphology and evolution of waterscorpion male genitalia (Heteroptera: Nepidae)
- Su, S.G. & P.S. Yang 1992
- Morphology and life history of the giant water bug (Sphaerodema rustica Fabricius)
- Kumar, R. & M.S.K. Ghauri 1970
- Morphology and relationships of the Pentatomoidea (Heteroptera) 2 - World genera of Tessaratomini (Tessaratomidae)
- Kumar, R. 1971
- Morphology and relationships of the Pentatomoidea (Heteroptera). 5 - Urostylidae
- Kumar, R. 1969
- Morphology and relationships of the Pentatomoidea (Heteroptera). IV. Oncomerinae (Tessaratomidae)
- Candan, S., Z. Suludere & K.W. Wolf 2004
- Morphology and surface structure of eggs of Maccevethus lutheri Wagner (Heteroptera: Rhopalidae): a scanning electron microscopy study
- Cobben, R.H. 1970
- Morphology and taxonomy of intertidal dwarfbugs (Heteroptera: Omaniidae fam. nov.)
- Jacobs, D. 1986
- Morphology and taxonomy of sub-saharan Aneurus species with notes on their phylogeny, biology and cytogenetics (Heteroptera: Aradidae: Aneurinae)
- Ren, S.Z. 2001b
- Morphology and ultrastructure of the eggs of mirid bugs (Hemiptera Miridae): scanning electron microscope observation
- Melina, S., E. Martono, Y.A. Trisyono, S. Moechtar & R. Radek 2016
- Morphology of adult Helopeltis bradyi (Heteroptera: Miridae) of Java, resolving a longstanding species uncertainty
- Candan, S., Z. Suludere & M. Erbey 2007
- Morphology of eggs and spermatheca of Odontotarsus purpureolineatus (Heteroptera, Scutelleridae)
- Gapon, D.A. 2018
- Morphology of male and female terminalia and taxonomic revision of the burrower bugs genus Canthophorus (Heteroptera: Cydnidae)
- Štys, P. 1961b
- Morphology of the abdomen and female ectodermal genitalia of the trichophorous Heteroptera and bearing on their classification
- Kurzątkowska, A. 2012
- Morphology of the fifth larval stage of Notonecta reuteri Hungerford, 1928, Notonecta lutea Müller, 1776 and Notonecta glauca Linnaeus, 1758 (Heteroptera aquatica)
- Baijal, H.N. & S.B. Agarwal 1980
- Morphology of the genitalia of Chrysocoris stollii (Heteroptera - Scutelleridae)
- Pluot-Sigwalt, D. & J.L. Lis 2008
- Morphology of the spermatheca in the Cydnidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera): Bearing of its diversity on classification and phylogeny
- Santos Rodrigues, J.M. dos, J.A. da Rosa, F.F. Figueiredo Moreira & C. Galvão 2018
- Morphology of the terminal abdominal segments in females of Triatominae (Insecta: Hemiptera: Reduviidae)
- Hamilton, M.A. 1931
- Morphology of the water scorpion Nepa cinerea Linn. (Rhynchota, Heteroptera)
- Štys, P. 1966
- Morphology of the wings, abdomen and genitalia of Phaenacantha australiae Kirk. (Heteroptera, Colobathristidae) and notes on the phylogeny of the family
- Matsuda, R. 1960
- Morphology, evolution and a classification of the Gerridae (Hemiptera- Heteroptera)
- Bhargava, S. 1967
- Morphology, musculature and innervation of the reproductive organs of Lethocerus indicum (Hemiptera: Belostomatidae)
- Jansson, A. & V.I. Pajunen 1978
- Morphometric comparison of geographically isolated populations of Arctocorisa carinata (C. Sahlberg) (Heteroptera, Corixidae)
- Damgaard, J. 2008a
- MtDNA diversity and phylogeography of five Palaearctic water striders (Hemiptera-Heteroptera: Gerridae)
- Damgaard, J. 2008b
- MtDNA diversity and species phylogeny of western Palaearctic members of the Gerris lacustris group (Hemiptera-Heteroptera: Gerridae) with implications for “DNA barcoding” of water striders
- Klingenberg, C.P. 1992
- Multivariate morphometrics of geographic variation of Gerris costae (Heteroptera: Gerridae) in Europe
- Zschach, J.J. 1788
- Museum N.G. Leskeanum. Pars entomologica ad Systema entomologiae cl. Fabricii ordinata: 1-136
- Thunberg, C.P. 1787
- Museum naturalium Academiae Upsaliensis. Thesis, Edman, Upsaliae. Part 5, Resp. O. Gallén. Donatio Thunbergianae 1785, Continuat. III pp. 59-68.
- Opinion 669 1963
- Myodocha Latreille, 1807 (Insecta, Hemiptera): designation of a type-species under the plenary powers
- Baerensprung, F. de. 1857
- Myrmedobia und Lichenobia, zwei neue einheimische Rhynchoten-Gattungen
- Ribes, J. & J. Péricart 1996
- Myrmedobia? blascoi, espèce nouvelle espagnole de Microphysidae à femelle macroptère (Heteroptera)