- Zheng, L.Y. & C.S. Lin 2002
- Sabactiopus gen. nov. with redescription of Sabactus institutus Distant, 1910 (Hemiptera: Miridae: Mirinae)
- Costa, A. 1843b
- Saggio d'una monografia delle specie del genere Ophthalmicus (Emitteri Eterotteri) indigene al regno di Napoli con note su talune altre di Europa
- Wagner, E. 1947c
- Saisondimorphismus bei Stenodema-Arten
- Wagner, E. 1960b
- Salda nevadensis nov. spec. (Hem.Het.Saldidae)
- Drake, C.J. & F.C. Hottes 1950a
- Saldidae of the Americas (Hemiptera)
- Walton, G.A. 1986
- Saldula connemarae sp. n. (Hemiptera: Saldidae), a new species of shore bug from Co Galway
- Aukema B. 2022
- Saldula connemarae Walton, 1986 a synonym of Saldula saltatoria (Linnaeus, 1758) (Heteroptera: Saldidae)
- Seidenstücker, G. 1961a
- Saldula madonica n. sp. aus Sizilien (Hem.-Het., Saldidae)
- Hewitt, S.M. 2001
- Saldula melanoscela (Fieber) (Hem., Saldidae) new to Britain
- Walton, G.A. 1966
- Saldula opacula (Zetterstedt) 1840 (Hemiptera). A shorebug new to Ireland
- Carapezza, A. 1981a
- Saldula sardoa Fil. specie propria e Pentacora sphacelata (Uhler) in Sardegna
- Wagner, E. 1947a
- Saldula vestita Dgl.Sc. - a good species
- Seidenstücker, G. 1964a
- Saldula xanthochila misis nov. subsp. aus Anatolien (Heteroptera, Saldidae)
- Göllner-Scheiding, U. & K. Arnold 1988
- Sammelausbeute von Heteropteren aus dem südwestlichen Bulgarien (Insecta)
- Frey-Gessner, E. 1871
- Sammelsbericht aus den Jahren 1869 und 1870
- Krikken, J., C. van Achterberg, P.H. van Doesburg, R. de Jong & K.W.R. Zwart 1981
- Samuel Constant Snellen van Vollenhoven (1816-1880) and his entomological work
- Ghauri, M.S.K. 1977b
- Sarju - a new genus of Halyini (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Pentatominae) with new species
- Grosso-Silva, J.M., V. da Silva, Ó. Silva& T van der Heyden 2021
- Sastrapada Amyot & Serville, 1843 (Hemiptera: Reduviidae), new genus for Portugal
- Wagner, E. 1968g
- Saundersiella Reuter, 1890 (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Ren, S.Z., S.H. Guo & X.D. Zhou 1990
- Scanning electron microscope observation on egg-bursters of terrestrial Heteroptera
- Kerzhner, I.M. 2002b
- Scantius subapterus (Spinola, 1837) is a synonym of S. forsteri (Fabricius, 1781) (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae)
- Mazza, G., L.a Nerva, A. Strangi, E. Mori, W. Chitarra, A. Carapezza, M. Mei, L. Marianelli, P.F. Roversi, A. Campanaro & F. Cianferoni 2020
- Scent of Jasmine Attracts Alien Invaders and Records on Citizen Science Platforms: Multiple Introductions of the Invasive Lacebug Corythauma ayyari (Drake, 1933) (Heteroptera: Tingidae) in Italy and the Mediterranean Basin
- Dioli, P. 2012
- Schidium (Jordischidium) ribesi, nuova specie di un nuovo sottogenere palearctico (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae)
- Dioli, P. 1989
- Schidium palinuri n. sp., eterottero reduvide appartenente ad un genere nuovo per la fauna Italiana (Heteroptera Reduviidae Emesinae)
- Lis, J.A. 1991d
- Schiodtella secunda n. sp., a new species of burrowing bugs from Palaearctic China (Heteroptera: Cydnidae: Scaptocorinae)
- Wygodzinsky, P. 1950a
- Schizopterinae from Angola (Cryptostemmatidae, Hemiptera)
- Lundblad, O. 1934a
- Schwedisch-chinesische wissenschaftliche Expedition nach den nordwestlichen Provinzen Chinas. 28. Hemiptera. 1. Wasserhemipteren
- Lindberg, H. 1934b
- Schwedisch-chinesische wissenschaftliche Expedition nach den nordwestlichen Provinzen Chinas. Insekten. 47. Hemiptera. 2. Hemiptera Heteroptera
- Jaczewski, T. 1933a
- Scientific results of the Cambridge expedition to the East African lakes, 1930-1. - 12. Aquatic Heteroptera
- Kiritshenko, A.N. 1930a
- Scientific results of the Zool. Mus. entomological expeditions to the Ussuri region (Far East). IV. Hemiptera Cryptocerata
- Jordan, K.H.C. 1947b
- Sciocoris cursitans F. f. holopunctatus f. n
- Bantock, T. & H. Kenward 2017
- Sciocoris homalonotus (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) —a species new to Britain
- Coulianos, C.-C. 1976
- Sciocoris homalonotus Fieb. in Sweden, a shield bug (Hem.-Het., Pentatomidae) new to northern Europe
- Wagner, E. 1952p
- Sciocoris sahlbergi nov. spec., eine neue Pentatomidenart aus dem nahen Orient (Hem. Heteropt.)
- Lattin, J.D. 2005a
- Scoloposcelis discalis Van Duzee, 1914, a synonym of Anthocoris galactinus Fieber, 1837, and Xylocoris umbrinus Van Duzee, 1921, a synonym of Piezostethus californicus Reuter, 1884 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Anthocoridae)
- Lattin, J.D. 2005b
- Scoloposcelis pulchella pulchella (Zetterstedt, 1838) in North America (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Anthocoridae)
- Opinion 680 1963
- Scolopostethus Fieber, 1860 (Insecta, Hemiptera): validated under the plenary powers
- Wagner, E. 1949m
- Scolopostethus pseudograndis n. sp. (Hem. Het. Lygaeidae)
- Massee, A.M. 1950
- Scolopostethus tuberulus [sic] Horvath (Hem., Lygaeidae) new to Kent
- Opinion 1707 1993
- Scoparipes Signoret, 1880 (Insecta, Heteroptera): Cydnus latipes Westwood, 1837 confirmed as the type species
- Baena, M. & J.L. Torres 2012a
- Scotinophara sicula (Costa, 1841) género y especie nuevos para la Península ibérica (Hetereoptera: Pentatomidae, Podopinae)
- Andersen, N.M. & W.A. Foster 1992
- Sea skaters of India, Sri Lanka, and the Maledives, with a new species and a revised key to Indian Ocean species of Halobates and Asclepios (Hemiptera, Gerridae)
- Wheeler, A.G., Jr. 1984
- Seasonal history, habits, and immature stages of Belonochilus numenius (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae)
- Tsukada, M. 1994
- Seasonal host alternation by the Andromeda Lace Bug, Stephanitis takeyai (Heteroptera: Tingidae) between its two main host-plant species
- Andersen, N.M. 1973
- Seasonal polymorphism and developmental changes in organs of flight and reproduction in bivoltine pondskaters (Hem. Gerridae)
- Yasunaga, T. & S. Miyamoto 2006
- Second report on the Japanese cylapine plant bugs (Heteroptera, Miridae, Cylapinae) with descriptions of five new species
- Tamanini, L. 1949a
- Secondo contributo allo studio del genere Velia Latr. (Heteroptera: Hydrometridae)
- Takeuchi, M. & M. Tamura 2000
- Seed-carrying behavior of a stink bug, Adrisa magna Uhler (Hemiptera: Cydnidae)
- Olivieri, N. 2011
- Segnalazioni faunistiche italiane: 504 - Nagusta goedelii (Kolenati, 1857) (Heteroptera Reduviidae)
- Nickerl, O. 1892
- Sehirus biguttatus L. var. concolor
- Resch, G. & W. Rabitsch 2017
- Seltene und bemerkenswerte Wanzenarten (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) im Marchfeld, Niederösterreich
- Andersen, N.M. 1981a
- Semiaquatic bugs: phylogeny and classification of the Hebridae (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha) with revisions of Timasius, Neotimasius, and Hyrcanus
- Hoberlandt, L. 1951b
- Semiaquatic Heteroptera collected in Luanda, North East Angola (Portuguese West Africa) by Dr. A. de Barros Machado in 1946-1949
- Miyamoto, S. 1964c
- Semiaquatic Heteroptera of the South-West Islands, lying between Kyushu and Formosa
- Andersen, N.M. 1982b
- Semiterrestrial water striders of the genera Eotrechus Kirkaldy and Chimarrhometra Bianchi (Insecta, Hemiptera, Gerridae)
- Péricart, J. 1981a
- Sept espèces nouvelles de Tingidae du bassin méditerranéen, des Iles Canaries et des Iles du Cap-Vert
- Carapezza, A. 1988b
- Settanta Eterotteri nuovi per la fauna siciliana (Insecta, Heteroptera)
- Direction 109 1981
- Seven family-group names in Insecta Heteroptera placed on the Official List
- Baymak, D. & S. Kıyak 2020
- Seven new records for the Heteroptera (Hemiptera) fauna of Kosovo
- Lin, C.S. 2004a
- Seven new species of Isometopinae (Hemiptera: Miridae) from Taiwan
- Stelfox, A.W. 1965
- Seven species of Hemiptera now recorded for the first time from Ireland
- Kuschakewitsch, A. 1866
- Several new species of bugs (Hemiptera)
- Arnqvist, G. 1989
- Sexual selection in a water strider: the function, mechanism of selection and heritability of a male grasping apparatus
- Gogala, A. & M. Gogala 1986
- Seznam vrst stenic, ugotovljenih v Sloveniji (Insecta: Heteroptera)
- Protić, Lj. 2010b
- Shield bugs (Heteroptera: Acanthosomatidae) in Serbia
- Kerzhner, I.M. 1966b
- Shield bugs of the family Urostylidae (Heteroptera, Pentatomoidea) from the USSR
- Derzhansky, V.V. 1990
- Shield bugs of the genus Carpocoris Kol. (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) of the fauna of the USSR
- Derzhansky, V.V. 1994
- Shield bugs of the genus Sciocoris (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) in Russia and adjacent countries
- Putshkov, V.G. 1965
- Shield-bugs of Middle Asia (Hemiptera, Pentatomoidea): 1-331
- Putshkov, V.G. 1963
- Shield-bugs of Middle Asia (Pentatomoidea, Heteroptera)
- Lis, J.A. 1989a
- Shield-bugs of Poland (Heteroptera, Pentatomoidea) - a faunistic review. I. Plataspidae, Thyreocoridae, Cydnidae, Scutelleridae and Acanthosomidae
- Lis, J.A. 1990b
- Shield-bugs of Poland (Heteroptera, Pentatomoidea) - a faunistic review. Pentatomidae
- Petrova, V.P. 1975
- Shield-bugs of West Siberia (Hemiptera, Pentatomoidea): 1-237
- Kerzhner, I.M. 1972b
- Shieldbugs of the genus Elasmucha Stål (Heteroptera, Acanthosomatidae) of the fauna of the USSR
- Polhemus, J.T. 1976
- Shore bugs (Hemiptera: Saldidae, etc)
- Derzhanskiy, V.V. 1985a
- Shore bugs (Heteroptera, Saldidae) of the fauna of Moldavia
- Polhemus, J.T. 1985a
- Shore bugs (Heteroptera: Hemiptera; Saldidae). A world overwiew and taxonomy of Middle American forms: 1-252
- Wróblewski, A. 1966
- Shorebugs (Heteroptera, Saldidae) of Poland
- Vinokurov, N.N. 1975a
- Shorebugs of the genus Micracanthia Reut. (Heteroptera: Saldidae) in the fauna of the USSR
- Reuter, O.M. 1884b
- Sibiriska Hemiptera
- Topkara, E.T., S. Balık & M.R. Usatoğlu 2010
- Sigara (Halicorixa) stagnalis stagnalis (Leach, 1817), a new record for the Corixidae (Insecta, Hemiptera) fauna of Turkey
- Heiss, E. & A. Jansson 1986b
- Sigara (Pseudovermicorixa) nigrolineata mendax nom. nov. for S. nigrolineata cretica Heiss & Jansson (Heteroptera, Corixidae)
- Vercauteren, T. 1997
- Sigara (Subsigara) iactans, a new species for Belgium (Heteroptera: Corixidae)
- China, W.E. 1955
- Sigara (Subsigara) pearcei Walton 1936, a synonym of the Canadian S. (S.) fallenoidea Hungerford 1926 (Heteroptera, Corixidae)
- Jansson, A. 1986d
- Sigara (Subsigara) samani tigranes ssp. n. (Heteroptera, Corixidae) from SW Asia
- Kanyukova, E.V. 1995a
- Sigara albiventris (Horváth) does not occur in Daghestan and Azerbaijan (Heteroptera: Corixidae)
- Opinion 687 1964
- Sigara atomaria Illiger, 1807 (Insecta, Hemiptera): suppressed under the plenary powers
- Jaczewski, T. 1962a
- Sigara atomaria Illiger, 1807 (Insecta, Heteroptera); proposed suppression under the plenary powers
- Rizzotti Vlach, M., M.V. di Giovanni & M. Sorice 1996
- Sigara basalis (Costa) (Heteroptera, Corixidae), a valid species: diagnostic characters and comparative observations
- Opinion 1794 1995
- Sigara coleoptrata Fabricius, [1777] (Insecta, Heteroptera): specific name conserved, and Notonecta obliqua Thunberg, 1787: specific name placed on The Official List
- Zimmermann, G. 1980
- Sigara dayetica nov. spec., eine neue Corixide aus Marokko (Hemiptera Heteroptera Corixidae)
- Seidenstücker, G. 1959a
- Sigara emesa n. sp. und einige Corixiden aus der Türkei und Syrien
- Opinion 739 1965
- Sigara Fabricius, 1775, and Micronecta Kirkaldy, 1897 (Insecta, Hemiptera): added to the Official List
- Spikkeland, I., D. Dolmen & J.-H. Simonsen 1999
- Sigara longipalis (J. Sahlberg, 1878) (Hemiptera, Corixidae) new to Norway
- Blackburn, J 2007
- Sigara longipalis new to Britain
- Heiss, E. & A. Jansson 1986a
- Sigara nigrolineata cretica ssp. n. (Heteroptera, Corixidae) from southern Greece
- Opinion 1505 1988
- Sigara scholtzi Fieber, [1860] (currently Micronecta (Dichaetonecta) scholtzi; Insecta, Heteroptera): specific name conserved
- Jansson, A. 1986b
- Sigara scholtzi Fieber, [1860] (Insecta, Heteroptera): proposed conservation by the suppression of Sigara scholtzii Scholtz, 1846
- Seabra, A.F. de 1926a
- Sinópse dos Hemípteros Heterópteros de Portugal. Fam. Pentatomidae Leach
- Seabra, A.F. de 1930b
- Sinópse dos Hemipteros Heterópteros de Portugal. VI. Lygaeidae
- Neiva, A. & H. Lent 1941
- Sinopse dos Triatomídeos
- Reed, E.C. 1900
- Sinopsis de las Hemipteros de Chile: 1-107
- Hérard, F., G. Mercadier & M. Abai 1979
- Situation de Lymantria dispar (Lep.: Lymantridae) et de son complexe parasitaire en Iran, en 1976
- Nouere, S., S. Amiri & R. Lahlali 2019
- Situation des problèmes phytosanitaires du myrtillier (Vaccinium corymbosum) au Maroc
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1901g
- Six new Reduviidae from Sumatra
- Liu, S.L. 1980b
- Six new species of Acanthosomatidae from China. (Hemiptera: Heteroptera.)
- Protić, Lj. 1999b
- Six species of Miridae new to the fauna of Yugoslavia
- Nieser, N. & P.P. Chen 1999
- Sixteen new species of Nepomorpha (Heteroptera) mainly from Sulawesi (Indonesia)
- Wallengren, H.D.J. 1855
- Skandinaviens Corisae
- Reuter, O.M. 1871a
- Skandinaviens och Finlands Acanthiider, beskrifne
- Reuter, O.M. 1872c
- Skandinaviens och Finlands Aradider, beskrifne
- Reuter, O.M. 1872b
- Skandinaviens och finlands Nabider
- Putshkova, L.V. 1980
- Skeleto-muscular, sensory and glandular apparatus of the head and thorax in aquatic Heteroptera
- Rieger, Chr. 1976
- Skelett und Muskulatur des Kopfes und Prothorax von Ochterus marginatus Latreille
- Lindberg, H. 1928a
- Sketch in commemoration of Ernst Evald Bergroth
- Dallas, W.S. 1848
- Sketch of the genus Poecilocoris, belonging to the hemipterous family Scutelleridae
- Balthasar, V. 1937
- Slovenské ploštice. Katalog a pokus o rozbor složek fauny slovenských Heteropter
- Meinert, F. 1888
- Slægten Metrocoris Mayr og dens "forma præmatura" Halobatodes B. White
- Rabitsch, W. 2018
- Snapshot of the terrestrial true bug fauna of the Pocem floodplains (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera)
- Ribes, J. & E. Ribes 2003
- Sobre algunos Mirinae de Argelia (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Ribes, J. 1976b
- Sobre el género Noualhieria Puton, 1889 (Hemiptera Lygaeidae)
- Ribes, J. 1973
- Sobre Empicoris salinus (Lindberg) 1932 (Hem. Het, Reduviidae Emesinae)
- López Ruf, M. & A.O. Bachmann 1987
- Sobre la classificación de los Naucoroidea Americanos (Heteroptera)
- Costas, M., M.Á. Vázquez & T. López 1997
- Sobre las especies del género Oxycarenus Fieber, 1837 (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae) de la Peninsula Ibérica
- Wygodzinsky, P. 1946
- Sobre o genero Metapterus Costa, 1860, com notas sobre outros Emesinae neotropicais (Hemiptera)
- Goula, M. & J. Ribes 2008
- Sobre Orthotylus (Pseudorthotylus) bilineatus (Fallén, 1807) y Onychomiris victoriae J. Ribes & E. Ribes, 1998 (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Ribes, J. 1974b
- Sobre Piesma rotundata Horváth, 1906 y formas afines (Hem. Piesmidae)
- Neiva, A. & H. Lent 1940b
- Sobre um novo triatomideo chileno: Triatomaptera porteri. Nota prévia
- Blanford, W.T. 1903
- Sokotra
- Lattin, J.D. 2004
- Solenonotus angustatus Poppius, a synonym of Dufouriellus ater Fieber (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Anthocoridae)
- Škorput, J., A. Novak Morić, M. Martinović, T. van der Heyden & J. Skejo 2019
- Solenosthedium bilunatum (Heteroptera: Scutelleridae) at the Adriatic Coast of Croatia
- Burmeister, H. 1838
- Some account of the genus Myocoris of the family Reduvini
- Blatchley, W.S. 1925
- Some additional new species of Heteroptera from the southern United States with characterization of a new genus
- Khaghaninia, S., O. Askari, R.F. Pour Abad & K. Shahim 2010b
- Some additional notes about Heteroptera fauna of Qaradag forest - Iran
- McAtee, W.L. & J.R. Malloch 1924
- Some annectant bugs of the superfamily Cimicoideae (Heteroptera)
- Esaki, T. 1940
- Some aquatic and semiaquatic Heteroptera from China
- Popov, Y.A. 1989
- Some aspects of the systematics of Leptopodoidea
- Bliven, B.P. 1957
- Some Californian mirids and leafhoppers, including two new genera and four new species
- Takeya, C. 1932
- Some Corean lace-bugs (Hemiptera, Tingidae)
- Miyake, T. 2017
- Some distributional records of insects from Ume district, Saeki-shi, Oita-ken, Kyushu, Japan
- Drake, C.J. & B.G. Hill 1964
- Some Ethiopian lacebugs (Hemiptera: Tingidae)
- Bergroth, E. 1922b
- Some Hemiptera Heteroptera from N.W. Borneo
- Hoberlandt, L. 1952c
- Some Hemiptera-Heteroptera collected in north and east Iraq
- Woodroffe, G.E. 1955
- Some Hemiptera-Heteroptera from the Dorset coast
- Coulianos, C.-C. 1999
- Some Hemiptera-Heteroptera new to Estonia
- Linnavuori, R.E. 1982a
- Some Hemipterous fauna from Somalia and Ethiopia
- Önder, F. & N. Adıgüzel 1979
- Some Heteroptera collected by light trap in Diyarbakır (Turkey)
- Bergroth, E. 1924c
- Some Heteroptera from the alpine region of central Luzon
- Pagola-Carte, S., I. Zabalegui & J. Ribes 2004
- Some interesting Miridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) from the Basque Country
- Bergroth, E. 1915b
- Some Javanese Hemiptera collected by E. Jacobson and Th. H. Mac Gillavry
- Ban, T., H. Kojima & S. Okajima 2010
- Some Lygaeoid bugs (Heteroptera, Lygaeoidea) from rice paddy fields in Laos
- Miyamoto, S. 1988
- Some mirids new to Japan (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Bakonyi, G., E. Peták, T. Erös & P. Sály 2016
- Some morphological characteristics of the water scorpion Nepa cinerea (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha) are associated with habitat type
- Hungerford, H.B. 1926b
- Some new Corixidae from the north
- Kiritshenko, A.N. & G.G.E. Scudder 1973
- Some new genera and species of Rhyparochrominae (Hemiptera, Lygaeidae) from the Soviet Union, with a key to the genera of Gonianotini
- Ballard, E. 1927
- Some new Indian Miridae (Capsidae)
- Linnavuori, R. 1965c
- Some new or interesting Hemiptera from the Middle East
- Lundblad, O. 1933c
- Some new or little-known Rhynchota from China
- Liu, Q. & Nonnaizab 1986
- Some new records of Heteroptera from Enguna in China
- Hsiao, T.Y. 1941
- Some new species of Miridae (Hemiptera) from China
- Esaki, T. & T. Ishihara 1950
- Some new species of Pentatomidae from Japan (Hemiptera)
- Hungerford, H.B. & R. Matsuda 1961a
- Some new species of Rhagovelia from the Philippines (Veliidae, Heteroptera)
- Distant, W.L. 1919d
- Some new species of the homopterous [sic] family Pyrrhocoridae
- Derzhansky, V.V. & D. Pluot-Sigwalt 2006
- Some new synonymies in the genus Aelia (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
- Payne, F. 1909
- Some new types of chromosome distribution and their relation to sex
- Ishihara, T. 1950a
- Some notes on the Chinese species of the genus Acanthosoma Curtis, 1824 (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)
- Southwood, T.R.E. 1949
- Some notes on the early stages and biology of Sehirus bicolor L. (Hem., Cydnidae)
- Ban, Y. 1981
- Some observation on the life cycle of the water scorpion, Ranatra unicolor Scott (Hemiptera: Nepidae), in Yamanoshita Bay, Lake Biwa
- Kevan, D.K.M. 1942
- Some observations on Mononyx nepaeformis (Fabricius)
- Kivan, M 2004
- Some observations on Perillus bioculatus (F.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), a new record for the entomofauna of Turkey
- Lansbury, I. 1964b
- Some observations on the Notonectidae (Hemiptera -Heteroptera) of Viêt-Nam and adjacent regions
- Waterhouse, C.O. 1886
- Some observations on the tea-bugs (Helopeltis) of India and Java
- Miyamoto, S. 1969a
- Some Orthotylinae from Japan (Hemiptera-Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Drake, C.J. & J. Maldonado Capriles 1956
- Some pleids and water-striders from the Dominican Republic (Hemiptera)
- Marshall, W.S. & H. Severin 1904
- Some points in the anatomy of Ranatra fusca P. Beauv
- Protić, L. 1981
- Some remarks about the species Thyreocoris ohridanus Kormilev (Heteroptera, Thyreocoridae)
- Lis, J.A. 1997b
- Some remarks on the Palaearctic Cydnidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)
- Yildrim, E. & H. Özbek 1990
- Some studies on biology and damage of Piesma maculatum Laporte (Heteroptera, Piesmidae) as a sugar beet pest in Oltu district
- Önder, F. 1981
- Some studies on Isometopidae of Turkey (Heteroptera)
- Barber, H.G. 1949
- Some synonyms in the family Lygaeidae
- Halimi, E., A. Paparisto & K. Misja 2010
- Some systematics [sic!] and ecological data for true bugs (Hemiptera) in some habitats in Albania
- Lis, J.A. 1996c
- Some taxonomic changes in Afrotropical Cydnidae and new records for eight species of the family (Hemiptera, Heteroptera)
- Drake, C.J. 1948d
- Some Tingidae (Hemiptera) from China, Japan and India
- Drake, C.J. 1955b
- Some Tingidae from the French Cameroons (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. & M.E. Poor 1937a
- Some Tingitidae (Hemiptera) from Oceania
- Drake, C.J. & M.E. Poor 1939
- Some Tingitidae (Hemiptera) from the Eastern Hemisphere
- Drake, C.J. 1937b
- Some Tingitidae from China, East Indies and India
- Drake, C.J. 1923
- Some Tingitidae from Japan (Hemip.)
- Takeya, C. 1931
- Some Tingitidae of the Japanese Empire
- Hungerford, H.B. 1926a
- Some undescribed Corixidae from Alaska
- Distant, W.L. 1910a
- Some undescribed Gerrinae
- Aiken, R.B. 1985
- Sound production by aquatic insects
- Jansson, A. & V.B. Meyer-Rochow 1990
- Sound production in Synaptonecta issa (Heteroptera: Corixidae, Micronectinae) - An Asian bug that turned up in a New Zealand aquarium
- Živiæ, I., L. Protiæ & Z. Markoviæ 2007
- Southernmost finding in Europe of Aphelocheirus aestivalis (Fabricius, 1794) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Aphelocheiridae)
- Melber, A. & G.H. Schmidt 1975a
- Sozialverhalten zweier Elasmucha-Arten (Heteroptera: Insecta)
- Costa, A. 1864b
- Specie immesse per efetto di doni o cambii
- Horváth, G. 1924a
- Species aegyptiacae generis Stenolaemus Sign
- Reuter, O.M. 1885b
- Species Capsidarum quas legit expeditio danica Galateae descripsit
- Reuter, O.M. 1885d
- Species Capsidarum regionis palaearcticae
- Gorczyca, J. & G. Tończyk 2004b
- Species Checklist - Heteroptera
- Ghahari, H., H. Ostovan & M. Tabari 2009b
- Species diversity and population fluctuation of Heteroptera predators in rice fields of Mazandaran province, Northern Iran
- Mousavi, S.A. 2005
- Species diversity of aquatic insects in Valasht Lake, Chalous, Iran: 1-97. M. Sc. thesis of Entomology, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Science and Research Branch
- Erfan, D. & H. Ostovan 2005
- Species diversity of flower bugs (Family: Anthocoridae) in Shiraz region
- Reuter, O.M. 1877c
- Species europaeae generis Phytocoris Fall., auct. dispositae
- Fieber, F.X. 1851b
- Species generis Corisa: 1-48
- Horváth, G. 1917b
- Species generis Corizus Fall. (Therapha Am. Serv.)
- Horváth, G. 1897b
- Species generis Galeatus Curt
- Horváth, G. 1895c
- Species generis Pionosomus Fieb
- Horváth, G. 1909b
- Species generis Reduviidarum Sirthenea Spinola
- Horváth, G. 1912c
- Species generis Tingitidarum Stephanitis
- Martinez-Cascales, J.I., J.L. Cenis, G. Cassis & J.A. Sanchez 2006
- Species identity of Macrolophus melanotoma (Costa 1853) and Macrolophus pygmaeus (Rambur 1839) (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae) based on morphological and molecular data and bionomic implications
- Fabricius, J.C. 1781
- Species insectorum exhibentes eorum differentias specificas, synonyma auctorum, loca natalia, metamorphosin adiectis observationibus, descriptionibus 2: 1-494
- Fabricius, J.C. 1782
- Species insectorum exhibentes eorum differentias specificas, synonyma auctorum, loca natalia, metamorphosin adiectis observationibus, descriptionibus 2: 495-517
- Falamarzi, S., G. Asadi & R. Hosseini 2009
- Species inventory, preys and host plants of Anthocoridae sensu lato (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) in Shiraz and its environs (Iran, Fars Province)
- Horváth, G. 1929d
- Species Lygaeidarum generis Acompus Fieb
- Horváth, G. 1926e
- Species Miridarum generis Myrmecophyes Fieb
- Horváth, G. 1913d
- Species Mundi Antiqui generis Calisius
- Kirby, P., T. Bantock & B.S. Nau 2009
- Species notes. Miridae. Dicyphus escalerae Lindberg, 1934
- Horváth, G. 1910c
- Species nova europaea cimicum sanguisugarum
- Reuter, O.M. 1895c
- Species nova generis Capsidarum Allodapus Fieb
- Reuter, O.M. 1895b
- Species nova generis Harpactor
- Sahlberg, J. 1878b
- Species nova Phimoderae in Fennia detecta
- Reuter, O.M. 1891c
- Species novae generis Acanthia F., Latr
- Kiritshenko, A.N. 1925a
- Species novae generis Aphelochirus Westw. (Hemiptera, Naucoridae)
- Horváth, G. 1929c
- Species novae Hebridarum (Hem. Het.) in Museo Nationali Hungarico asservata
- Kelton, L.A. 1972
- Species of Dichrooscytus found in Canada, with descriptions of four new species (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Kelton, L.A. 1955b
- Species of Lygus, Liocoris, and their allies in the Prairie Provinces of Canada (Hemiptera: Miridae)
- Molis, S. 1961
- Species of shieldbugs (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Pentatomoidea) of the fauna of the Lithuanian SSR
- Kanyukova, E.V. 2000
- Species of Sigara s. str. in the fauna of Russia and adjacent countries (Heteroptera: Corixidae)
- Kuzhuget, S.V. & N.N. Vinokurov 2011
- Species of terrestrial bugs (Heteroptera) new to the fauna of Tuva
- Hasanzadeh Awal, M. & M. Modarres Awal 2010
- Species of the flower bugs genus Anthocoris Fallen, 1814 from Mashhad region, North-East of Iran (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae)
- Protić, Lj. 2005a
- Species of the genus Adelphophylus Wagner (Heteroptera: Miridae) on the Balkan Peninsula
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1908b
- Species of the genus Centrocoris Kolenati (Hemiptera-Heteroptera) of Eurasia
- Vinokurov, N.N. 2007a
- Species of the genus Chartoscirta Stål (Heteroptera, Saldidae) of Russia and adjacent countries
- Martynova, G.P. 1975
- Species of the genus Chorosoma Curtis (Heteroptera, Rhopalidae) of the USSR and Mongolia
- Protić, Lj. 2002
- Species of the genus Dicyphus (Heteroptera: Miridae) in Serbia
- Neimorovets, V.V. 2002a
- Species of the genus Eremocoris Fieber (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae) from Russia and adjacent countries
- Neimorovets, V.V. 2002b
- Species of the genus Eremocoris from China, with description of two new species (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae)
- Jung, S., I.M. Kerzhner & S. Lee 2011b
- Species of the genus Eurydema (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in Far East Asia: an integrated approach using morphological, molecular, and data crossing analyses for taxonomy
- Putshkov, V.G. 1975e
- Species of the genus Glaucopterum Wagner, 1963 (Heteroptera, Miridae) of the Soviet Union fauna
- Vinokurov, N.N. 2006c
- Species of the genus Harpocera Curt. from the Russian Far East (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Putshkov, V.G. 1978d
- Species of the genus Macrolophus Fieber, 1858 (Heteroptera, Miridae) of the Soviet Union fauna
- Derzhansky, V.V. 1995b
- Species of the genus Menaccarus in the fauna of the former USSR (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
- Putshkov, P.V. 1984b
- Species of the genus Metapterus Costa (Heteroptera, Reduviidae) of the fauna of USSR
- Drapolyuk, I.S. 1989
- Species of the genus Myrmecophyes Fieb. (Heteroptera, Miridae) from the Caucasus
- Muminov, N.N. 1998
- Species of the genus Phytocoris Fall. from Kazakhstan and Middle Asia (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Kelton, L.A. 1977c
- Species of the genus Pinalitus Kelton found in North America (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Vinokurov, N.N. 2010a
- Species of the genus Salda F. (Heteroptera, Saldidae) of the fauna of Russia and adjacent territories
- Drapolyuk, I.S. & I.M. Kerzhner 1999
- Species of the genus Scirtetellus from Mongolia (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Putshkov, V.G. 1978a
- Species of the genus Solenoxyphus Reuter, 1874 (Heteroptera, Miridae) of the USSR fauna
- Muminov, N.N. 1989a
- Species of the genus Stenodema (Heteroptera, Miridae) from the USSR and Mongolia
- Yasunaga, T., M. Takai & Y. Nakatani 1997
- Species of the genus Stethoconus of Japan (Heteroptera, Miridae): predaceous deraeocorine plant bugs associated with lace bugs (Tingidae)
- Labina, E.S. 2003
- Species of the genus Stygnocoris from Russia and adjacent countries (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae)
- Yasunaga, T. 1997b
- Species of the orthotyline genus Pseudoloxops Kirkaldy from Japan (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Muminov, N.N. 1990a
- Species of the subgenus Melanotrichus, genus Orthotylus (Heteroptera, Miridae) in the fauna of the USSR and Mongolia
- Carapezza, A. & I.M. Kerzhner 2005
- Species of the subgenus Psacasta s. str. (Heteroptera: Scutelleridae)
- Ferenca, R., V. Tamutis, K. Martinaitis & Ž. Pūtys 2021
- Species of true bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) new for Lithuanian fauna
- Reuter, O.M. 1895a
- Species palaearcticae generis Acanthia Fabr., Latr.
- Horváth, G. 1916c
- Species palaearcticae generis Melanocoryphus
- Horváth, G. 1922a
- Species palaearcticae generis Stenolaemus Sign
- Staddon, B.W. & I. Ahmad 1995
- Species problems and species groups in the genus Piezodorus Fieber (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)
- Doronina, G.M. 1973
- Specific composition and distribution of Hemiptera in graminaceous associations of the Ural Region
- Popov, Y.A. 1966
- Specific composition and distribution of true bugs (Heteroptera) of the Western Tien-Shan
- Zimmermann, M. & A. Scholl 1993
- Specific status of Aquarius cinereus (Puton) and A. najas (De Geer) (Hemiptera: Gerridae) and the extent of hybridization in the Mediterranean region
- Petagna, V. 1787
- Specimen insectorum ulterioris Calabriae: i-vi, 1-46
- Fallén, C.F. 1814b
- Specimen novam Hemiptera disponendi methodum exhibens: 1-26
- Ossiannilsson, F. 1953a
- Specimina typorum insectorum a Carolo Linnaeo descriptorum in Museo Degeeriano asservata. Pars II. Hemiptera
- Dioli, P. 1993
- Spedizione alpinistico-scientifica "Progetto Alpi Albanesi 1993". I. Ischnonyctes barbarus (Lucas, 1849) nuovo per i Balcani (Insecta, Heteroptera, Reduviidae) e osservazioni sui Metapterini Stål, 1874 Europei
- Hoberlandt, L. 1960
- Spedizione Italiana al Karakorum ed al Hindu-Kush (1954-1955). Primi risultati dello studio delle raccolte zoologiche. Hemiptera-Heteroptera
- Lethierry, L. 1881
- Spedizione Italiana nell'Africa equatoriale. Risultati zoologici. Emitteri
- Lethierry, L. 1883b
- Spedizione Italiana nell'Africa equatoriale. Risultati zoologici. Emitteri
- Bergevin, E. de 1932a
- Spedizione scientifica all'Oasi di Cufra (marzo-luglio 1931). Résultats hémiptérologiques
- Mancini, C. 1939c
- Spedizione zoologica del Marchese Saverio Patrizi nel Basso Giuba e nell'Oltregiuba. Giugno-Agosto 1934. Hemiptera. Nota I
- Mancini, C. 1948
- Spedizione zoologica del Marchese Saverio Patrizi nel Basso Giuba e nell'Oltregiuba. VI-VII 1934. Hemiptera. Nota II
- Ledvinka, J. 1970b
- Spermathecae of Central European species of the genus Cymus Hahn (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae, Cyminae)
- Ishikawa, T., W.Z. Cai & M. Tomokuni 2007
- Sphedanolestes albipilosus (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae), a new harpactorine species from the Ryukyus and Taiwan
- Dioli, P., R. Paolinelli & M. Salveti 2020
- Sphedanolestes cingulatus (Fieber, 1864), endemico dell’Italia peninsulare, trovato nel Parco del Ticino e nel Genovese (Hemiptera: Reduviidae)
- Kott, P. 2014
- Sphedanolestes sanguineus (Fabricius, 1794): Samenübertragung durch Spermatophoren und weitere Beobachtungen zur Biologie (Heteroptera, Reduviidae)
- Moulet, P. 2002b
- Sphedanolestes vallespir Dispons, 1960 synonyme de S. sanguineus (Fabricius, 1794) (Heteroptera, Reduviidae, Harpactorinae)
- Callot, H. 2003
- Sphragisticus nebulosus (Fallén, 1807) confirmé pour la faune de France (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae, Rhyparochrominae, Megalonotini)
- Judd, S. 2010
- Sphragisticus Stål (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) - a recently established British seed bug genus
- Pallas, P.S. 1772
- Spicilegia zoologica quibus novae imprimis et obscurae animalium species iconibus, descriptionibus atque commentariis illustrantur 9: 1-86
- Dioli, P., S. Brizio & M. Salvetti 2019
- Spilostethus furcula (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1850) nuovo per l’Italia, su coltivazione di Pomodoro “Pollicino ibrido” (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae)
- Heyden, T. van der 2022c
- Spilostethus furcula (Herrich-Schäffer, 1850) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) found in Libya
- Kaunang, J. 2016
- Spilostethus pandurus (Scopoli, 1763) (Hem.: Lygaeidae) recorded for the first time in the wild in Britain.
- Csóka, G., A.Hirka, S. Mutun, M. Glavendekić , Á. Mikó, L Szöcs, M. Paulin, C. Béla Eötvös, C. Gáspár, M. Csepelényi, Á Szénási, M. Franjević, Y. Gninenko, M.Dautbašić, O. Muzejinović, M. Zúbrik , C. Netoiu , A. Buzatu , F. Bălăcenoiu, M. Jurc, D. Jurc, I. Bernardinelli, J.-C. Streito, D. Avtzis & B. Hrašovec 2019
- Spread and potential host range of the invasive oak lace bug [Corythucha arcuata (Say, 1832) – Heteroptera: Tingidae] in Eurasia
- Ju, R.T., Y.Z. Li, F. Wang & Y.Z. Du 2009
- Spread of and damage by an exotic lacebug, Corythuca ciliata (Say, 1832) (Hemiptera: Tingidae), in China
- Seidenstücker, G. 1965d
- Stagonomus devius n. sp., eine neue Schildwanze aus der Türkei (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae)
- Lattin, J.D. 1966
- Stalia major (Costa) in North America
- Dobbs, T.T. & D.W. Boyd, Jr. 2006
- Status and distribution of Montandoniola moraguesi (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) in the continental United States
- Swanson, D.R. 2018
- Status of the name Argolis in Insecta
- Tolsgaard, S. 2011
- Status over danske barktæger (Heteroptera: Aradidae)
- Strobl, G. 1900
- Steirische Hemipteren
- Latreille, P.A. 1829b
- Sténocéphale
- Vinokurov, N.N. 2014
- Stenodema turanica Reuter, 1904 – a new species of capsid-bug in the fauna of Siberia from tribe Stenodemini (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Grosso-Silva, J.M. & S. Ferreira 2020
- Stenolemus novaki Horváth, 1888 (Hemiptera, Reduviidae) in Portugal
- Heiss, E. 1989d
- Stenophthalmicus fajoumensis Costa, 1875, new for Italy
- Opinion 868 1969
- Stenopodinae in Insecta and Stenopodidae in Crustacea: use of the plenary powers to remove homonymy
- Carapezza, A. 2011
- Stenozygum (s.str.) jordiribesi sp. nov., a new species of Strachiini from the island of Socotra (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae)
- Wagner, E. 1939e
- Stenozygum coloratum Klug f. rubricatum form nov. (Hemiptera heteroptera)
- Souma, J. 2021
- Stephanitis (Norba) syoitii sp. nov. (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Tingidae) from Taiwan, China
- Souma, J. 2020a
- Stephanitis (Stephanitis) rhaphiolepidis sp. nov. (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Tingidae) from Japan: First representative of the genus feeding on the evergreen rosaceous plant
- Lis, B. 2002
- Stephanitis hoberlandti - a new West Palaearctic lace-bug species (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Tingidae)
- Rietschel, S. 2014
- Stephanitis lauri nov. spec. von Kreta, Griechenland (Heteroptera: Tingidae)
- Bruers, J. & G. Viskens 1999
- Stephanitis oberti (Kolenati, 1856) Belg. n. sp
- Del Bene, G. & D. Pluot-Sigwalt 2005
- Stephanitis pyrioides (Scott) (Heteroptera Tingidae): a lace bug new to Italy
- Simov, N. & A. Pencheva 2005
- Stephanitis rhododendri Hórvath, 1905 (Heteroptera: Tingidae) - a new American pest on rhododendrons in Bulgaria
- Barta, M. & T. Bibeň 2016
- Stephanitis takeyai and S. rhododendri (Heteroptera: Tingidae) in Slovakia: first record and economic importance
- Grosso-Silva, J.M., I. Frias & T. van der Heyden 2020
- Stephanitis takeyai Drake & Maa, 1955 (Hemiptera: Tingidae), new species for Portugal
- Putshkov, V.G. & L.V. Putshkova 1957
- Stethoconus cyrtopeltis Flor and its connections with Stephanitis pyri
- Henry, T.J., J.W. Neal, jr. & K.M. Gott 1986
- Stethoconus japonicus (Heteroptera: Miridae): a predator of Stephanitis lace bugs newly discovered in the United States, promising in the biocontrol of azalea lace bug (Heteroptera: Tingidae)
- Henry, T.J., J.E. Peña, D. Long & F. Acevedo 2009
- Stethoconus praefectus (Hemiptera: Miridae): First North American records of an old world plant bug predacious on avocado lace bug, Pseudacysta perseae (Hemiptera: Tingidae), in Florida
- Henry, T.J. & A.G. Wheeler, jr. 1974
- Sthenarus dissimilis and Orthops rubricatus: conifer-feeding mirids new to North America (Hemiptera: Miridae)
- Seidenstücker, G. 1968e
- Stictopleurus angustus in der Türkei (Heteroptera, Rhopalidae)
- Hallas, T.E. & H. Mourier 1987
- Stik og kløe: 1-174
- Bai, X.S, Z.Y. Wu & W.Z. Cai 2007
- Stipesoculus, a new genus of micropterous Mezirinae (Hemiptera: Aradidae) from China
- Moulet, P. 2010
- Stirogaster kmenti sp. nov., a new species from Iran (Heteroptera, Reduviidae, Stenopodainae)
- Haskell, P.T. 1957
- Stridulation and its analysis in certain Geocorisae (Hemiptera Heteroptera)
- Jansson, A. 1973
- Stridulation and its significance in the genus Cenocorixa
- Jansson, A. 1989
- Stridulation of Micronectinae (Heteroptera, Corixidae)
- Polhemus, J.T. 1994b
- Stridulatory mechanisms in aquatic and semiaquatic Heteroptera
- Leston, D. 1954b
- Strigils and stridulation in Pentatomoidea (Hem.): Some new data and a review
- Wagner, E. 1951k
- Strongylocoris atrocoeruleus Fieb. - eine bisher übersehene deutsche Miridenart (Hem. Heteropt.)
- Dioli, P. & L. Vivas 2012
- Strongylocoris erythroleptus Costa, 1853, mírido nuevo para la fauna española (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Ribes, J. & S. Pagola-Carte 2007a
- Strongylocoris ferreri n. sp. from Andalusia (Spain), southern Iberian Peninsula (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Rieger, Chr. 1996a
- Strongylocoris niger Herrich-Schäffer - ein Beitrag zur Verbreitung und Wirtspflanzenbindung (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Papáček, M. & T. Soldán 2008
- Structure and development of the reproductive system in Aphelocheirus aestivalis (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Nepomorpha: Aphelocheiridae)
- Lee, D.H., S.J. Hong, J.Y. Hwang, D.J. Lee, C.S. Yoon & S.W. Cheong 2007
- Structure of terrestrial insect community of Gimhae and a new record of Stigmatanotum japonicum (Hemiptera) from Korea
- Kerzhner, I.M. & F.V. Konstantinov 1999
- Structure of the aedeagus in Miridae (Heteroptera) and its bearing to suprageneric classification
- Heming-Van Battum, K. & B. Heming 1986
- Structure, function and evolution of the reproductive system in females of Hebrus pusillus and H. ruficeps (Hemiptera, Gerromorpha, Hebridae)
- Heming-Van Battum, K. & B. Heming 1989
- Structure, function and evolutionary significance of the reproductive system in males of Hebrus pusillus and H. ruficeps (Hemiptera, Gerromorpha, Hebridae)
- Breddin, G. 1898
- Studia hemipterologica. II
- Kullenberg, B. 1944
- Studien über die Biologie der Capsiden
- Reuter, O.M. 1911a
- Studien über die paläarktischen Formen der Hemipterengattung Notostira Fieb. (Hemiptera, Miridae)
- Lundblad, O. 1925
- Studien über schwedische Corixiden. II-III
- Lundblad, O. 1926
- Studien über schwedische Corixiden. IV-V
- Lundblad, O. 1927
- Studien über schwedische Corixiden. VI
- Tischler, W. 1960
- Studien zur Bionomie und Ökologie der Schmalwanze Ischnodemus sabuleti Fall. (Hem., Lygaeidae)
- Heiss, E. 1989c
- Studien zur Revision der palaearktischen Aradidae (Heteroptera) 1. Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Quilnus (Stal) [sic]
- Heiss, E. 1989b
- Studien zur Revision der palaearktischen Aradidae (Heteroptera) 2. Ein neuer Aradus aus der betulae-Gruppe
- Heiss, E. 1990c
- Studien zur Revision der palaearktischen Aradidae (Heteroptera) 3. Ein neuer Aradus aus Ostanatolien
- Heiss, E. 1997d
- Studien zur Revision der palaearktischen Aradidae (Heteroptera, Aradidae). 4. Eine neue Art und weitere Fundmeldungen von Aradidae aus Griechenland
- Lundblad, O. 1954
- Studier över insektfaunan i Uppsala universitets naturpark vid Vårdsätra
- Hale, H.M. 1922
- Studies in Australian aquatic Hemiptera. No. I
- Hale, H.M. 1923
- Studies in Australian aquatic Hemiptera. No. II
- Waitzbauer, W. 1978
- Studies in energetics and population dynamics of the water scorpion, Nepa rubra L. (Insecta: Hemiptera)
- Bergroth, E. 1918
- Studies in Philippine Heteroptera, I
- Le Quesne, W.J. 1954
- Studies in the British species of Anthocoris Fallén (Hem., Anthocoridae) including two new subspecies
- La Rivers, I. 1971
- Studies of Naucoridae. Catalogue of taxa described in the family Naucoridae (Hemiptera)
- Ren, S.Z. 1984f
- Studies of the fine structure of egg-shells and the biology of Megacopta Hsiao et Jen from China (Hemiptera: Plataspidae)
- Ren, S.Z. 1984a
- Studies of the genus Coranus Curtis from China (Heteroptera: Reduviidae)
- Hiroshi, I. 1982
- Studies of the mode of foraging of the gregarious assassin bug Agriosphodrus dohrni Signoret
- Kanyukova, E.V., Z.H. Luo & N.N. Vinokurov 2016
- Studies of true bugs of Xinjiang, Northwestern China. III. Water Bugs and Semiaquatic Bugs (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha, Gerromorpha)
- Vinokurov, N.N., Z.H. Luo & Z.Z. Lü 2012
- Studies of true bugs of Xinjiang, western China. I. Leptopodomorpha: shore bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Saldidae)
- Golub, V.B., Z.H. Luo & N.N. Vinokurov 2012
- Studies of True Bugs of Xinjiang, Western China. II. Cimicomorpha: Lace Bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Tingidae: Tinginae)
- Linnavuori, R. 1970c
- Studies on African Heteroptera
- Linnavuori, R. 1973d
- Studies on African Heteroptera
- Linnavuori, R. 1975a
- Studies on African Heteroptera
- Linnavuori, R. 1974c
- Studies on African Miridae (Heteroptera)
- Linnavuori, R. 1972f
- Studies on African Pentatomidae
- Linnavuori, R. 1972g
- Studies on Ethiopian Pentatomoidea
- Azim, M.N. & S.A. Shafee 1987
- Studies on Indian species of the genus Aeliomorpha Stål (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
- Chen, L.G, C.J. Yang, K.Q. Wang, J.F. Hu & J. Fu 2003
- Studies on morphological and biological charactristics [characteristics] of Mezira (Zemira) poriaicola Liu
- Lis, J.A. 1991c
- Studies on Oriental Cydnidae. III. On the genus Peltoxys Signoret, 1880 (Heteroptera: Pentatomoidea)
- Lis, J.A. 1991b
- Studies on Oriental Cydnidae. IV. New species, new synonyms and new records (Heteroptera)
- Lis, J.A. 1992a
- Studies on Oriental Cydnidae. IX. On the genus Adrisa Amyot and Serville, 1843 (Heteroptera: Pentatomoidea)
- Lis, J.A. 1991e
- Studies on Oriental Cydnidae. V. Three new species of the genus Macroscytus Fieber (Heteroptera)
- Lis, J.A. 1993a
- Studies on Oriental Cydnidae. VIII. On Aethus indicus (Westwood), A. philippinensis Dallas and A. pseudindicus n. sp. (Heteroptera: Pentatomoidea)
- Linnavuori, R. 1972a
- Studies on Palaearctic Hemiptera
- Linnavuori, R. 1974d
- Studies on Palearctic and African Heteroptera
- Thorpe, W.H. & D.J. Crisp 1947
- Studies on plastron respiration I. The biology of Aphelocheirus [Hemiptera. Aphelocheiridae (Naucoridae)] and the mechanism of plastron retention
- Linnavuori, R.E. 2012
- Studies on Pyrrhocoroidea, Coreoidea and Pentatomoidea of Khuzestan and the adjacent provinces in Iran (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)
- Woodward, T.E. 1958
- Studies on Queensland Hemiptera. Part III. A remarkable new intertidal saldid
- Modarres Awal, M. 1996a
- Studies on some Cimicomorpha and Pentatomorpha (Heteroptera) fauna in Ardabil province
- Linnavuori, R. 1952a
- Studies on some Palearctic Hemiptera
- Modarres Awal, M. 1996b
- Studies on some Pentatomomorpha (Heteroptera) fauna in north of Khorasan province
- Ahmad, I. & R. Perveen 1986a
- Studies on the abdomen and genitalia of a pyrrhocorid Dysdercus koenigii (Fabr.) and a largid Physopelta gutta (Burm.) (Hemiptera: Pyrrhocoroidea) and their bearing on classification
- Linnavuori, R.E. 2008b
- Studies on the Acanthosomatidae, Scutelleridae and Pentatomidae (Heteroptera) of Gilan and the adjacent provinces in northern Iran
- Lundblad, O. 1923
- Studies on the aquatic Rhynchota. What is the systematic range of Arctocorisa prominula (Thoms.)?
- Hou, Q.C. & Y.Q. Yang 1998
- Studies on the biological characteristics and control measures of Urostylis yangi Maa
- Hoffmann, W.E. 1931a
- Studies on the bionomics of Lethocerus indicus (Hemiptera, Belostomatidae) in China
- Parsons, M.C. 1966
- Studies on the cephalic anatomy of Naucoridae (Heteroptera)
- Linnavuori, R.E. 2011
- Studies on the Cimicomorpha and Pentatomomorpha (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of Khuzestan and the adjacent provinces of Iran
- Lis, J.A. 1997c
- Studies on the Cydnidae of the Australian Region XI. A review of species from New Caledonia, with descriptions of Chilocoris neocaledonicus n. sp. and Macroscytus matilei n. sp. (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)
- Candan, S. & Z. Suludere 2006a
- Studies on the external morphology of the eggs of Eurygaster maura (Linnaeus, 1758) (Heteroptera: Scutelleridae)
- Linnavuori, R. 1951a
- Studies on the family Cryptostemmatidae
- Chopra, N.P. 1974
- Studies on the genus Halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)
- Yuan, D.C. et al. 1984
- Studies on the habits of Urostylis yangi Maa and its control
- Linnavuori, R. 1973a
- Studies on the Hemipterous fauna of Israel and Sinai
- Linnavuori, R.E. & M. Modarres 1998
- Studies on the Heteroptera of the Khorasan province in N.E. Iran. I. Nepomorpha, Gerromorpha, Leptopodomorpha, Cimicomorpha (Nabidae, Anthocoridae), and Pentatomorpha (Coreoidea)
- Linnavuori, R.E. & M. Modarres 1999a
- Studies on the Heteroptera of the Khorasan province in N.E. Iran. II. Cimicomorpha: Miridae
- Linnavuori, R.E. & M. Modarres 1999b
- Studies on the Heteroptera of the Khorasan province in N.E. Iran. III. Cimicomorpha: Tingidae and Pentatomorpha: Berytidae
- Ahmad, I. & F.A. Mohammad 1983b
- Studies on the immature stages of Scantius volucris (Gerstaecker) (Hemiptera: Pyrrhocoridae) with a note on their phylogenetic value
- Linnavuori, R.E. 2007b
- Studies on the Lygaeidae s. lat. (Heteroptera) of Gilan and the adjacent provinces in northern Iran
- Slater, J.A. & T. Hidaka 1958
- Studies on the Lygaeidae. II. A new species of the genus Entisberus from Japan (Hemiptera, Lygaeidae)
- Hidaka, T. 1958b
- Studies on the Lygaeidae. III, a new species of the genus Pachybrachius from Japan and her adjacent territories (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae)
- Hidaka, T. 1959d
- Studies on the Lygaeidae. IX. Pachybrachius erubescens (Distant), a synonym of Pachybrachius luridus Hahn (Heteroptera)
- Hidaka, T. 1959c
- Studies on the Lygaeidae. V. Three new species of the genus Cligenes Distant from Japan and her adjacent territories
- Hidaka, T. 1959e
- Studies on the Lygaeidae. VI. Biological notes on Metochus abbreviatus Scott (Hemiptera)
- Hidaka, T. 1963b
- Studies on the Lygaeidae. VIII. The new species of the genus Dieuches from Japan
- Hidaka, T. 1959b
- Studies on the Lygaeidae. X, descriptions of three new species of the genus Blissus Klug
- Hidaka, T. 1964b
- Studies on the Lygaeidae. XII. Revision of the genus Rhyparochromus from Japan
- Hidaka, T. 1959f
- Studies on the Lygaeidae. XIII. New or little known Lygaeidae from Japan (Heteroptera)
- Hidaka, T. 1959a
- Studies on the Lygaeidae. XVIII. A new genus of the subfamily Blissinae from Japan
- Hidaka, T. & R.J. Izzard 1960
- Studies on the Lygaeidae. XX. Two new species of the genus Pylorgus Stål, 1874, from Japan (Heteroptera)
- Hidaka, T. 1962a
- Studies on the Lygaeidae. XXII. Revision of the genera Drymus Fieber and Lamproplax Douglas and Scott from Japan
- Hidaka, T. 1960
- Studies on the Lygaeidae. XXIII. A new species of the genus Ampera Distant from Japan
- Hidaka, T. 1961b
- Studies on the Lygaeidae. XXIV. Revision of the genera Mizaldus and Ampera from Japan
- Hidaka, T. 1963a
- Studies on the Lygaeidae. XXIX. New species of Scolopostethus and Eremocoris from Japan
- Hidaka, T. 1961a
- Studies on the Lygaeidae. XXV. A new genus of the subfamily Blissinae from Japan
- Hidaka, T. 1962c
- Studies on the Lygaeidae. XXVI. Revision of the genus Lethaeus Dallas from Japan and her adjacent territories
- Hidaka, T. 1962d
- Studies on the Lygaeidae. XXVII. A new species of the genus Bryanellocoris
- Hidaka, T. 1962b
- Studies on the Lygaeidae. XXX. A new synonym of Lasiosomus Fieber, 1861
- Linnavuori, R.E. 1994d
- Studies on the Mediterranean Miridae fauna (Hemiptera, Heteroptera)
- Linnavuori, R.E. 2007a
- Studies on the Miridae (Heteroptera) of Gilan and the adjacent provinces in northern Iran. II. List of species
- Linnavuori, R.E. 1998a
- Studies on the Miridae (Heteroptera) of Iran
- Linnavuori, R.E. 2006
- Studies on the Miridae (Insecta: Heteroptera) of Gilan and the adjacent provinces in northern Iran. I. Description of new species
- Linnavuori, R.E. 2010
- Studies on the Miridae (Phylinae, addenda to Deraeocorinae and Orthotylinae) of Khuzestan and the adjacent provinces of Iran (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)
- Linnavuori, R.E. 1988a
- Studies on the Miridae fauna (Heteroptera) of the Middle East
- Linnavuori, R.E. 1999b
- Studies on the Miridae fauna of Greece (Hemiptera, Heteroptera)
- Linnavuori, R.E. 1992b
- Studies on the Miridae fauna of Greece and the Middle East
- Ahmad, I. & S. Kamaluddin 1987
- Studies on the morphology of scent apparatus of four genera of the subfamily Phyllocephalinae (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) of Pakistan with reference to phylogeny
- Linnavuori, R.E. 2009
- Studies on the Nepomorpha, Gerromorpha, Leptopodomorpha, and Miridae excluding Phylini (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of Khuzestan and the adjacent provinces of Iran
- Lis, J.A. 1990d
- Studies on the Oriental Cydnidae. I. A revision of the genus Scoparipes Signoret, 1879 (Heteroptera)
- Linnavuori, R.E. 2007c
- Studies on the Piesmatidae, Berytidae, Pyrrhocoridae, Stenocephalidae, Coreidae, Rhopalidae, Alydidae, Cydnidae and Plataspidae (Heteroptera) of Gilan and the adjacent provinces in northern Iran
- Linnavuori, R. 1965a
- Studies on the South- and Eastmediterranean Hemipterous fauna
- Çağatay, N. 1985b
- Studies on the taxonomy and the morphology of male genitalia of Rhyparochrominae (Heteroptera-Lygaeidae) from Turkey
- Çağatay, N. 1988
- Studies on the taxonomy and the morphology of male genitalia of Rhyparochrominae from Turkey
- Çağatay, N. 1985a
- Studies on the taxonomy of Oxycareninae (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) and the morphology of male genitalia of Turkey
- Boselli, F.B. 1932
- Studio biologico degli emitteri che attaccano le nocciuole in Sicilia
- Tamanini, L. 1973c
- Studio sistematico e corologico degli Emitteri eterotteri delle Isole Egadi, Eolie e di Ustica
- Pini, G. 1947
- Studio sulla Acanthosoma griseum
- Zhu, G.P. & G.Q. Liu 2009
- Study on genus Adrisa Amyot & Serville (Hemiptera: Cydnidae) from China
- Mirab-balou, M., Gh. R. Rasoulian, M. Khanjani & Q. Sabahi 2008
- Study on taxonomy of phytophagous bugs of the family Miridae and introducing insects natural enemies of the alfalfa tarnished plant bug in Hamedan alfalfa farms (West of Iran)
- Jorigtoo & B.Y. Qi 1996
- Study on the aquatic and semiaquatic bugs from Inner Mongolia, China (I) - Hydrometridae & Mesoveliidae
- Lodos, N. 1964
- Study on the eggs of some Pentatomidae (Hemiptera, Heteroptera) that are found on different plants in Aegean region
- Makino, A., T. Yasunaga & A. Hiranuma 1998
- Study on the final instar nymphs of the genus Lygocoris and allies (Heteroptera, Miridae)
- Yasunaga, T. & S. Miyamoto 1991
- Study on the genus Mermitelocerus Reuter (Heteroptera, Miridae) of Japan, with description of a new species
- Ho, T. 1933
- Study on the stink-bugs of the pear-trees
- Baena, M. & J.L. Torres 2014
- Stygnocoris mandibularis Montandon, 1889 un nuevo ligeido para Europa y notas sobre los Stygnocoris de la provincia de Cádiz (España) (Hemiptera, Heteroptera: Rhyparochromidae)
- Tamanini, L. 1967
- Su alcuni caratteri delle Velia Magrebine e descrizione di una nuova specie. XVIII Contributo allo studio del genere Velia Latr. (Heteroptera, Veliidae)
- Péricart, J. 1974b
- Subdivision du genre Piesma (Hem. Piesmatidae) et remarques diverses
- Ribes, J. 2010
- Subordem Heteroptera
- Ribes, J. & E. Heiss 2008
- Subordem Heteroptera
- Berg, C. 1899
- Substitucíon de nombres genéricos, III
- Dobšík, B. 1988
- Suchozemské ploštice (Heteroptera, Cimicomorpha, Pentatomomorpha) Plešivecké planiny
- Skopin, N.G. 1953
- Sucking insect pests of willow species on the northern slopes of the Iliian Ala-Tau
- Latreille, P.A. 1829a
- Suite et fin des insectes
- Rizzotti Vlach, M. 1999a
- Sul neotipo di Sigara basalis (Heteroptera, Corixidae)
- Tamanini, L. 1950
- Sull' Aradus dissimilis Costa e l'A. depressus e sui caratteri degli organi genitali degli Aradus
- Tamanini, L. 1965a
- Sulla distribuzione della Sigara striata (L.) e della S. dorsalis (Leach) in Italia e descrizione di una nuova entità (Heteroptera, Corixidae)
- Dioli, P., L. Lenzini & M. Salvetti 2021
- Sulla presenza in Italia, Spagna e Portogallo di Tempyra biguttula Stål, 1874 (Heteroptera, Rhyparochromidae)
- Costa, A. 1843c
- Sulla sviluppo successivo degli insetti ne' contorni di Palermo
- Rizzotti Vlach, M. 2000b
- Sulla validità specifica di Psallus (Mesopsallus) pseudoambiguus (Heteroptera Miridae)
- Uhler, P.R. 1893
- Summary of the collection of Hemiptera secured by Mr. E.A. Schwartz in Utah
- Uhler, P.R. 1896
- Summary of the Hemiptera of Japan, presented to the United States National Museum by Professor Mitzukuri
- Uhler, P.R. 1897
- Summary of the Hemiptera of Japan, presented to the United States National Museum by Professor Mitzukuri
- Rintala, T. & V. Rinne 2010
- Suomen Luteet: 1-352
- Bergroth, E. 1904a
- Super Reduviidis nonnullis Camerunensibus
- Dolling, W.R. 2006
- Superfamily Coreoidea Leach, 1815. In: Aukema, B. & Chr. Rieger (eds). Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Volume 5. Pentatomomorpha II: 1-101.
- Jansson, A. 1995
- Superfamily Corixoidea Leach - water boatman. In: In: Aukema, B. & Chr. Rieger (eds). Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Volume 1. Enicocephalomorpha, Dipsocoromorpha, Nepomorpha, Gerromorpha and Leptopodomorpha: 26-56.
- Puton, A. & M. Noualhier 1895
- Supplément à la liste des Hémiptères d'Akbès
- La Rivers, I. 1976
- Supplement No. 2 to the catalogue of taxa described in the family Naucoridae (Hemiptera), with descriptions of new species
- Priesner, H. & E. Wagner 1961
- Supplement to "A review of the Hemiptera Heteroptera known to us from Egypt"
- Eyles, A.C. 1972
- Supplement to list of Isometopidae (Heteroptera: Cimicoidea)
- Chen, F.Y. 1980
- Supplement to Xie's "Description of Chinese Tessaratominae"
- Esaki, T. 1929d
- Supplementary notes to the Fukui's "Illustration of the Japanese Reduviidae" (3)
- Esaki, T. 1926e
- Supplementary notes to the Fukui's "Illustrations of the Japanese Reduviidae" (1)
- Esaki, T. 1927c
- Supplementary notes to the Fukui's "Illustrations of the Japanese Reduviidae" (2)
- Hutchinson, G.E. 1932
- Supplementary report on Notonectidae, Pleidae, and Corixidae (Hemiptera): Mr. Omer-Cooper's investigation of the Abyssinian fresh waters (Dr. Hugh Scott's expedition)
- Bergroth, E. 1913a
- Supplementum catalogi Heteropterorum bruxellensis. II. Coreidae, Pyrrhocoridae, Colobathristidae, Neididae
- Fallén, C.F. 1826
- Supplementum Cimicidum Sueciae: 1-16
- Lindberg, H. 1960a
- Supplementum Hemipterorum Insularum Canariensium
- Lindberg, H. & E. Wagner 1965
- Supplementum secundum ad cognitionem Hemipterorum Insularum Canariensium
- Opinion 244 1954
- Suppression, under the plenary powers, of the generic name Coriscus Schrank, 1796, for the purpose of validating the generic name Alydus Fabricius, 1803 (Class Insecta, Order Hemiptera)
- Štys, P. 1975b
- Suprageneric nomenclature of Anthocoridae (Heteroptera)
- Carayon, J. & E. Wagner 1962
- Sur Brachysteles Fieber et Xyloecocoris Reuter (Het. Anthocoridae)
- Yang, W.I. 1933b
- Sur deux Pentatomidae (Hem.) nouveaux de l'Asie orientale
- Fauvel, G. 1974
- Sur l'alimentation pollinique d'un Anthocoride prédateur, Orius (Heterorius) vicinus Rib. (Hémiptère)
- Dauphin, P. 1986
- Sur la biologie et la répartition de Derephysia sinuatocollis Puton (Het. Tingidae)
- Boulard, M. & J. Coffin 1991
- Sur la biologie juvenile d'Ochterus marginatus (Latreille, 1804). Camouflage et construction (Hemiptera: Ochteridae)
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1897e
- Sur la synonymie de deux variétés de la Notonecta glauca L
- Poisson, R. & A. Poisson 1943
- Sur la synonymie de Dollfusella minutissima China 1938 et Omania coleoptrata Horvath 1925 (Hem. Acanthiidae)
- Poisson, R. 1925
- Sur la synonymie de Notonecta viridis Delc. et de Notonecta halophila J. Edw
- Péricart, J. 1993b
- Sur la systématique du genre Stygnocoris Douglas & Scott, 1865, avec la description de deux espèces nouvelles, dont une française (Hemiptera, Lygaeidae)
- Reuter, O.M. 1876f
- Sur le Capsus 4-guttatus Kirschb
- Bergevin, E. de 1908
- Sur le genre Ancyrosoma Amyot et Serville (Hém. Hét.) et description d'une espèce nouvelle d'Algérie
- Kuschakewitsch, A. 1854
- Sur le genre Pterotmetus
- Wagner, E. 1957f
- Sur le mâle, jusqu'alors inconnu, d'Orius brevicollis Rey (Hem. Het. Anthocoridae)
- Horváth, G. 1894c
- Sur le Piezocranum simulans Horv
- Chobaut, A. 1923
- Sur le Stenolemus novaki Horváth (Hemiptera, Reduviidae)
- Montandon, A.L. 1908c
- Sur le Stenophthalmicus Fajoumensis A. Costa
- Oshanin, B. 1922a
- Sur les genres de la tribu des Strachiaria Put. (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae)
- Horváth, G. 1926d
- Sur les Oxycarenus nuisibles aux cotonniers, avec la description d'une espèce nouvelle (Hem. Lygaeidae)
- Pomel, M.A. 1889
- Sur les ravages exercés par un Hémiptère du genre Aelia sur les céréales algériennes
- Villiers, A. 1958
- Sur quatre Emesinae du Museum Royal du Congo Belge (Hemiptera, Reduviidae)
- Ribaut, H. 1929c
- Sur quelques espèces des genres Stictopleurus et Corizus (Heteroptera - Coreidae)
- Wagner, E. 1958j
- Sur quelques espèces françaises du genre Psallus Fieb. (Hem. Het. Miridae)
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1899e
- Sur quelques Hémiptères aquatiques nouveaux ou peu connues
- Pic, M. 1910b
- Sur quelques Hémiptères Hétéroptères de France figurant en majeure partie dans la collection Des Gozis
- Horváth, G. 1906b
- Sur quelques Hémiptères nuisibles de Cochinchine
- Dispons, P. 1968a
- Sur quelques Oncocephalus Klug de l'Université Humboldt (Zoologisches Museum) de Berlin (Heteroptera Reduviidae Stenopodinae)
- Moulet, P. 2003
- Sur quelques Oncocephalus Klug, 1830 ouest-paléarctiques (Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Stenopodainae)
- Blöte, H.C. 1932b
- Sur quelques Pyrrhocorides
- Moulet, P. 2005a
- Sur quelques Stenopodainae paléarctiques (Hemiptera, Reduviidae)
- Poisson, R. 1942
- Sur quelques Veliidae du Congo Belge (Hémiptères Hydrocorises)
- Wagner, E. 1958k
- Sur Systellonotus thymi Signoret 1859 (Heteropt. Miridae)
- Mazuy, M. & A. Matocq 2016
- Sur trois espèces passées inaperçues en France jusqu’à présent dans les genres Orthotylus, Heterocordylus et Psallus (Hemiptera Heteroptera Miridae)
- Giard, A. 1900
- Sur un Hémiptère (Atractotomus mali Mey.) parasite des chenilles d'Hyponomeuta malinellus Zeller et H. pardellus L
- Poisson, R.A. 1966b
- Sur un Notonectidae apparement nouveau de la région Ibérique: Anisops marazanofi n. sp
- Poisson, R. 1934b
- Sur un nouveau Notonecte africain des montagnes du Hoggar, Notonecta meinertzhageni, sp. n. (Hemipt., Notonectidae)
- Poisson, R. 1932
- Sur un nouveau Notonecte africain des montagnes du Hoggar: Notonecta meinertzhageni n. sp.
- Coutière, H. & J. Martin 1901c
- Sur un nouvel Hémiptère halophile
- Coutière, H. & J. Martin 1901b
- Sur un nouvel Hémiptère halophile, Hermatobatodes marchei n.gen., n.sp
- Poisson, R. 1927a
- Sur une espèce nouvelle du genre Arctocorisa Wall. (Hémiptere Hétéroptere Corixidae) Arctocorisa Royeri n. sp
- Poisson, R. 1936b
- Sur une nouvelle espèce Africaine du genre Laccocoris
- Dufour, L. 1855
- Sur une nouvelle espèce de Belostoma (B. algeriense) et reflexions sur ce genre d'Hémiptères aquatiques
- Coutière, H. & J. Martin 1901a
- Sur une nouvelle sous-famille d'Hémiptères marins, les Hermatobatidae
- Signoret, V. 1853
- Sur une rectification synonymique
- Candan, S. & Z. Suludere 2010
- Surface morphology of eggs of Apodiphus amygdali (Germar, 1817) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
- Lang, H.H. 1980
- Surface wave discrimination between prey and non prey by the back swimmer Notonecta glauca L. (Hemiptera, Heteroptera)
- Dominiak, B.C., P.S. Gillespie, P. Worsley & H. Loecker 2008
- Survey for sycamore lace bug Corythucha ciliata (Say) (Hemiptera: Tingidae) in New South Wales during 2007
- Klug, J.C.F. 1830
- Symbolae physicae, seu Icones et descriptiones Insectorum, quae ex itinere per Africam borealem et Asiam F.G. Hemprich et C.H. Ehrenberg studio novae et illustratae redierunt 2: fol. a-f, pls 11-20
- Klug, J.C.F. 1845
- Symbolae physicae, seu icones et descriptiones insectorum, quae ex itinere per Africam borealem et Asiam occidentalem F.G. Hemprich et C.H. Ehrenberg studio novae aut illustratae redierunt 5: sign. A-l.
- Horváth, G. 1877a
- Synonymai jegyzetek
- Drake, C.J. & F.A. Ruhoff 1961b
- Synonymic changes and four new species of Tingidae (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. & F.C. Hottes 1954
- Synonymic data and description of a new saldid (Hemiptera)
- Drake, C.J. 1953
- Synonymic data and description of new genera and species of Tingidae (Hemiptera)
- Hungerford, H.B. 1926e
- Synonymic note. Notonecta bergrothi Esaki
- Drake, C.J. & F.A. Ruhoff 1962b
- Synonymic notes and descriptions of new Tingidae (Hemiptera)
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1897a
- Synonymic notes on aquatic Rhynchota
- China, W.E. 1926d
- Synonymic notes on Hemiptera
- China, W.E. 1926e
- Synonymic notes on Hemiptera
- Kiritshenko, A.N. 1961
- Synonymical notes on Heteroptera
- Heiss, E. 1999b
- Synonymical notes on Scironocoris Kormilev 1957, Rustem Kormilev 1957 and Pseudartabanus Esaki & Matsuda 1952, with description of a new genus and species (Heteroptera, Aradidae)
- Polhemus, J.T., N. Nieser & S.L. Keffer 1994
- Synonymical notes on the Nepa cinerea Linnaeus complex (Nepidae: Heteroptera)
- Royer, M. 1911
- Synonymie de l'Eurygaster hottentotta Fabr. (Hem., Pentatomidae) et description d'une variété nouvelle
- Oshanin, B. 1872
- Synonymie de Myrmecophyes
- Puton, A. 1881e
- Synonymie des plusiers Hémiptères
- Puton, A. 1885a
- Synonymies d'Hémiptères
- Moulet, P. 1995b
- Synonymies nouvelles dans la famille des Stenocephalidae Latreille, 1825 (Heteroptera, Stenocephalidae)
- Jakovlev, V.E. 1883d
- Synonymische Bemerkungen
- Kiritshenko, A.N. 1912c
- Synonymische Bemerkungen über einige Hemipteren
- Reuter, O.M. 1885a
- Synonymische Bemerkungen über Hemipteren
- Dohrn, A. 1858
- Synonymische Bemerkungen über Hemipteren und eine neue Art der Gattung Prostemma
- Baerensprung, F. von 1858b
- Synonymische Bemerkungen ueber Hemiptera
- Assmann, A. 1858
- Synonymisches über Hemipteren
- Reuter, O.M. 1884e
- Synonymisches über Hemipteren
- Reuter, O.M. 1901a
- Synonymiska notiser rorande några finska Hemiptera Heteroptera
- Stål, C. 1863b
- Synonymiska och systematiska anteckningar öfver Hemiptera
- Zhao, Q., J.F. Wei, W.J. Bu, G.Q. Liu & H.F. Zhang 2018
- Synonymize Arma chinensis as Arma custos based on morphological, molecular and geographical data
- Coscarón, M.C. 1996
- Synonymizing Spilodermus Stål under Peirates Serville, and revision of the resulting P. quadrinotatus species group (Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Peiratinae)
- Slater, J.A. 1967
- Synonymy in the Lygaeidae (Hemiptera)
- Schwartz, M.D. 1998
- Synonymy of Blepharidopterus ulmi (Knight) with B. diaphanus (Kirschbaum) (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- China, W.E. 1938d
- Synonymy of Engytatus tenuis Reut. (Tobacco Capsid)
- Hungerford, H.B. & R. Matsuda 1959b
- Synonymy of the genera Rhyacobates Esaki 1923 and Esakobates Lundblad 1934, and a description of a new species of Rhyacobates from China (Hemiptera: Gerridae)
- Van Duzee, E.P. 1912b
- Synonymy of the Provancher collection of Hemiptera
- Forero, D., C. Weirauch & M. Baena 2004
- Synonymy of the reduviid (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) genus Torrealbaia (Triatominae) with Amphibolus (Harpactorinae), with notes on Amphibolus venator (Klug, 1830)
- Aglyamzyanov, R.S. 2003
- Synonymy of two Lygus species from Inner Mongolia (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Kirkaldy, G.W. 1900a
- Synonymy: Rhynchota
- Fieber, F.X. 1848
- Synopsis aller bisher in Europa entdeckten Arten der Gattung Corisa
- Sahlberg, J. 1875b
- Synopsis Amphibicorisarum et Hydrocorisarum Fenniae
- Stål, C. 1862b
- Synopsis Coreidum et Lygaeidum Sueciae
- Hüeber, T. 1903
- Synopsis der deutschen Blindwanzen (Hemiptera Heteroptera. Fam. Capsidae), VIII. Teil
- Puton, A. 1881g
- Synopsis des Hémiptères Hétéroptères de France. 2, 4e Partie. Pentatomides, Coréides, Bérytides: 1-129
- Puton, A. 1881f
- Synopsis des Hémiptères Hétéroptères de France. Errata, addenda
- Puton, A. 1878c
- Synopsis des Hémiptères-Hétéroptères de France. 1e Partie. Lygaeides: 1-82
- Puton, A. 1879b
- Synopsis des Hémiptères-Hétéroptères de France. 2me partie. Famille des tingides: 83-159
- Puton, A. 1880a
- Synopsis des Hémiptères-Hétéroptères de France. 3e partie. Réduvides, Saldides, Hydrocorises: 160-245
- Puton, A. 1881i
- Synopsis des Hémiptères-Hétéroptères de France. 4e Partie: 1-129
- Horváth, G. 1899a
- Synopsis des Micronecta paléarctiques
- Horváth, G. 1890
- Synopsis des Nysius paléarctiques
- Dusolier, F. & R. Lupoli 2006
- Synopsis des Pentatomoidea Leach, 1815 de France métropolitaine (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)
- Stål, C. 1868b
- Synopsis Hydrobatidum Sueciae
- Saunders, E. 1876d
- Synopsis of British Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Part II
- Saunders, E. 1875b
- Synopsis of British Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Part I
- Saunders, E. 1876a
- Synopsis of British Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Part III
- Wygodzinsky, P. 1956
- Synopsis of the Australian Emesinae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae)
- Melo, M.C. & E.I. Faúndez 2011
- Synopsis of the genus Empicoris (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae) in Chile
- Bergroth, E. 1887c
- Synopsis of the genus Neuroctenus Fieb
- Horváth, G. 1891c
- Synopsis of the genus Scolopostethus
- Kelton, L.A. 1966a
- Synopsis of the genus Tetraphleps Fieber in North America (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae)
- Froeschner, R.C. 1985
- Synopsis of the Heteroptera or true bugs of the Galápagos Islands
- Kelton, L.A. 1961b
- Synopsis of the Nearctic species of Stenodema Laporte, and description of a new species from Western Canada (Hemiptera: Miridae)
- Rosenzweig, V.Ye 2001
- Synopsis of the Palaearctic genera of Mirina (Heteroptera: Miridae)
- Soós, Á. 1961a
- Synopsis of the palaearctic species of Callicorixa B. White s. l. (Heteroptera Corixidae)
- Vinokurov, N.N., W.Z. Cai & P.P. Chen 2018
- Synopsis of the shore bugs of China (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Leptopodomorpha: Saldidae)
- Stål, C. 1868c
- Synopsis Saldarum Sueciae
- Horváth, G. 1906a
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- Systematic relationship between Piezodorus guildinii and P. hybneri (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) and diagnostic characters to separate species
- Sweet, M.H. & C.W. Schaefer 1985
- Systematic status and biology of Chauliops fallax Scott with a discussion of the phylogenetic relationships of Chauliopinae (Hemiptera: Malcidae)
- Çağatay, N. 1987
- Systematic studies on the subtribus Gonianotina (Het.: Lygaeidae) of Turkey
- Yang, W.I. 1940
- Systematical studies on Chinese Coridiinae, with particular reference to the genitalia of both sexes
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- Systematics of Tingidae on the basis of nymphal chaetotaxy
- Coscarón, M.C. & J.J. Morrone 1995
- Systematics, cladistics, and biogeography of the Peirates collarti and P. lepturoides species groups (Heteroptera: Reduviidae, Peiratinae)
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- Systématique et biologie des Kleidocerys d'Europe (Hem. Lygaeidae)
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- Systematische Ergebnisse einer Durchsicht der Sammlung O.M. Reuter, I
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- Systematische Ergebnisse einer Durchsicht der Sammlung O.M. Reuter. II
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- Systematische Uebersicht der Wanzen und Cicaden der Umgebung von Muenchen. Gesammelt und Bestimmt von Johannes Gistl
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- Systematische Umstellungen, neue Fundorte und Wirtspflanzen der Tingidae der Äthiops
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- Systematische und faunistische Untersuchungen über die Überfamilie Pentatomoidea (Insecta, Heteroptera) aus dem Kelkit-Tal der Türkei
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- Systematische und synonymische Bemerkungen über Hemipteren
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