Chiloxanthus poloi (Kiritshenko, 1912)


  • Kiritshenko, A.N. 1912a. Ad cognitionem generis Acanthia F., Latr. (Hemiptera, Heteroptera) 16(1911): 539-549. Ezhegodnik Zoologicheskago Muzeya.
  • Kiritshenko, A.N. 1931a. True bugs 8: 77-118. Trudy Ekspeditsii Pamirskaya Ekspeditsiya 1928 g.
  • Kiritshenko, A.N. 1964. Bugs (Hemiptera-Heteroptera) of Tadzhikistan: 1-258. Institute of Zoology and Parasitology, Dushanbe..
  • Vinokurov, N.N. 2005a. Review of the shore-bug genus Chiloxanthus Reut. (Heteroptera, Saldidae) of the fauna of Russia and adjacent countries 84: 46-61. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie.