Familia Coreidae Leach, 1815

Family COREIDAE Leach, 1815

W.R. Dolling

The approximately 2200 species of this worldwide family are distributed among about 500
genera. It is probably not a natural group as constituted at present. Most coreids are mediumsized
to large bugs, with some tropical species attaining very large size. All are plant-feeders,
some of them serious pests of tropical crops. Most are cryptically co loured but brightly
pigmented and iridescent forms occur rather frequently in the tropics. Mimicry and alary
polymorphism are rare. Both nymphs and adults, at least of some of the larger species, are
known to be able to project streams of repugnatorial fluid from the dorsal abdominal
(nymphal) and metapleural (adult) scent glands. Nymphs of some larger species form
aggregations and some Mictini males have been found guarding single females or small
groups of them, kicking rival males and p tential predators with the enlarged metathoracic
legs. Eggs are laid in groups on the surface of the host plants or, in Phyllomorpha laciniata
(Villers), on the pronotum, dorsal connexivum and hemelytra of other adults. Despite the
prevalence of phloem-feeding, very few instances are known of ants attending coreids.

Palaearctic catalogue: Dolling, 2006d. Classification: X.Z. Li, 1996a, 1997; Schaefer, 1965.