Ilyocoris cimicoides exclamationis (Scott, 1874)


  • Ban, Y. 1985. Comparison of life history of aquatic insects, lentic versus lotic. 1. Ilyocoris exclamationis Scott (Hemiptera: Naucoridae) and Aphelocheirus vittatus Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphelocheiridae) 37: 526-532. Rostria.
  • La Rivers, I. 1974. Catalogue of taxa described in the family Naucoridae (Hemiptera) Supplement No. 1: Corrections, emendations and additions, with descriptions of new species 38: 1-17. Biological Society of Nevada Occasional Papers.
  • Lee, C.E. 1991. Morphological and phylogenetic studies on the true waterbugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) 21(2): 1-183. Nature and Life.
  • Scott, J. 1874a. On a collection of Hemiptera Heteroptera from Japan. Descriptions of various new genera and species 14: 289-304, 360-365, 426-452. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (4).