Stephanitis (Norba) mendica Horváth, 1912


  • Horváth, G. 1912c. Species generis Tingitidarum Stephanitis 10: 319-339. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici.
  • Jing, H.L. 1981a. Tingidae. In: Hsiao, T.Y. et al. A handbook for the determination of the Chinese Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Volume II: 271-368. Science Press. Beijing.
  • Takeya, C. 1931. Some Tingitidae of the Japanese Empire 4: 65-84. Mushi.
  • Tomokuni, M. 1972. Japanese species of the genus Acalypta (Hemiptera: Tingidae) 11: 87-91. Transactions of the Shikoku Entomological Society.