Menida (Menida) megaspila (Walker, 1867)


  • Distant, W.L. 1900d. Rhynchotal notes.- IV. Heteroptera: Pentatominae (part) (Concluded) 5: 420-435. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7).
  • Esaki, T. 1926a. Verzeichnis der Hemiptera-Heteroptera der Insel Formosa 24: 136-189. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici.
  • Josifov, M. & I.M. Kerzhner 1978. Heteroptera aus Korea. II. Teil (Aradidae, Berytidae, Lygaeidae, Pyrrhocoridae, Rhopalidae, Alydidae, Coreidae, Urostylidae, Acanthosomatidae, Scutelleridae, Pentatomidae, Cydnidae, Plataspidae) 23: 137-196. Fragmenta Faunistica.
  • Kerzhner, I.M. 1978. Bugs (Heteroptera) of Sakhalin and Kurile Islands 50: 31-57. Trudy Biologo-Pochvennogo Instituta Dalnevostochnogo Nauchnogo Tsentra Akademiya Nauk SSSR (N.S.).
  • Shiraki, T. 1913a. Report on the injurious insects of Formosa 8: 1-670. Extra-Report of the Agricultural Experimental Station of Formosa.
  • Walker, F. 1867a. Catalogue of the specimens of Heteropterous Hemiptera in the collection of the British Museum 2: 241-417. British Museum (Natural History), London.
  • Walker, F. 1868. Catalogue of the specimens of Heteropterous Hemiptera in the collection of the British Museum 3: 418-599. British Museum (Natural History), London.