Carbula indica (Westwood, 1837)


  • Dey, S.K. & T. Wangdi 1988. Chromosomes number and sex chromosome system in fourty-four species of Heteroptera 45: 5-8. Chromosome Information Service.
  • Distant, W.L. 1887. Contributions to a knowledge of Oriental Rhynchota. Part 1. Fam. Pentatomidae 1887: 341-359. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London.
  • Distant, W.L. 1901j. Revision of the Rhynchota belonging to the family Pentatomidae in the Hope collection at Oxford 1900: 807-824. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.
  • Westwood, J.O. 1837. In: Hope, F.W. A catalogue of Hemiptera in the collection of the Rev. F. W. Hope, M. A. with short latin diagnoses of the new species: 1-46. Bridgewater, London.