Hotea (Tylonca) curculionoides curculionoides (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1836)


  • Dallas, W.S. 1851a. List of the specimens of hemipterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part I: 1-368, pls I-XI. Taylor, London.
  • Distant, W.L. 1899c. Rhynchotal notes.- Heteroptera: Scutellerinae and Graphosominae 4: 29-52. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7).
  • Distant, W.L. 1902a. The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Rhynchota. Vol. I (Heteroptera): i-xxviii, 1-438. Taylor & Francis, London.
  • Germar, E.F. 1839. Beiträge zu einer Monographie der Schildwanzen 1: 1-146. Zeitschrift für die Entomologie.
  • Herrich-Schaeffer, G.A.W. 1836b. Die wanzenartigen Insecten 3: 33bis, 34bis, 35-114. Zeh, Nürnberg.
  • Lin, Y.J., S.M. Zhang & L. Zheng 1999a. Pentatomoidea. In: Fauna of insects, Fujian Province of China (B.K. Huang, ed.) 2: 26-112. Fujian Science and Technology Press, Fuzhou.
  • Vollenhoven, S.C. Snellen van 1863. Essai d'une faune entomologique de l'Archipel Indo-Néerlandais. I: Famille de Scutellérides. 1-60. Nijhoff, La Haye.
  • Walker, F. 1867b. Catalogue of the specimens of Heteropterous Hemiptera in the collection of the British Museum 1: 1-240. British Museum (Natural History), London.