Subfamilia Amnestinae Hart, 1919


  • Froeschner, R.C. 1960. Cydnidae of the Western Hemisphere 111: 337-680. Proceedings of the United States National Museum.
  • Hart, C.A. 1919. The Pentatomoidea of Illinois, with keys to the Nearctic genera 13: i-ii, 157-223. Bulletin of the Illinois State Natural History Survey.
  • Popov, Y.A. 1986. Peloridiina (= Coleorrhyncha) et Cimicina (= Heteroptera). In: Insects in Early Cretaceous ecosystems of Western Mongolia. 28: 50-83. Trudy Sovmestnoi Sovetsko-Mongol'skoi Paleontologicheskoi Ekspeditsii.
  • Popov, Y.A. & I.D. Pinto 2000. On some Mesozoic burrower bugs (Heteroptera: Cydnidae) 34, Suppl. 3: 298-302. Paleontological Journal.