Genus Ernestinus Distant, 1911


  • Carvalho, J.C.M. 1952a. On the major classification of the Miridae (Hemiptera) (With keys to subfamilies and tribes and a catalogue of the world genera) 24: 31-110. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências.
  • Distant, W.L. 1911b. Rhynchota Indica (Heteroptera) 44: 310-312. Entomologist.
  • Yasunaga, T. & T. Ishikawa 2016. Twelve new species of the Asian plant bug genus Ernestinus Distant (Heteroptera: Miridae: Bryocorinae: Eccritotarsini), with emphasis on unique biology and descriptions of three additional new eccritotarsine species. Insect Systematics & Ecology. [link]