Coreus fallenii Schilling, 1829: 46 (as fahlenii, corrected to fallenii in errata page (unnumbered), legend to pl. A on p. 92 and index, p. 220). STS: Poland, Silesia; lost.
Atractus literatus Curtis, 1834: pl. 500 and legend (syn. Burmeister, 1839: 1010, as lituratus). STS: Great Britain, N Devon, Braunton Burrows.
Pseudophloeus egenus Horváth, 1917a: 377 (syn. Tshernova, 1979: 579). LT (Tshernova, 1979: 579, as HT): male, Ukraine, Crimea, Karasubazar [= Belogorsk]; HNHM.
Pseudophloeus falleni f. clericus Wagner, 1937c: 62. STS: female, Germany, Mainz, Budenheimer Wald; Naturhistorisches Museum, Mainz, Germany, and ZMUH?