Cimex clavatus Linnaeus, 1767: 729. ST(S): EU; LSUC? Placed on the Official List of Specific Names (Opinion 254/1954).
?Cimex trilineatus Müller, 1776: 106 (syn. Reuter, 1888a: 290). ST(S): Denmark (incl. Norway); lost.
Cimex bifasciatus (non Fabricius, 1775): Schrank, 1801: 86, and later authors. Misidentification (see Zetterstedt, 1828: 498; Reuter, 1873: 14).
Phytocoris sphegiformis (non Rossi, 1790): Kolenati, 1845: 110. Misidentification (see Flor, 1860: 572).
Capsus obscurellus Walker, 1873c: 93 (syn. Carvalho, 1958b: 145). HT: male, Canada, Hudson's Bay, Albany River, St. Martin's Falls; BMNH.