Cimex bidentatus Goeze, 1778: 242. For Cimex No 6 in Geoffroy, 1762: 438. ST(S): France, Paris; lost.
Cimex bifurcatus Goeze, 1778: 277 (syn. Puton, 1875a: 51). For Cimex sp. in Schaeffer, 1766: pl. 11 (figs 15-16). ST(S): Germany, "Ratisbona" [= Regensburg]; lost.
Cimex pallipes Fabricius, 1781: 376 (syn. Fieber, 1861a: 151). ST(S): Europe; ZMUC.
Miris rusticus Panzer, 1804: 17. Objective syn. of Cimex bifurcatus Goeze, 1778.
Gerris denticollis Fallén, 1807: 115 (syn. Germar, 1824a: 22). ST(S): Sweden, "prope Abingsas Westrogothiae".
Cimex leviathan (non Goeze, 1778): Tigny, 1802: 272. Emendation for Cimex leviatan Goeze, 1778 (see note). Misidentification (see Reuter, 1888a: 356).
Pygolampis denticulata Germar, 1817: 286 (also as "Miris? denticulata") (syn. Germar, 1824a: 22, with bifurcatus). ST(S): Austria ("Krain") and Germany.
Ochetopus spinicollis Hahn, 1833a: 177 (syn. Burmeister, 1835: 243). ST(S): 3 spec., Germany, Würmsee, nr Munich, Muggendorf and Nürnberg.
Lygaeus spinulatus Contarini, 1847: 190 (syn. Schumacher, 1918b: 33). ST(S): Italy, Venice.
Pygolampis bidentata var. obscuripes Rey, 1888: 194. STS: 2 spec., France (Bresse) and Italy; MHNL.
Pygolampis cognata Horváth, 1899e: 367 (syn. P.V. Putshkov, 1982b: 309). ST(S): male, Russia (FE), Vladivostok; HNHM.
Pygolampis cortesae Dispons, 1955a: 196 (syn. Moulet, 2006a: 324). LT (P.V. Putshkov & Pluot-Sigwalt, 2008: 194): male, Algeria, Great Kabylia, oued Aissi; MNHN.