Rhacognathus punctatus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Cimex punctatus Linnaeus, 1758: 444. ST(S): Europe; LSUK?

Cimex variegatus Goeze, 1778: 235 (junior primary homonym of Cimex variegatus Poda, 1761; syn. Reuter, 1888a: 149). For Cimex no. 65 in Geoffroy, 1762: 467. ST(S): France, Paris; lost.

Cimex annularis Geoffroy in Fourcroy, 1785: 215. Objective synonym of variegatus Goeze, 1778. #Cimex? avenicola Gistel, 1857: 57 (syn. Kerzhner, 1993b: 104). ST(S): Germany; lost.

Rhacognathus distinctus Schouteden, 1907c: 36 (syn. Kerzhner, 1964c: 367). STS: male, female, Mongolia (north), Selenga: MNHN.