Dacota (Dacota) hesperia Uhler, 1872

Dacota hesperia Uhler, 1872: 414. STS: USA, Colorado and Dacota; USNM.

Rhopalotomus niger Jakovlev, 1889c: 70 (syn. Kerzhner, 1988d: 849; 1988d: 74). LT (Vinokurov, 1978b: 39; see also Kerzhner et al., 1997: 132): female [not male], Russia (ES), Irkutsk; ZMAS.

Nyctidea moesta Reuter, 1903d: 16 (syn. Reuter, 1910b: 86, with niger). HT: female, Russia (ES), Irkutsk; ZMAS.