Eurystylus costalis Stål, 1871


  • Carvalho, J.C.M. 1956a. Heteroptera: Miridae 7(1): 1-100. Insects of Micronesia.
  • Poppius, B. 1911f. Die Arten der Miriden-Gattung Eurystylus Stål, nebst Beschreibung einer neuen Gattung 53A(4): 1-20. Öfversigt af Finska Vetenskaps- Societetens Förhandlingar.
  • Ren, S.Z. 2001b. Morphology and ultrastructure of the eggs of mirid bugs (Hemiptera Miridae): scanning electron microscope observation 8: 6-9. Journal of Tianjin Agricultural College.
  • Stål, C. 1871. Hemiptera Insularum Philippinarum. Bidrag till Philippinska öarnes Hemipter-fauna 27(1870): 607-776. Öfversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlingar.
  • Yasunaga, T., Y.N. Nakatani & F. Chérot 2017a. Review of the mirine plant bug genus Eurystylus Stål from Japan and Taiwan (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Mirinae), with descriptions of two new species, a new synonymy and a new combination 4227 (3): 301-324. Zootaxa.
  • Zheng, L.Y. & C. Chen 1991. On Chinese species of Eurystylus Stål and Eurystylopsis Poppius (Hemiptera: Miridae) 16: 197-203. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica.