Cimex pipistrelli Jenyns, 1839


  • Bartonicka, T. 2008. Cimex pipistrelli (Heteroptera, Cimicidae) and the dispersal propensity of bats: an experimental study 104: 163-168. Parasitology Research.
  • Ivanov, S.A. 2015. New records of true bugs (Heteroptera) from the West Siberia 14 (4): 390-391. Eurasian Entomological Journal.
  • Jenyns, L. 1839. On three undescribed species of the genus Cimex, closely allied to the common bed-bug 3: 241-244. Annals of Natural History.
  • Kerzhner, I.M. 1989b. Cimex pipistrelli Jenyns (Heteroptera, Cimicidae) aus der Mongolei 65: 341-342. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin.
  • Kofler, A. 1990. Parasitische Wanzen an Schwalbe, Mensch und Fledermaus 2: 3. Osttiroler Heimatblätter.
  • Krištofík, J. & P. Kaňuch 2006. First record of Cimex pipistrelli (Cimicidae) in Slovakia 61: 219-220. Biologia, Bratislava.
  • Morkel, C. 1999. Zum Vorkommen von an Fledermäusen (Chiroptera) parasitierende Bettwanzen der Gattung Cimex Linnaeus 1758 (Heteroptera: Cimicidae) in Hessen 18: 38-48. Hessische Faunistische Briefe.
  • Roth, S., C.-C. Coulianos, Th. Persson Vinnersten & E. Roligheten 2018. Cimex pipistrelli complex new to Norway and additional records of bed bug species (Cimicidae, Heteroptera) from Norway and Sweden 65: 118-126. Norwegian Journal of Entomology.